Campaign Junkies Take Note Of Election Calendar, How Much AB Action In Town Committee Races?

The website for Connecticut’s Secretary of the State has posted the 2014 election calendar loaded with dates that dictate the campaign schedule for a variety of offices including delegate selection, endorsements and availability of absentee ballots. For instance absentee ballots for Democratic Town Committee primaries in March will be available Feb. 11. Can’t wait to see the AB activity for those district battles.

Primary petitions for town committee races must be filed with the Registrar’s Office by this Wednesday at 4 p.m. We could see primaries in as many as six districts: 130 (Black Rock/West End), 132 (West Side), 135 (North End), and 136, 137, 138 covering East Side and Upper East Side. After the Registrar’s Office approves the various town committee slates the names of candidates are forwarded to the Town Clerk’s Office to prepare absentee ballots. In the coming weeks a steady stream of political operatives from across the city will sign out absentee ballot applications for distribution to serial absentee ballot voters, particularly senior citizens not inclined to vote on a potentially cold early March day.

Connecticut is among just a handful of states with excuse-only absentee ballot voting such as the inability to vote on election day due to health issues or work travel. Most states have some sort of early voting that does not require an excuse. A ballot question in November will ask state voters if they want early voting.

State election calendar here.



  1. *** Excuse-voting A/B’s is a joke, so the state should move towards the early voting system like other states have. The easier the process for voters is to vote and the fewer reasons for people handling A/B’s in between, the better! They probably would not need as many workers at the toothless SEEC, no? ***

  2. I’m a right-winger when it comes to early voting. I disapprove of it and think your own personal locomotion should determine your right to vote. If you can’t get there, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I do not believe in absentee voting, either.
    Early voting discriminates against those who use regular voting hours, which are extremely accommodating.

    1. Local Eyes, how does early voting discriminated against those who use regular voting hours? Did they lose their right to vote or is their opportunity expanded?


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