Chipotle To Host Job Fair

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle Mexican Grill scheduled to open a new store at Steelpointe Harbor later this year will host a job fair this Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Margaret Morton Government Center, 999 Broad Street. Chipotle Mexican Grill has more than 800 locations nationwide.

Last week, nearly 2,500 people attended a three-day job fair hosted by Bass Pro Shops at the Klein Memorial Auditorium. Bass Pro Shops with 90 locations nationwide will anchor development at Steelpointe Harbor on the East Side.

“Investors and job creators are taking notice. Steelpointe Harbor is finally happening. And, new jobs–including those being created by Chipotle–are resulting from the business-friendly environment we’re creating,” said Mayor Bill Finch in a statement. “I encourage residents looking for good paying jobs to attend these job fairs.”



  1. “Good-paying jobs?” Bill Finch must be smoking a lot of grass. Chipotle will start employees at minimum wage, $8.25 an hour. A full-time employee will gross about $309 a week, before taxes and Social Security deductions. That’s a puny paycheck, especially for a single mother. Thank God for food stamps.

  2. It’s better to acquire maximum-wage skills than complain about living-wage jobs. Those early jobs at Steelpointe are part of the “employment infrastructure” that encourages office development and should be cheered and not jeered. Think of the future.

  3. Local Eyes, your point is very well taken as the voice of reason on this post.

    Although I appreciate the negative comments of the other posters, it is clear 2500 applicants showing up at the Klein shows there is huge excitement for working at a destination superstore. Where barren land stood for decades, now Chipotle, this is nothing special but does represent jobs for seasoned or youthful workers starting in the workforce. Downplaying the importance to Bridgeport’s future is just sad. These are just the beginning of the largest explosion of economic development to begin in this city in nearly five decades. Mary-Jane Foster has offered no vision on economic development for this city that will bring jobs and Joe Ganim certainly cannot even address Steelpointe with his history of personal gain on that very peninsula. The announcement of housing and a hotel will create a variety of jobs including high-paying management positions. Let’s not forget the construction jobs. For all who want to focus on minimum-wage jobs, I urge you to focus on the bigger picture. Chipotle may not be anything special, but in the next few months Steelpointe will have life daily and construction and that is just the simple fact and Steelpointe will be a huge success.

    1. Steve–you wrote:
      “Although I appreciate the negative comments of the other posters, it is clear 2500 applicants showing up at the Klein shows there is huge excitement for working at a destination superstore.”
      The first thing that came to my mind when I read 2500 people showed up was how terribly sad it is, so many are looking for work. Tragic, really.

      1. Yes and no, of those 2500. This may be the first working experience of many. It sure beats our students commuting to Westport and working in Stop & Shop. We have to be optimistic. I would also say of the 2500 who applied, not all were unemployed. Just excited to work on Steelpointe. Bottom line, I appreciate although low-paying jobs, they are jobs. It is not as though there were a company coming in to pay top wages to unskilled workers and we chose Chipotle. Let’s be grateful for life on the peninsula with better things coming!

      2. hope, you are correct, it’s terribly sad 2500 people showed up for 250 minimum-wage jobs. I keep hearing people don’t want to work and they just want handouts, but this shows just the opposite to be true.

        That’s why it’s so important Bridgeport hires city residents for city jobs.

      3. Hear hear. Bill Finch has been fond of crowing “I’ve created thousands of jobs” but there weren’t enough available with Bass Pro. How many positions are they offering, 40, 50? Where are the other thousands?

  4. Well, it is a start. Yes, the staff working at Chipotle will be young. High school and maybe some UB students. Yes, minimum wage to $10 an hour jobs. Look at it as a decent option for a meal.

    1. This is Bridgeport, Coach T. We have REAL Mexican restaurants, places that serve authentic Mexican food. A chain store is just not good enough.

      1. I agree with that one. Bridgeport has the best authentic Mexican Restaurants all over the city. But bottom line, this is a start of amazing things to come and Kid, I totally do not believe any of this development including a train station would be happening under any other administration. The Mayor has a strong relationship with Hartford and Washington. GANIM, FORGET ABOUT IT.

  5. What about The Machine, remember? There was a time I thought it was omnipotent. Now I wonder if the machine is working on behalf of Mayor Finch. Ganim promised a negative campaign but it hasn’t happened yet.

    1. Local Eyes,
      It is hard to see things clearly from your perch on the telephone line in Trumbull. Finch and Ganim have been running nasty campaigns, hurling accusations and casting aspersions toward each other. For all the belief people have in the candidates, their behavior on the campaign trail is beginning to backfire. People are growing weary of the mudslinging. A growing number of voters are seriously considering other candidates.


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