UPDATE: Bradley and Hanks qualified for grants on Thursday. The State Elections Enforcement Commission is in overdrive trying to keep pace with candidate grant requests under the state’s Citizens Election Program of publicly funded races. With August 14 primaries on the horizon a number of candidates are awaiting grant application approval for campaign spend-down in the final weeks, including State Senate Democrats Dennis Bradley and Aaron Turner as well as State House candidates Shante Hanks and Charlie Stallworth who’ll square off in primaries.
State candidates must reach a small donor fundraising threshold to achieve the public grant. Bridgeport is a party-dominant district with more primary voters to reach so the respective qualifying candidates receive extra loot. For State Senate the primary grant is $84,450.00, for State House it’s $28,150.00
The primary grant for governor is $1,354,250.00, for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the State, State Comptroller, State Treasurer, Attorney General its $406,275.00
See grant amount guidelines here.
Democratic endorsed for governor Ned Lamont is bypassing the voluntary public financing program for a self-funding effort. Mayor Joe Ganim, his primary opponent, is raising money outside the program because he’s prohibited from participation as a result of his 2003 public corruption conviction.
Connecticut’s 23rd Senate District is an open seat currently occupied by Ed Gomes who is retiring at the end of this term. Bradley, a school board member, is the endorsed candidate challenged by Turner, former legislative aide to Gomes. Bradley lost a primary to Gomes two years ago as the endorsed candidate. The district covers about two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford. Connecticut’s 126th State House seat is occupied by Stallworth, but he lost the endorsement to Hanks so was required to petition onto the ballot. The district covers a portion of the North End and cuts across the city to take in a piece of the Upper East Side.
The Line A Democratic primary ballot in Bridgeport’s portion of Connecticut’s 23rd Senate District looks like this: Governor Ned Lamont, Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz, State Senator Dennis Bradley, State Representative Shante Hanks, followed by the remaining constitutional offices with primaries.
Line B, Governor Joe Ganim, Lieutenant Governor Eva Bermudez Zimmerman, State Senator Aaron Turner, State Representative Charlie Stallworth, followed by the remaining constitutional offices with primaries.
Complete list of qualified candidates:
The first candidate listed is party endorsed.
Ned Lamont
Joe Ganim
Lieutenant Governor
Susan Bysiewicz
Eva Bermudez Zimmerman
State Senator 23rd District
Dennis Bradley
Aaron Turner
State Rep. 126th District
Shante Hanks
Charlie Stallworth
Shawn Wooden
Dita Bhargava
Attorney General
William Tong
Paul Doyle
Chris Mattei
Mark Boughton
Timothy Herbst
Steve Obsitnik
Bob Stefanowski
David Stemerman
Lieutenant Governor
Joe Markley
Jayme Stevenson
Erin Stewart
U.S. Senator
Matthew Cory
Dominic Rapini
State Senator 23rd District
John Rodriguez
Casimir “Caz” Mizera
State Rep 128th District
Luis Colon
Ethan Book
Thad Gray
Art Linares
Kurt Miller
Mark Greenberg
Attorney General
Sue Hatfield
John Shaban
So if you run for Governor unopposed you still receive $2,000,000??
What a racket. no one is running against you and you get $2,000,000??
Talk about a waste of money.
Who is running for Governor unopposed? Yes it would be a waste of money if that were a fact.
Then lets set it at zero.
Its in the state law or can’t you bother reading it?
When will they hear the complaint against Dennis Bradley?
After the primary election?
That doesn’t sound right.
He tries to make a deal with the candidate for mayor of Stratford to give her money in return for her endorsement for State Senator and the SEEC twiddles their thumbs and delays the investigation?
Just putting it out there…
On the way to work last Tuesday I passed Bonnie Roach slumped in a folding chair outside her husband’s fabulous dive bar. “You’re a fucking asshole!” she cawed. Really, lady? REALLY? This is the mouth and face of the Democratic Town Committee in Black Rock, in all her glory. The Original Black Rock Bitch.
Bridgeport Kid,
Perhaps it is an oversight and Lennie hasn’t corrected it . Bonnie Roach is not a member of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. It is disturbing that this would be posted without proof it was said as it is a character assault and whether you like Bonnie Roach or not can anyone believe she said that or better yet , unprovoked? I am enjoying my lunch and still shaking my head . The disrespect is just outrageous.
You’re a shameless asshole so I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think. I didn’t say she was a member. I said she was the mouth and face in Black Rock. Given that you are a college educated school teacher it is surprising you would miss the nuance. But then, you work for the Mario Machine.
Excuse me Mr Derek Brown, Again , You are incorrect. You said she was the mouth and Face of the Democratic Town Committee. I did not miss the nuance. it was your shameless post and I did not make up your words. ” She is the mouth and face and mouth piece of the Democratic Town Committee in Black Rock. I corrected you.You also referred to her as the original Black Rock bitch. I am just curious as to why you made a comment about her at all? Not sure if I am shameless or not.
Further, to echo many that do not post, I wonder why Lennie is absent as a moderator on his blog.
I work for the city of Bridgeport. I run the Democratic Town Committee Facebook page and I have always served the city of Bridgeport. This post was just addressing an unnecessary character assault. That’s all. There is only Donald Day that agrees with you and well that speaks volumes.
It is 5:43- my day is done and I have other responsibilities. 10 hours is enough don’t you think? Time certainly does fly.
When you shake your head it sounds like a can of Rustoleum spray paint being stirred.
“She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness. It is the feet of clay that make the gold of the image precious.”
― Oscar Wilde,
The truth hurts, take it like a man. You’re not a fucking asshole, you’re the original fucking asshole.
I’d rather be known as a fucking asshole than the whack job that cut off his own finger to appease the gods.
Truth hurts.
Bridgeport Kid is a POS. Karma is the real original bitch. Time will tell kid.
My karma just ran over your dogma.
Derek, you need to listen to him when he talks about character assault because he had shown that he can character assault with the best.
Steven Auerbach // Aug 10, 2015 at 2:06 pm
And this is why I think the Rev. McBride is a poor excuse for a minister and an embarrassment to her community and why politics and religion do not mix. This is a racist effort on Ganim and McBride’s part to divide the community. She has no shame. She is a bad politician hiding under the cloak of a minister. Religion and politics don’t mix. See Mayor, no respect. You went to the Church, read the proclamation, said kind words and this is how an ordained Minister reacts when they have their lips firmly planted on Mr. Joseph Ganim’s ass.
She is quickly becoming a cartoon character, a joke!!!
Donald Day stick to talking about your own issues. Ass kissing Marilyn Moore and talking about Afro Centric issues- The fact that Lennie allows you or anyone else to post other peoples comments does in fact bait and also makes one realize time and again that this blog has become truly obsolete and to be honest Donald , Most people off this blog find you to be a racist bore. As Far as Reverand Mary Lee Mcbride– I have apologized to her because : She is a Strong Black Woman with her own mind” My passion did get the best of me – Now why don’t you and Marilyn Moore walk the streets of Bridgeport and get Ned Lamont the votes he needs. I like the way she is paraded around like – well you know the way Ganim does with his friend Stallworth. The difference is they are friends and Marilyn is just a Lamont follower hoping to get something for herself. Thank you for posting my past comments and doing the research- It proves I am still the number one contributor to this blog and you are not.
Next time you want to stick your foot into your mouth make a comment that is relevant. My comment was respectful and siding with Derik Brown on this makes you look like an idiot! Don’t you think? Most would agree with me. So mind your business when the comment is not addressed to you and please refrain from researching my comments from years ago. People evolve- Some anyway. Clearly you haven’t evolved. Sad . Very sad. Lennie, you continue to disappoint. You can’t create a button for people to correct their posts but allow others to reprint my contributions to this blog good , bad or otherwise.
Whatever will I do when these losers keep reprinting my past comments when I am running for Mayor. Oh what will I do?
Gonna run for mayor of Munchkin City?
Steven, did you not read the OIB Terms of Agreement? Have you noticed the OIB link to the OIB Archive? Everything one posts on OIB goes to the archive automatically. The only thing you can do to avoid having your past OIB posts used against you is to buy the blog from Lennie and make any changes you’d like such as banning the original fucking asshole.
Joel, I have no problem with retired individuals going through the archives and reprinting my posts. If they had an original idea they’d use it. Based on my in box I am comfortable. Buying the blog from Lennie? Lolololol. Most of the clicks he gets is from me. I am happy to get him advertising.
Mario dropped the ball on this one unless he thinks Aaron Turner and Charlie Stallworth improve Ganim’s chances by being on the same line as Joe.
Come to think of it, maybe he does. Its genius; pure genius!!!
Stevie been at Lunch for an hour and a flucking half now!!!
Stevie’s been out to lunch since flucking 1980!!!
Stevie is out to lunch, period. End of story.
Sad, very very sad. Lennie is a moderator not a censor and your words will live much longer than you. Quit saying vile hateful things and you won’t have to worry about your words being used to beat your ignorant ass.
Steven Auerbach // Jan 27, 2018
Donald Day it is an anti- semetic comment. Period. I am a jew you are a Negro. If they said those 2 Negros went to the same Church like Aresta Johnson and Principal Giles would that be offensive to you? You bet your ass it is anti-semetic. Being Afro-centric I can understand how you wouldn’t get it. It would be the equivalent of saying those 2 Niggers go to the same Church.
Marshall Marcus // Jan 28, 2018 at 1:45 pm
You say you don’t use the ‘n’ word, yet to type it trying to prove a point. Not necessary and just as offensive as Martinez’s remarks.
You are just adding fuel to the fire.
A moron, an asshole and a substitute teacher walk into a bar. The bartender asks “Hi Steve, what’ll you have?”
The teachers says I’ll have a shot of Jack Daniels, The asshole says I’ll have anything after I’m done playing my guitar and the Moron says Ganim raised our taxes 28 percent he lied. I don’t care about a re- evaluation!
Love you Kid, hope you had a great 4th. I really mean that, don’t ever let inferior individuals get away with it, slay them with your talent for winning the “war of words and truth!
Donald Day again I say shame on Lennie- I do not regret any comment I ever made to you on this blog . The good news Donald Day- My actions will live on a lot longer and I am documented on more blogs that actually have a readership. My Facebook page gets more response from followers and you just don’t even rate any further comment. You and Marilyn represent 2 votes get busy! Try not to respond to anything I post . If you can help it. I mean I know people hold on to every word I say but digging up my past comments is something that only you and Ron Mackey seem to do- I guess retired Firemen have nothing better to do. May I offer a suggestion that you can contribute to society instead of being an OIB contributor using my words or you usual redundant comments that people in your community find annoying. Me , I am not interested in pretty much anything you have to say.
y the way- The above comment I made I stand by 100 percent. The fact that Marshall Marcus chimed in is beyond laughable to me.
Stevie is your lunch over now?
Hey Steve, Jesus was a Jew, Jesus Driving the Money Changers from the Temple, Steve who was Jesus driving out of the Temple?
Steve, Elena Kagan is a Jewish American judge and an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court along with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, well these two women are Jews have lunch and dinner tighter, they sit and deliberate on legal cases tighter and most of the time they vote the same way.
Ron Mackey , Rhianna and Beyonce are black. They sing the same music. They are often head to head for Grammys- most of the time they follow each other up the Hot 100 and urban contemporary music… Hey Ron Mackey Madonna and Lady Gaga. They have similar careers both white both did Rock divas. Both recipients of many awards both nominated and received many Grammy’s. What the hell is your point with Jesus being Jewish and members of the supreme Court? Seriously Ron Mackey what are you saying and what does that have to do with No nie Roach and Bridgeport Kids post? Jesus was a Jew you however are not and the fact that he had a problem with money changers has what to do with Donald Day playing Marilyn Moore’s chauffer ..?? What is your point or are you discussing old posts? Old people always looking backwards. Look to the future dude it is so much brighter. Please don’t engage me in bullshit .No longer interested.
Steve, try reading your own comments above from Jan 27, ,2018// that Donald Day post July 5, 2018 at 5:12 pm. You seem to forget your racist comments.
Ron , Notice I don’t respond- you and Day love the archives- enjoy! In my world- You don’t exist . I don’t need to respond to my comments. You and brother day tag team – Boring as hell. Go hang out in Branford with Bob Walsh and write a letter of support for him making a racist phone call to a former councilwoman- Better yet . Go back to 2012 when I was supporting MJF When I get bored I think I’ll post some of your comments – Nah, I could never be that bored to go to the archives and reprint anything . Who the hell has the time these days other than you and Day. Maybe if you guys were involved with saving the Freeman house your time would be so much more important- You guys are all talk about your community and do absolutely nothing but talk. Enough already.-
Must make a great impression, Steve. You have to blow your own, er, horn…
Stevie admits to shamelessness. Alert the news media…
People that think everyone likes them.
They’re trying to talk like they’re a genius, when they are obviously as dumb as a doorknob.
Or they’re trying to beef up their own credibility, so you’ll listen to their stupid advice.
Or they’re bragging about some moronic thing that they did in the hopes that you’ll think they’re cool.
Get in where you fit in!
Donald Day, take your advice.
Wow Steve,this was when you though Finch was going to win the primary I guess.And now you are a lap dog for Joe because he won,don’t you have any pride??.Sad Steve,just sad,to all of Steve’s “friends” who he is nice to now,you better be careful,if you lose an election or fall out of favor with Mario and Joe,he’ll talk about you on here just like he did above about Miss Mcbride and Joe.
Another wow Steve,look up the word “ironic”,it applys to you.
Steve for christ’s sake,have some pride and respect for yourself.
Steve Auberbach, what s loser, be a man and stand by your comments or except that you were wrong. Run away from your false anti-semitis comment. Steve you mentionedy my support of Mary Jane Foster, I proudly supported Ms Foster, she did great work at the University of Bridgeport, then you talk negatively about Senator Marlyin Moore. Steve what is it about women that you throw shade at them? As for one of your heroes Bill Finch, I’ve never supported him for anything, he’s a loser like you waiting for someone to give you a job. You don’t like Senator Moore because she beat your boy Tony Musto. Go hide again.
Ron Mackey as I am taking a breakfast Break- I only have to say to you you spelled my name incorrectly 2 times — It is Auerbach
The only thing I continue to get out of this thread is that I remain the number one star on this blog, I appreciate you , Day and Weintraub as well as Kid digging up my past and grateful that Lennie has allowed you the opportunity to do so.
I feel like a superstar. The fact that you go through the past to dig up my comments.
Man up Ron. I have bigger balls than you- I stand by my comments. When Ganims people handed me 50 pages of Lennies blog and asked me if I really said all of those things I said yes. Thanks for your honesty – your hired.
As for Marilyn Moore, Well I did support Musto- I supported Moore when she won and stood in front of Winthrop school with her Sweat Shirt. Stacy Zimmerman was her manager at the time. She never thanked me.
I went to the Trumbull Town Committee to support Marilyn and literally dragged 3 other delegates with me. I really went to hear Sarah Lewis make her speech. The fact that Marilyn is supported by you and Day I will publically state — I am supporting The Republican challenger- He will lose of course because the Republican Party is dead, I do believe the gentleman that is a teacher in the Bridgeport Public Schools is an excellent candidate and I could not possibly support any candidate you never associated with, So there you have it. The last word with Steven Auerbach. Everyone have a fantastic July 6th 2018. It is a great day and I enjoying Fruta Juice in beautiful downtown Bridgeport. Ron Mackey- remember it is AUERBACH and go hide again???? Don’t understand that comment. Don’t really care. 🙂 be well and get busy saving the Freeman House in the South End- Just a minute from your home and you have done nothing- absolutely nothing- So much for your support from the Black Community. I have been supporting the rehab since I first spoke to the Naacp years ago before ABCD got their hands on!
That’s my contribution.
Steve, you only support incumbents and you seem to have a problem with certain women. You were the biggest cheerleader for incumbents Finch and Musto, it didn’t matter what their record was it was the fact that they were incumbents. Now you’re on the Ganim bandwagon because he’s the current incumbent mayor in Bridgeport. You are so popular that you need to run for public office. As for those on OIB who post find you to be a clown who gives everybody a good laugh.
Is there a coherent comment in the above post?
Hey Stevie,
You had better let Joe know the Downtown Bridgeport’s falling down, falling down, falling down.
Downtown Bridgeport’s falling down, my fear lady.
Mackey, why would you address this clown? He’s got his head so far up Mayor Ganim’s ass that if Ganim farted he would blow his brains out. He has his lips are firmly planted on Mayor Ganim’s ass, hey that sounds familiar. He’s just another typical Bridgeport political ass wipe, can’t be bought, but you sure hell can rent his punk ass and you can get him for cheap.
Who gives a damn about an old house when Black people need jobs and hope. What he has ever done, like you and I have done where we helped 40 – 50 young Black, Latinos and women get jobs in the Bridgeport fire department and helped another 30 or so reach elevated rank in the BFD including the two Black battalion chiefs. Our actions changed the lives of a multitude of black’s, Latinos and women as well as the lives of their children. You don’t owe this clown an explanation, let him crawl back in obscurity where he can be around all the people that love a clown.
Ron Mackey- Take Donald Days advice and stop responding to this clown. Donald Day take my advise and stop talking to this clown. And stop responding to people that have asked you to mind your business. I want your opinion- I will give it to you. Ron Mackey , I don’t have a problem with certain woman . I have a problem with certain candidates. If you are supporting a candidate I have to believe you are supporting their agenda- Your agenda is not mine. Simple. Ironic how you and Day can not stand it when people do not support your candidate.
Bob Walsh- Bob Keeley lost the election but wanted to thank you for all of your hard work. Could you please make sure he pays Ms. Pappas the money he owes her? Have a great weekend all. GOTTA WORK MY ASS OFF FOR NED. HE IS PUTTING BRIDGEPORT FIRST.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
gOOD LUCK TO Herbst. I’ll see the family at Vazzy’s.
Donald Day – Spend time talking about the Freeman House- Do something constructive. Driving Miss Daisy is not being constructive. Drive on into the Sunset. And bring Lamont 3 votes.
Everyone loves a clown- Bridgeport Kid and Jim Fox prove that and there is nothing wrong with being a clown. If it brings a smile and joy to someone by all means that’s a gift- You are just depressing –
Who cares about an old house when “Black People need jobs”? Day- what the hell does one thing have to do with the other? You are helping neither . FREEMAN HOUSE. I think it is worth saving – you do not- You think its 1964- Well it is 2018- welcome to the 21st century. If the home is not preserved it will be forgotten forever and so will the accomplishments of the Freeman family- Oh well – so much for respect in your community. You should be ashamesd
Who gives a damn about an old house when Black people need jobs and hope. What he has ever done, like you and I have done where we helped 40 – 50 young Black, Latinos and women get jobs in the Bridgeport fire department and helped another 30 or so reach elevated rank in the BFD including the two Black battalion chiefs. Our actions changed the lives of a multitude of black’s, Latinos and women as well as the lives of their children.
You save the old house, I’m busy changing lives of Bridgeport resident’s.
Oh yes I forgot, preference points for Bridgeport residents is ours. Go to the city clerk’s office and ask Don Clemmons where he got the preference point proposal that he submitted to the city council when he was a member.
That’s the gift that keeps on giving to Bridgeport residents and if Mackey and I never do another Damn thing in Bridgeport you’ll never be able to replicate that kind of success if you lived another two miserable lifetimes.
But Don, Steven Auerbach has…….awww, Steve has……, well Don Steve is a substitute teacher and after many hours of researching a was able to come across Steve in action with students in his classroom.
Ron Mackey, for 4 years I was a Substitute teacher. You’d have to ask Tom White and Marshall Marcus about making a career put of it. I do not regret the 4 year hiatus. I have had a very nice life and very interesting careers.. your insulting me doesn’t make you look any better. Same job, same people day after day for your entire life. It has made you wordly.huge black chips on your shoulders and how lucky to have the OIB platform to share your agenda. Like anyone outside of this blog could listen to your crap. So when you insult me and my career, first find out what I’ve done. Remember when you insult Substitute teachers you are insulting Tom White and Marshall Marcus.. me I am not a substitute. When you insult Ganim you are insulting Lennie Grimaldi and when you insult me it’s ok. On this blog it has been the norm . It’s all about Marilyn Moore. It’s all about your candidates and no respect for anyone else. I have no problem being the lone contributor on this blog. It does however bore the crap out of me like now. I do wish you all of the best… I would hope you’d make the Freemen House an portant issue for you and push for expediting the Marina Village housing by Seaside Village. We need affordable housing immediately. Make yourselves useful. Attacking me is a waste of your time.
Steve, why are you telling me about Freeman House because I’ve not mention that at any time? Oh that’s right, all blacks look alike, so that’s why you compare yourself with Tom White and Marshall Marcus because all whites look alike. Steve, please don’t compare yourself with Tom White and Marshall Marcus because you come no where near these two men. Stay in your clown line and cheerleading with your pom poms.