Breaking Bread With SHU’s President

Sacred Heart University and the North End have a love-hate relationship. School campus proper is located in Fairfield, but dorms are located in Bridgeport and scores of students live in North End rentals. Lubricated students causing havoc in the neighborhood was a major point of contention between political leaders and former President Anthony Cernera who left under a cranky cloud last year.

New SHU President John Petillo, several members of the City Council and members of the North End Association including Tom Errichetti will conduct a neighborhood meeting with Petillo Wednesday at 6 p.m. at SHU’s University Commons. Residents are invited, according to AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia who represents the North End on the City Council. Other council members expected to attend are Michelle Lyons, Howard Austin and City Council President Tom McCarthy.

Cernera, who had an elitist’s grip, never embraced a university relationship with the city. Hopefully, Petillo understands the common good that can come from SHU’s city involvement.



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