![Lee, Butler Lee, Butler](http://onlyinbridgeport.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/lee-e1352248388305-440x330.jpg)
Update, includes Finch statement: On a day the state’s largest city turned out for president, voters defeated a ballot question and kept selection of school board members in their hands. Mayor Bill Finch and his supporters pushed for a yes vote that would give him the power to appoint members to the board of education. No vote supporters who worked in earnest to preserve school board selection in the hands of voters prevailed. With most precincts reporting by late Tuesday night, mayoral supporters conceded the question was defeated.
The ballot question was historic for spending purposes in city elections with both sides of the issue spending close to $1 million combined to make their case. The measure was proposed by a Charter Revision Commission appointed by the mayor. The question was approved by the City Council for ballot placement.
“This was a David versus Goliath race and the people have spoken,” said former State Senator Ernie Newton who urged East End residents to vote against the question. “You cannot take away a person’s right to vote.”
The mayoral coalition received the backing of independent expenditures from StudentsFirst and Excel Bridgeport. The no coalition was backed by the Bridgeport Education Association, Connecticut’s Working Families Party, the Connecticut Citizen Action Group and numerous city political figures.
The mayoral coalition framed its message as a school reform movement while the opposition explained that it was simply a movement to strip voting rights.
While the ballot question was defeated, all Democrats won or retained their state legislative seats including Andres Ayala who won Connecticut’s 23rd State Senate seat and Christina Ayala who won her seat to replace her cousin Andres in the State House. Congressman Jim Himes also won his third term in Connecticut’s 4th District.
Statement from Finch:
“As a father of four current and former Bridgeport public school students, I deeply care about closing our achievement gap and improving our schools. I appointed a bi-partisan commission to review charter changes, they made their recommendations and these were approved unanimously by the City Council. I chose to initiate this process and to put this controversial, but important question on the ballot at a time when the largest amount of our residents would be likely to participate in voting. I did this, because I strongly believe in our democracy and want to ensure that everyone possible had their say in this decision.
“Our residents have spoken and I respect their decision. While I believe that the New York, Boston and Providence model would have ensured greater progress for our schools and better results for our students, I will devote an equal amount of energy to improving our schools, accepting that the current model of government means that I have no legal authority to direct our school system.
“As President Barack Obama stated, ‘The strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose.’
“I believe that our children’s future is our greater purpose. I hope that those who are and will be involved in the Board of Education will take these words to heart as we all move forward to improve our schools.”
News release from the CT Working Families Party:
The controversial ballot question that would take away Bridgeport’s right to vote for its Board of Education has failed to pass.
This election Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch and his corporate allies spent around a million dollars to pass an anti-democratic, anti-union ballot measure that would impact the Board of Education and all city officials and their departments.
Over the last few months the Connecticut Working Families Party has partnered with its brothers and sisters in AFT and CEA, along with Connecticut Citizens Action Group to defeat the ballot measure, knocking on over 17,000 doors in the city. The Connecticut Working Families Party recently elected John Bagley to the Bridgeport Board of Education, the third Working Families Party member of the nine person board.
“This is an astounding victory,” said Lindsay Farrell, Executive Director of the Connecticut Working Families Party. “It was unconscionable that Mayor Finch wanted to take away Bridgeport’s right to vote. We though it was important to stand up against big money and special interests. This ballot measure was undemocratic and misleading. Disenfranchising voters wouldn’t have improved Bridgeport’s schools. I’m proud we defeated it in the face of such opposition.”
Precinct results on ballot question:
Aquaculture School: 511 Yes, 347 No
Beardsley: 242 Yes, 227 No
JFK: 624 Yes, 959 No
Dunbar: 638 Yes, 1020 No
Barnum: 400 Yes, 300 No
Bassick: 365 Yes, 469 No
Winthrop: 976 Yes, 1209 No
City Hall: 130 Yes, 182 No
Central: 1025 Yes, 1491 No
Marin: 875 Yes, 538 No
Cross: 744 Yes, 942 No
Harding: 591 Yes, 716 No
Johnson: 721 Yes, 842 No
Black Rock: 934 Yes, 877 No
Hooker: 636 Yes, 1069 No
Park City: 446 Yes, 807 No
Hallen: 674 Yes, 595 No
Who in their right mind would want to give Finch/Testa/Timpanelli the power to control the lucrative goods and services portion of the BOE budget?
*** Big ups to JML! ***
Time will tell! Thanks, JML!
Congratulations to JML, who’s about as grass roots-y as you can get.
Time has told what time will tell.
Was just heard coming out of City Hall Annex in Bridgeport.
The defeat of the charter revision can be accurately interpreted as the city’s voters saying, clearly and unequivocally, “Get the fuck out of here!”
*** BOE QUESTION: Too close for comfort, especially after the AB ballot count! Will it be time to file (foul) with the useless SEEC? ***
Great job, J.M.L.
A real “yes.”
If you missed the yellow vote Yes signs, here is a video for you. Notice they have no attribution or disclaimer on them. Who paid for them? Lennie, there was more money (in cash) spent to try getting this passed. You think they would spend less than $700,000 to try to gain control of over one (1) billion dollars during a four (4) year term?
www .youtube.com/watch?v=2BBslZilufw
www .ct.gov/seec/lib/seec/2012generalelection/2012_cep_training.pdf
Slide number 58. Read it.
I voted at Black Rock School. Two women, on opposite sides of the charter revision question, were shouting “VOTE YES!” and “VOTE NO!” It was obnoxious, made more so by the usual dumb-asses passing out campaign literature no one is allowed to bring in with them. Why do they waste money printing up flyers that are usually discarded within 60 seconds of distribution?
Hello Bridgeport Kid! For the record, I only spent money on gasoline while delivering my message verbally in English and Spanish.
Great job by the “VOTE NO” team and the Bridgeport voters who stood up to Mayor Finch and the big outside money and defeated them; now the next target, Mayor Finch.
If I were Finch I would be asking Linda for a job.
Maybe Finch and Woody can start a tag team. OH! They are a tag team.
There goes John! Hey John, thanks for bringing me into a new insight on society that I may not have fully known if it weren’t from some of the guidance you have showed these past, wow four years. I look for greater things now having seen this charter shot down, this brings our school boards to the next step. One which involves them working hard to make clearer goals for the future. Today I have seen the worst of the Vote Yes supporters and now to sit here and say we did what we had to do and the people have spoken is heart warming. I also thank everyone who came out to Cesar Batalla and Hallen schools. It was nice seeing everyone and getting to know different people. In the words of Caesar, “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered), the words of Vote NO supporters like myself.
What a great victory … the next time someone tells you the machine in Bridgeport cannot be beat or big money rules the day, remind them of this victory. This win is about integrity and doing the right thing–even if it isn’t easy. God bless Bridgeport. How lovely to be the example of how to do the right thing at the right time. Most excellent!
I would like to take the time to ask all those who have joined the OIB family to continue coming here to read and most importantly post comments.
OIB members are real people–few are fakes–who are truly concerned about the State of our City.
Lennie will be busy bringing down the political ads. But the battle continues and we must remain ever so vigilant and active in order to be able to beat back any damaging initiative introduced or in the planning stage.
Normally, OIB traffic drops after the elections. In the past five (5) years, I’ve never seen a ‘Thank you’ ad placed by any of the candidates, win or lose. So much for their appreciation. You–the OIB readers and posters–are always appreciated by me and I’m sure by Lennie too. Keep on coming, OIB is a two-way street and you can bet Speedy will be speeding on it, in both directions.
A great day for Bridgeport
A great day for the 4th Congressional District
A great day for Connecticut
A really great day for the United States of America!!!
Well Done!
I can’t wait to read another hypocritical editorial from the CT Post!
I hope our state rep and city council members in Black Rock can now work on getting that street light fixed in front of the entrance to Black Rock School! They ran a campaign of deceit and misinformation on this issue. Danny did his usual good job of dragging out the dregs from the kegs. 🙂
Now let’s watch Finch flat-fund education in the next budget year.
Wow, I’m shocked no won!!!!!!!!! I voted no but expected yes to win; amazing day for our city. Then again you should see how ghetto the yes people were in front of the schools especially Black Rock. When I went in to vote these two girls were shouting yes and just acting crazy. Anybody who saw that would vote no!!!!!!!!! Lennie can you get me the Obama vs Romney numbers from Black Rock? I’m surprised so many voted, 1800 for the yes no vote the lines were so fast. I have to give it up to the registrar of voters, they did a great job the fastest lines and nicest set of people I’ve seen working the polls.
It’s not over yet, guys. I’m hearing the President of the University of Bridgeport–George Estrada, is considering firing Mary-Jane Foster for her OIB stand against the yes initiative.
George Estrada is the President of the University of Bridgeport?
The yes folks mailed a piece in which it claimed he was President of the University of Bridgeport. He is President at UB, but of the Maintenance Division at UB.
Had you lived in Bridgeport, you would have gotten one in your mail.
Bullshit. He is a Vice President. I am an alumnus of UB. (You are an alumnus of nowhere.) I frequently get alumni mailings from the UB President. It doesn’t come from Estrada.
I am a proud alumnus of Bassick High School class of 1984. It’s all I need to compete with the educated, yet incompetent.
No, the president of UB is Neil Salonen … Joel never ceases to bewilder me with the things he posts.
So if I am now contemplating how Neil is related to Erik Estrada, am I Gullorant or Ignullible? 😉
Joel, when did George Estrada become president of UB? You know something we don’t? Estrada and Foster are both vice presidents.
And people say Bridgeport is zombie land???
Word of advice to the administration: next time you try to push an agenda get decent people working in front of the polls rather than some rude classless people.
That’s why they won’t hire any of us–to them the Godiva2011s of Bridgeport–we are rude, classless people.
This charter revision was a power grab by Finch (and, by extension, the DTC). There’s money to be made in them thar service contracts, supplying food, text books, pencils, writing paper, etc.
Beyond a doubt Joel, you are indeed rude, classless and irrational. You are the only person who I would pass that judgement upon. If I’m not mistaken, you’ve stated in the past on this forum you indeed work for the City of Bridgeport, so why would you say “they won’t hire any of us”? I can’t imagine why they continue to employ you, especially after the crude comment you made about the Mayor being adopted. That was taking it to an extremely low level; in fact, Ms. Foster tossed you from running on her ticket because you were such an embarrassment.
Again Godiva2011 you are taking things out of context. We are talking about the YES organization here. donj feels that it was the administration who hired the people working at the polls. I work for the City of Bridgeport (15 years) not Bill Finch. The mayor was the one who revealed he was adopted. All I wrote was in context with the topic and wording Lennie used. If it bothered the mayor so much, why haven’t I gotten my $500 back? You think you know the facts. But the fact is you just recently joined OIB and haven’t noticed the OIB archive to read what was posted before, during, and after the Bastardic period. If you bother to do so, you will read I had already withdrawn my name from the Sheriff spot, two days before. Yes, George Estrada did allow Residents for a Better Bridgeport to send out a mailing piece in support of the Yes initiative. It reads George Estrada, Vice President, University of Bridgeport. I left the “Vice” out in my comment above the same way George left out the fact that it’s Vice President of the Maintenance division at UB. If you knew Mary-Jane Foster, you’d know she doesn’t think like you or would quickly judge like you do. Not once have I ever heard Mary-Jane Foster use her position at UB when expressing her personal opinion and that includes her comment on OIB when she came out against the YES initiative. She didn’t sign it Mary-Jane Foster, President or Vice President, University of Bridgeport. Here is what Mary-Jane thinks of me and that’s what matters most:
August 27,2011
Dear Joel,
I have just learned of your very generous contribution to my campaign. Thank you for your faith and support. You have been as loyal a friend as anyone and I deeply appreciate it.
May god bless you and yours–
Now Godiva2011, there is nothing you can say or do to change this. It’s been about a year since I contributed the same amount to Finch. The check hasn’t been returned and I sure as hell never got a thank-you note. I got one from Mary-Jane Foster a week after the contribution. You think they appreciate you?
www .youtube.com/watch?v=xos2MnVxe-c
Bpt–you retained your right to vote for the BOE … Now the challenge is for everyone to exercise that right!!! Show up at meetings, demand accountability from all members, and in the future vote out those who are not for progress in the schools.
In all my years in politics I have never, never been prouder to be a member of a voting movement. We had a small group of workers who were told over and over we could not beat the big-money people. Well a group of blacks, Hispanics and whites came together, worked our butts off and won. We were outnumbered by the yellow t-shirt crowd by almost 2 to 1 and still prevailed. I met some great people, made new friends. I have never been prouder of Bridgeport.
To the money crowd that tried to take away our right to vote, go back to the ‘burbs, spend your money helping storm victims.
To the Bridgeport Post Editorial Staff, please resign, go home to the ‘burbs. You are out of touch with Bridgeport.
To George Estrada and the charter revision people, stay out of Bridgeport politics, we have enough yes people already in power.
God bless Bridgeport.
From Finch Statement:
“I appointed a bi-partisan commission to review charter changes, they made their recommendations and these were approved unanimously by the City Council”
From Judge Judy to Bill Finch:
Please don’t pee on my leg and tell me it is raining!”
I haven’t heard any JFK quotes from Bill Finch lately. JFK must be rolling over in his grave!
Finch thinks he is the new Mike Bloomberg. I know Mike Bloomberg, and Finch is NO Mike Bloomberg!
I knew this was going to be close but the CT POST Toasties sealed the deal with their editorial. I can’t wait to see if they put up one of their “This is what we wrote and this is what happened” self-serving editorials.
I got one!
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.–John F. Kennedy
Read more at www .brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_f_kennedy_2.html
Hey, how’s this one?
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.–John F. Kennedy
Read more at www .brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_f_kennedy_4.html
Well it looks like Leticia Colon will be staying on as a BOE person. This means Robles can now put another zero in her place.
Robles was holding off naming her replacement just in case the Yes vote passed. Too bad! Which family member will he name to fill her spot? Don’t worry, the council will go along like they always do.
Andy–They will screw Jack Banta (good guy) and Leticia will be back on the ballot for City Council in 2013.
Bill Finch said people don’t vote for the Board of Education. Well, 23,122, 62% of the voters did yesterday! 54% Voted NO!!!
Hey Andy, the word is Americo Santiago wants the council seat. Mitch Robles is actually against appointing Americo, but it seems like Americo has the support of 5 TC members. The race card is being played here too. The majority don’t want two blacks on the Council representing the 131st. Americo also has enough council members lined up to support him thanks to a little help from Finch and Andres Ayala.
As one of the “No” votes, I’m proud Bridgeport residents stood up for their right to vote, but the real victory comes when there is better education in Bridgeport. We asked to be responsible for education in Bridgeport, so we’re accountable for it now. I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s ideas for moving forward.
Sometimes you have to put it in Reverse to move Forward.
Vallas and his Posse will be gone in June of 2013. Let’s see if Bill’s Mandel’s Messiah, Looney and the Big Bucks Pimpanelli crowd stick around to help fund schools.
I get the feeling it’s the two Russo twins who wrote this comment while dad and mom weren’t looking. Nice to hear from you Chris; say hello to Robert for me.
It’s a great day for Bridgeport and a bad day for Finch. When Tom Applebee asked if this was a “slap in the face” for Mayor Finch on News12 last night, Frank answered and MdGee stayed quiet. Well, I think it was.
Danny Roach had been telling his Black Rock people if the “No” vote prevailed, we can say goodbye to Black Rock School. What’s up with that?
Does anyone know what the final tally on the question was at Black Rock School? It was left out on the OIB recap earlier, I believe.
This was the same tactic used by Sue B on a robo-call. They did the same thing on a different issue, the LDA at Steal Point, against Donna Curran in the ’07 election.
Audie used the Black Rock School tactic against Foster in the 2011 primary.
Sue B and Lapdance Marty?
Danny Roach as usual was and is full of it right up to his eyebrows. This was nothing more than a scare tactic to get people to vote yes.
It’s time for Roach to leave and go back to his bar and wash bar rags. He has done absolutely nothing for Bridgeport except take up space. He is a Finch Lap Dog. I am tired of his bullshit along with the bullshit from the other district leaders except Dottie Guman.
Don’t believe Finch’s come-together speech. He is the most vindictive man I know. Mark my words, heads will roll. Any employee, teacher, union leader who opposed the charter question will be targeted. Stay away from Adam Wood today. He’s in an evil mood.
How can you tell? Has anyone seen Adam Wood with warm blood in his veins?
A great big thank you to everyone who voted NO yesterday … who spoke to their neighbors, people in line, and special thanks to all the parents and teachers who worked so hard and weren’t taken in by deceptive messages and millions of vote yes signs. The mayor has always had the power and authority to bring more resources to education … now let’s make sure we hold him to his commitment to work for PUBLIC education.
While Andres Ayala may not have publicly come out for the yes crowd, he certainly showed whose side he was on when he provided meals for all the Yes workers at the schools in his district.
I know he is the mayor’s boy by his past performances, this just proves it.
Ayala knew there was no way he would lose the election but he still didn’t have the balls to stand up and admit he was in favor of a yes vote; Empty Suit.
Hey Andy, show some respect. emptysuit@facebook.com is my e-mail address and I don’t appreciate it being used in context with Andres or anyone on the yes side.
Joel, I hope you are kidding.
I’m not, Andy; you know I got this clan covered. Give me a call 203-345-9597.
Thank you to all who put the Finch team on their ass, and saved the BoE.
Time for the Mayor to resign so we can elect a Mayor who is interested in the people of this city.
Bridgeport had that opportunity with Mary-Jane Foster.
Fixer, I hear from a very good source Adam is just the Mayor’s step and fetch, Alanna and Andy are the evil people and she checks everything from every department before it goes forward.
To all of you who worked with the coalition in any way, perhaps spoke up at Charter hearings about it, and more recently participated in sending out cards, sharing info with friends and neighbors, perhaps read through all the changes and worked to advance the NO vote yesterday. THANK YOU.
Remember to include people who appeared before the Charter Review Committee early on behalf of children and education and were “grilled” instead of “petted” because they asked questions. And as Rob Traber answered Linda Connor Lambeck’s questions about how he felt, he answered: “Ecstatic!”
Great answer obviously, but he might also have instructed Mayor Finch: “You know Bill, sometimes democracy does work.”
The community of Bridgeport has been underserved by information in the IT age. Take a look at web sites (WPCA for example showing Andrew Abate as Manager. Acting Director William Robinson reports this info, and other on the site is two years old. Why?) Have you heard about CitiStat productivity info lately? Can you access the City monthly financial reports by electronic mail? NOT YET!!! Who will help the City Clerk office come up to speed?
But we have Only In Bridgeport as a mighty sword in sharing info and keeping a somewhat realistic notion of what is happening, even if other media outlets show little or no interest in investigative news.
As I went to Black Rock School at 6:00 AM yesterday morning, I encountered Adam Wood, on a personal day off as he explained to me, inserting multiple yellow YES signs into the ground while wearing a yellow YES t-shirt. He was unhappy for me to get up close to him and ask why we can’t get answers and discuss questions. He indicated I had invaded his personal space and should remove myself … or else he would make a call … he stated I personally was a “little person,” whatever that means. (I am pretty sure this was said without affection but with the sweeping disrespect the administrative leadership has for anyone who fails to kowtow to their every whim.) As I stood my NO post and educated people with questions about the Charter question, I began to see the YELLOW coloration of this Charter issue was emblematic of the lack of courage the Finch team has to discuss, to inform, to answer fair questions relative to accountability. Yellow is a weak and cowardly color, and because of that the YES initiative was called into question and found wanting. I am ecstatic, too. As Andy and others said it was a proud day for democracy where folks of all kinds came together to get the community to say NO to the Charter offering and YES to democratic rights. Lots more activity is needed to turn the City around in so many areas, but this “win” will assist in the future when the hill ahead looks so impossibly steep. Thanks to each of you. Thanks to all of you. Lennie, thanks for your coverage of the prose and the picture is a keeper! Time did tell, but more stories wait to be written.
Well stated, JML. Bridgeport is better due to your tenacity. It is pitiful Adam Wood referred to you as a ‘little person.’ Nothing could be further from the truth.
Never have I felt so comfortable going to the polls this time. Good strong people were alongside the regular usual suspects. I had the impression the regular party people, on their personal days, were cowed by the strong intelligent people who were standing there next to them and felt the strength of democracy instead of the bully presence usually felt, that those such as Finch with their yellow signs hide behind.
Mayor Bill Finch’s decision to take the voting rights of the taxpayers of Bridgeport was cold, calculating, deliberate and intentional. It was “calculating” because he got the newly elected Governor Malloy to help him. It was “deliberate” because Finch got six Board Of Education members to say they were “dysfunctional” and they could not perform their duties. It was “intentional” because Governor Malloy, the six BOE members who refused to perform their duties and Mayor Finch all knew their action would take the VOTING RIGHTS of Bridgeport residents to VOTE for who they believe were the best persons to lead the BOE. It was “cold” because Mayor Finch already has the power to improve the school system because the VOTES ALWAYS were in favor of whatever Mayor Finch wanted, there was always a 6 to 3 winning vote for Mayor Finch so Mayor Finch always had control of the BOE. But what makes Mayor Finch’s decision cold, calculating, deliberate and intentional is the fact Finch has NO understanding of the black community and their history and fight for their RIGHT TO VOTE. To me he showed he didn’t give a damn about blacks’ right to vote.
Finch’s losing statement “As President Barack Obama stated, ‘The strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose,'” goes to show he still doesn’t get it.