1. The gunshots in Butler PA from a 20 year old white male with a weapon in his family home has attracted much notice to Trump obviously, a genuine desire from all for understanding whatever “facts” or records may exist as to his motivation, and sadness at the consequences for other humans at the rally, far more serious than received by candidate Trump.
    The history of public violence intersecting with political figures in the United States is not a proud record. In this instance the weapon and ammunition was used “aggressively or offensively” rather than a form of personal protection or placing food on the table. That is why the public seeks to know the facts, all of them behind the attack, since the perpetrator is not with us to relay what was in his mind.
    Christopher Rufo, a writer of some note since he staked out a position in 2020 on ‘critical race theory’ (c.r.t.), then diversity, inclusion, and equity (d.i.e.), and support of other Libertarian political philsophy bent today has found fault with the number of women in the Secret Service and blames that on d.i.e., sentiment. That should not be a surprise to folks who can see the 2025 Program assuring white, males, particularly of some wealth a special place in Trump’s planned replacement for democratic activity and civil rights respected for all people.
    Our Founders were for all practical purposes white men, of some substance such that they secured an education that allowed them to move forward in employment or business. By 1770 many folks in the North were unhappy dealing with Royal leadership across the Atlantic and creating new documents of governance called forth Common Sense, Articles of Confederation, and subequently the Bill of Rights and Constitution that has been amended enough times to make the point that the minds of the governed may change, and governing law must adjust as well.
    If the American Revolution was our first revolution, and the Civil War (with a variety of names including War Between the States, or War of Northern Agression, etc.) was termed a “revolution” by many on both sides according to author Erik Larson, Demons of Unrest, where is the confrontation of thoughts, ideas, facts and opinions, with logic and reason that can rid our community of “white supremacy”? Time will tell.

  2. John, I wouldn’t downplay Trump’s injuries to the collateral damage of innocent bystanders shot and killed. It was Trump’s head that they were trying to blow off.

    That being said, you are right the motive is baffling to me. I don’t see this 20 kid as more than a patsy and collateral damage in his own right.

    I am saying the political rhetoric couldn’t have produced a would-be assassin but this was not Regon assassination attempt. This is JFK shit IMO

    His gun didn’t have a scope, Tt has been reported the cops engaged him on the roof and “retreated” when raised his gun. Only to get three shots off missing the target, Trump’s head, in inches. before the SS snipers killed when Trump finally took cover and target, Trump’s head was no longer visible.

    Sounds like you are saying the SS women are collateral damage for the SS. There has to be blame on such things no doubt about that.

    P.S Can it be written from another perspective that the other white male, who had a disaster debate where calls for the removal of a woman of color because it seemed he would most likely lose Where you can see the 2025 Program assuring white, males, particularly of some wealth a special place and planned replacement for democratic activity and civil rights respected for all people. Where such an act is warranted to hold on teh that “white supremacy”

    That being said, however, a SIMPLE mind tends to gravitate toward Occam’s razor.



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