Charlie Tries For Mayor Again

He’s run for mayor before and he’s trying again. From Charlie Coviello:


Charles (Charlie) Coviello is filing an exploratory committee application with the Bridgeport Town Clerk’s office on Thursday, January 6, 2011 to run for Mayor of Bridgeport. Charlie has run twice before in 2003 and again in 2007 when he withdrew from the primary.

The intervening 3 years were well spent by Charlie as he has been the only community activist and advocate to become a regular contributor to the needs of Bridgeport’s diverse communities. Taking up the battle for the average person, as long as the cause was right, he stands up for the rights and dignity of people who were denied.

Despite not being an elected official, Charlie has helped more Bridgeport residents solve complicated problems than all of the regular legislators combined. Whether it was home foreclosure, eviction proceedings, tax issues, juvenile substance abuse, school issues or even senior citizen needs, Charlie was there to help.

The City of Bridgeport has incredible problems regarding their ability to sustain the basic services to the community. Rather than just another candidate who says elects me and I will solve the problems, Charlie has real specific plans.

Charlie has been developing and initiating independently a number of solutions to address our most serious problems. These plans will be rolled out over the next few months which will address bringing in jobs, attracting new industries, developing a heating district to use waste energy to lower energy costs, building a program to positively impact our school drop out and low achievement issues, increase the City’s revenue stream to stabilize taxes and maintain services to the community and rebuild the City’s physical and communication infrastructure.


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