Do words matter? They do for Albert Benejan, a city school parent offended by comments Board of Education member Maria Pereira made involving his son–that he says regard health issues–in the OIB comments section. He expressed frustration, vociferously in the face of Pereira, at Wednesday night’s school board meeting. A video capturing the drama that was posted on Democratic Town Committee member Shawn Duque’s Facebook page was taken down.
What’s the genesis of this? OIB posted a story, see here, regarding Superintendent of Schools Aresta Johnson announcing her departure from the district. It prompted a series of opinions in the comments section, including an exchange between Pereira and City Councilman Ernie Newton who’ve been engaged in ongoing tit for tat over a variety of political issues.
Benejan responded to a comment posted by Newton that he feels Pereira unfairly infiltrated.
Is sad , but I agree with you , Mr. Newton . And all this affect our students of Bridgeport Schools
Pereira’s comment:
Fluffy, you would. You are just like Ernie Newton. You cannot spell, capitalize, punctuate or right a comprehensive sentence, yet you want to serve on the school board.
You have so much in common with Ernest Newton.
Benejan responds:
Please do not answer any of my comments, because I am not talking to you in total. I’m answering Mr.Newton. But since you addressed me so unprofessional I want you to know that this is not your problem, how do I write , spell ,capitalize ,punctuate or the way I write my comments, it is not your concerns . Whether or not , I am on School Board, I will never disrespect parents, students, teachers, city council people and the community, as you have done for many years.
And by the way this is the way you have to type the word – Write
Not the way you did it–rightI ask you not to address me at all, in, email, calls, text or personnel, I will call you the the authorities
Pereira’s response:
Albert, you are on a blog, therefore you have no right to privacy.
Feel free to call the “authorities.” Feel free to “write” them as well.
You have disrespected many parents, principals, staff and community members.
Your son has arrived late to school over 100 times at Bassick High School last year, and he continues to consistently arrive late this year, and you drive him to school. That is a direct reflection on you as a parent.
I visited Bassick HS at 9:45 AM and your son was just arriving ahead of me.
What kind of responsible parent drives his teenage student to school late over 100 times in a 182 day school year?
Benejan says it involves a health issue.
Back to the video taken down, at the Wednesday night meeting, Benejan envelops Pereira emotionally. In monotone, she declares repeatedly “move away from me.” After providing an earful, he moves back to his audience seat.
During the confrontation, Johnson had directed her staff to leave the meeting room.
Pereira, after the meeting, asserted her OIB comments do not criticize Benejan’s son. “The comments are about his failure as a parent, not his innocent child.”
When a student relies on their parent to drive them to school because that student is a Control Transfer student enrolled in a school on the other side of town; their excessive tardiness is a reflection of the irresponsible behavior of the parent.
I was not attempting to portray the student in a negative light. My criticism is of his/her parent. Period.
I drove my daughter to CHS on a Control Transfer for two years. As her parent, it was my responsibility to get her to school on time.
If her hair or make-up wasn’t done, I taught her we were leaving anyway. Believe me, my daughter learned quickly that she had to get up and be ready on time or she would arrive at CHS less than glamorous.
Be your child’s parent, not their friend.
Yuck. That’s low. You went low. You should be embarrassed. Such spite. Such anger. Just step away.
There was nothing “low” about holding a parent accountable. More parents need to be held accountable.
I feel absolutely no embarassment for speaking the truth.
No spite. No anger. Cool as a cucumber. In fact, Albert Benejan has attacked me at almost every regular meeting during public comment for over a year. He has repeatedly posted deragatory comments about me on his Facebook page and many other Facebook pages, however I have never responded to him. His comments go in one ear and out the other.
In fact, when he was being evicted by a new owner of his apartment while he was in the hospital, not for non-payment of rent, I dropped everything I was doing and met with his wife to review the expired lease, the law, and to connect the family to non-profits that could help. I raised money for a lawsuit to protect his and others rights as elected members of our parent association. I helped him and his colleagues get elected to the district Parent Advisory Council after a pro-charter $school organization tried to elect charter $school parents to the BPS parent organization. I have spent THOUSANDS helping Albert Benejan and his cohort.
He and his closest allies are “users.” Take, take, take whatever I can get for FREE. There are takers and givers. Albert Benejan is a “taker.”
I have never made any public remarks attacking, bashing, or disparaging him, nor have I ever posted about him on Facebook because he is irrelevant in my life.
Yet, the one time I post factual remarks about him he can’t take it You know why he became so upset? Because I posted the absolute truth. Albert Benejan thought he could say whatever he wanted without any consequences. He now knows differently. If you can dish it out you need to be prepared to take it. It is not an absurd concept
Pete, I am born and raised here. I am, and have been, fighting for our over 20,000 students for almost ten years. I am in the trenches every single day. We both know you cannot lay claim to those same set of facts.
What exactly have you done to fight for the betterment of Bridgeport?
Blaaaah, blaaaah, blaaaah.
Yup. I clearly won that debate. 🙂
So tonight we received training on Robert’s Rules of Order and the Freedom of Information Act.
The person who needs it most, Chris Taylor, was a no show. His attendance is horrific.
I kept pointing out all of the Freedom of Information Act requirements being violated, and Ganim’s and Weldon’s attorney’s/ mercenaries , Berchem & Moses, were doing everything in their power not to discuss the violations.
The Robert’s Rules of Order training was so bad. The attorney providing the training did not even supply a one page handout. Not even the standard ancillary motion cheat sheet.
He kept stating that all the board members were equal, that it was meant to ensure democracy, every member had a right to participate in debate, that a speaker could not be interrupted when they had the floor, that a motion could not be yelled out, including the only motion Chris Taylor knows, “move the question.”
He kept talking about the role of the Chair is to be “impartial” and “fair.” I just had to laugh out loud.
Joe and I just kept looking at each other smirking.
In fact, when Albert walked into the meeting clearly agitated, and started flinging papers at Board members while we were in the middle of debating, John Weldon said nothing.
When Albert stopped directly in front of me as I was seated, lauched an attack and started yelling loudly, John Weldon did absolutely nothing.
Dr. Johnson became so concerned she cleared about 15 school and staff employees out of the room and sent them home. John Weldon did nothing.
JoAnn Kennedy left the room to find security and decided on her own to call the BPD. John Weldon did nothing.
In fact, Albert just walked over to the other side of the room and sat down as if he had not just demonstrated outrageous and disruptive behavior. John Weldon said nothing. He intended to let Albert attend the meeting after his outrageous behavior.
I turned to him and said ” don’t you have a police officer hiding nearby tonight?” Weldon responded with “I didn’t think we needed one tonight.”
The BPD arrived, both officers were courteous and professional. They spoke with me and then asked Albert to exit 305 to speak with them. He portrayed himself as the victim, however the police asked him to leave the meeting. He politely challenged the officers directive to leave. The police officer reiterated he had created a disturbance and harassed me and told him he had to leave.
Albert left and I rejoined the meeting.
John Weldon is a worse chair than Barbara Bellinger, Kenneth Moales ( I never thought I would say that), Dave Hennessey, Dennis Bradley, and Joe Larcheveque.
John did tell Albert to sit down after Albert finished his performance. I was shocked that the “hidden cop” wasn’t there. When you asked John if he was going to rule Albert as being out of order John looked at you incredulously and said “he’s not a board member.”
What we learned yesterday was the “hidden cop” is for Chris (I’m sure they knew he wasn’t coming); and one needs to be careful of “you fit the description.” The officer looked at me and said, “well you are a big man.” Weight Watchers here I come.
Please tell me the police officer did not really say that to you?
He did. The whole room laughed.
Ernie Newton, you’re among the last of elected officials to justifiably attack Ben Walker. Mr. Walker just happen to express his “humble” opinion and in it, he includes Maria Pereira without naming her and others (Except Weldon). Try reading the third paragraph above again.
You and other elected officials should heed to the warning or concern expressed by Mr. Walker. That railing you see in front of you when seated on your council seat is not even close to adequate protection from a person with a gun bent on delivering political justice on one of the most disliked body of government in this city. You yourself have on several occasions predicted (or wished) that one day someone will physically harm Maria Pereira. Me being fully aware that Albert Benejan reads this blog and that at times has shown his tendency of getting aggressive, makes me wonder how your prediction or wish of harm upon Maria Pereira contributed to his decision in handling Maria’s OIB posting in the way and place he decided to act upon.
On the surface of this subject, the privacy of students is my main concern. Having read Maria Pereira’s explanation of how she came across the personal information of Benejan’s son, it’s my opinion that the father shares the blame for sharing it with others. However, I’m sure that he had expectation of privacy and if Bradley shared it with Maria he expected some level of privacy for the student in question. Three is a crowd! Maria, you are not alone in the list of attempted molestation. I got on that list at the age of ten.
Has anyone asked why Albert Benejan’s loyal friend, Abraham Duque, AKA Shawn Reigns, AKA Shawn Duque, removed the video of this incident from Facebook.
Why would it have been taken down if it portrayed his dear friend in a positive light?
“Albert, you are on a blog, therefore you have no right to privacy.”
Maria Pereira, you are absolutely correct and I agree 100%. I’m sure it makes you feel really good when someone agrees with you. As a parent of two students and a few nieces in the Bridgeport School district, the comment you made regarding the tardiness record of Mr. Albert Benejan’s son raises the question of his sons privacy. Can anyone walk into a school, request and receive the attendance records of anyone’s child or teenager? Are Bridgeport BOE members entitled to such records? You obviously specifically searched for and obtained the school records of Benejan’s son only to use that information to harm Mr. Benejan’s reputation.
It’s obvious that Mr. Benejan’s at least tries his best as a father and deserves credit. Few parents are as perfect as you are. You asked: “What kind of responsible parent drives his teenage student to school late over 100 times in a 182 days school year?” Funny that you asked that question. Remember not too long ago when you shared with us that you were molested as a child by a neighbor in Philadelphia. I ask you: What kind of parents would neglect their little girl to the point that a neighbor could molest her multiple times?
I have never accessed or requested to seel Albert’s childs’ attendance record.
Many people in Bassick HS generally know about his son’s attendance. In fact, the former principal wanted to revoke his son’s Control Transfer due to attendance which is allowed. Albert asked Dennis Bradley to submit his appeal. When Dennis and I met at a restaurant we briefly discussed this turmoil. It was Bradley who specifically told me his son was late over 100 times.
Albert’s best friend, Tammy, also expressed concern about him because his son plays/played soccer. They were sitting in a vehicle watching the boys soccer team and Albert made a sexual remark about the boys. Tammy asked me for advice and I told her she should report it to the principal. I couldn’t report it because I had no firsthand knowledge.
As far as your comments regarding molestation, I never lived in Philadelphia as a child, I was never molested as a child, although there was an attempt by our next door neighbor, and the attempt occurred once not “multiple times.” If you are going to post about something as serious as a child being molested, at least be accurate.
Sorry for my failing in accuracy, I was working off my recollection at 3 in the morning and not taking my meds for days. Is it a normal practice for Bridgeport BOE member to meet in restaurants and discuss BOE business?
We were both there at the request of several constituents, not to have lunch with each other.
We both arrived before the constituents which left us in the uncomfortable position of being seated at a table with only each other.
It was quite uncomfortable and we had a strained conversation. He asked me a question about the Control Transfer Policy. I gave him a brief explanation of the appeal process. He stated Albert had asked him to appeal the Bassick principal’s revocation of the Control Transfer because Albert’s son had arrived to school late over 100 times. I explained that was a valid reason to revoke the Control Transfer.
The exchange was brief and strained.
The constituents arrived and we NEVER discussed it again.
1 in 4 female children will be sexually molested/assaulted by the age of 18.
To imply that my parents were bad parents because my frail, elderly neighbor asked me to go to the store on my home from the bus stop, and I tried to help him by doing so is beyond the pale.
How you compare school tardiness to the molestation of a fifth grade child is beyond comprehension.
Once again chaos at a BOE meeting,and Maria is the central figure…Maria,what buisness of it is yours what time he gets his child to school? If she’s tardy over and over again,the school will address it with the parent,you don’t need to be involved.
I’ve noticed that whoever you’re “mad” at,or “arguing”with on here with on a particular day,you immediately find and post any dirt on them you have.Yet when someone points out one of your many faults,you get enraged and call them liars or worse things.What time that man gets his child to school is none of your buisness.
No Defense of Maria here, but the control transfer rules state that the student must have good attendance, not have behavior issues, etc. I have no idea what’s going on in Albert’s house, however, a “medical condition” would be something that school admin may give a pass on. Keep in mind that Albert’s tactics had a principal removed. Since there was no push back to protect a good man in Dr. Williams, Albert has been able to bend both the school admin and central office to his will.
Mr. Weintraub,
You will not make me the villain for attending a Board meeting and fulfilling my responsibilities.
I was sitting in my chair when Albert arrived late, approached the area where we were seated and discussing an important agenda item. He started flipping documents to each Board member. John Weldon should have immediately called him out of order.
I didn’t say one word to him. He approached me, entered my personal space while standing over me and started yelling at me. It took everything I had not to get up out of my seat. I repeatedly stated “move away from me.” I honestly couldn’t even tell you what he was saying because I was focused on his actions not his words.
Much of the staff present was there attending their very first Board meeting and were there to discuss an important initiative that would impact their schools for years. They were all ushered out of the room and sent home by Dr. Johnson because she was concerned that Albert was escalating.
I have never seen Dr. Ramos, Paul Vallas or Fran Rabinowitz EVER clear a meeting of all staff because of concern over their safety. This was the first time I have ever seen Dr. Johnson do it.
Don’t condone Albert’s outrageous behavior. He could have handled his concerns in a reasonable manner.
Albert has created alot of issues at Bassick HS. There are over 1,500 parents at Bassick and he was elected PTSO President with 13 votes after doing everything in his power to block elections. The elections were halted twice and rescheduled twice because he didn’t want to face the possibility of losing.
It’s a Damn Shame How you insult people by attacking their children. You love ❤️ bring up peoples past because it makes you feel better about yourself. Maria you can dishes it but you can’t take it. When you are confronted you cry fowl. Do Bridgeport and the Board Of Education a favor and resign. Maria Remember you lost your last two Elections. Your run for State Rep. and your run for DTC . I won my last Election so you can be beat. Maria you love ❤️ Bullying People as I said in the past you will meet your match one day.
I did not attack a child, nor would I ever. My comments were directed at the failures of the parent.
I lost my State Rep. race after the Charter $school industry spent $32,000 in 21 days to help Stallworth. The East End PAC also spent money. You lost your State Rep. race to Andre Baker with bo outside expenditures, and you lost your State Senate race without any outside expenditures.
You weren’t challenged in your DTC race, therefore you won by acclamation.
I lost my DTC race by six votes after having major baxk surgery and not knocking on a single door. The challengers didn’t win the DTC election. Mario won it for them with the largest DTC operation ever. You would have thought it was a Mayor’s race
All that effort just to defeat me. What a huge compliment.
I lost those election because i wasn’t one of the good old boys that you and Ron and Don have tried to paint me out to be. My City Council Race IT was Newton VS Them, The Democratic Party and the Working Families Party. My Moto has always been My Friends I will Remember My Enemies I won’t forget! Maria Remember they re-district The Terrace into the 22nd Senatorial District had they not done that I would have Won the Election remember i out ran Ed Gomes up there.
Ernie, don’t speak on my losses when you lost your elections fair and square with no influx of outside expenditures on behalf of your challengers.
I have NEVER been an endorsed candidate, nor would I want to be. I have NEVER supported or worked on behalf of an endorsed candidate because it is rare that an endorsed candidate is not entrenched in the corrupt DTC .
I don’t care who said what to whom, who’s words were right or wrong, or what was written on any blog. From what I saw on the video, Ms. Pereira would have every right to be afraid and expect the protection of chair’s gavel, at the least. What I saw in that video is what I have seen from John Weldon since he became chair… cowardice.
One would never see a member of the public approach the city council in this way. They value safety so much that they have a rail separating the public from the members. In case of an event like last night’s, the president of the council would have immediately called for order and had that person removed. Security would have certainly been called.
Yet, time and again at BOE meetings, I personally have witnessed members of the public berate other members of the public, members of the public verbally attack board members, members of the board yell out at members of the public, members of the board threaten staff members and teachers, members of the board shout vulgarities in public, and members of the board call other board members names in public. In all of these incidences, the Chairman of the Board never once demanded order. He never once publicly protected those being dressed down, either board members, staff, or members of the public. The only time I have seen Mr. Weldon bang his little gavel and call for order is when the debate is not going his way!
This situation is a mess. It is dangerous to allow members of the public to approach the board. In the past we had two men who regularly attended meeting and spoke who were threatening in words and manner. I would back my seat up when one of them approached the board, just to be on guard. They were eventually forbidden from attending meetings, if my recollection is correct. Another, who’s words and actions were on the brink of violence, was prohibited. This was to protect the assembled members and allow business to proceed in an orderly fashion. That was then…this is now.
It is the responsibility of the chair to bring and maintain order. What I saw on that frightening video was yet another utter failure of this chair. I guess Mr. Weldon was waiting for another member of the board, public, or staff stepped up. He sure doesn’t possess the beans to do so.
Just my humble opinion…
Its so sad You have never told Maria when she has cross the line. You have never said anything about her behavior at Board meetings.The Board of Education has been a poor example on showing Our Students how to act in public. Grown ups acting Like THUGS in the streets Thank God none of you bring GUNS to the Meeting. Ben you want to blame the Chairman I see Maria has you Hoodwinked that’s why you did everything she told you to do. SHAME ON YOU BEN. Thank God you resigned. She lost one of her puppets.
Ernie, I’m still waiting for your answer to Dennis Bradley’s boycott of the BBOE thereby stopping the business of dealing with the issues for the 20,000 plus school students and why you supported the boycott because I’ve never saw anywhere publicly where you disagreed with Bradley and his boycott?
Dennis boycotted since he would have lost the majority. The votes were there for me, and he knew his little ego couldn’t handle being a lame duck chairman.
Number one I’m not on the Board of Education. Dennis’s Boycotting I would not have handle it that way. Ron you have been a person on this Blog a long time. Please ask yourself the question in the last 5 years Maria with her attacking everyone on the Board of Education what work or business as you called it has been done because of Maria’s Fighting with everyone she doesn’t agree with. You would like to talk about Sen. Bradley’s boycott you tell me how much business is being done for the 20,000 plus students in Bridgeport since Maria been on the Board Of Education. At best if been Dysfunction at Best. I got on the City Council 2017-2019 and we put monies in the budget for schools. Ron just think if we could put 16 million dollars in Education the Board of Ed would fight one another like cats and dogs. I wish the legislature would allow the municipalities to have some say so on how our 200 plus millions of dollars are being spend because its not gettin to our children.
Every single policy, initiative, program that has been moved by the Bridgeport Board of Education since December 2017, has come out of the Teaching & Learning Committee, the Students & Families Committee, and most recently, the Males of Color Adhoc Committee.
The only BOE members that served on those committees was Ben, Joe, and myself. Not a single policy, program or initiative has been introduced, vetted, and/or come to fruition by John Weldon, Jessica Martinez, Hernan Illingworth, Sybil Allen and Chris Taylor. Not a single one in almost two years.
The Board needed $16,000,000 for 2017/2018 just to keep every position and program and the City Council, including Ernest Newton, voted to appropriate only $387,000. That equates to $2.8% of the Board of Ed. budget request.
Last year, we requested $13,000,000 for 2018/2019 just to maintain every position & program remaining. The City Council appropriated only $1.2 million, or only 9% of our request. Only Kyle Langan, Pete Spain and Eneida Martinez stood up for our children and voted no on the Budget. In fact, Kyle Langan made a motion to transfer an additional $2 million from the police overtime line and another miscellaneous line, to the Board of Education. Ernest Newton voted no. Only Pete Spain, Kyle Langan, and Eneida Martinez votes yes.
If we received the $16,000,000 needed for next school year there would be no reason to fight because we wouldn’t have to even debate which devastating cut would be less likely to hurt innocent children.
You should NEVER have any say over our operating budget because you cannot even do basic math. The City does not contribute $200,000,000 to the BOE, therefore it is not “our,” (as in municipal funds) money.
Tell everyone how you loss the BD Of Education 200,000 dollars The City was going to Pay Bills for the BD of Ed. you and your great wisdom we want our money. Remember O’ Great one. State over paid the Bd of Ed. A fish would never get caught if it kept its mouth shut. Your New Name Is O’Great ONE! no better yet I like BACK STABBER BETTER!
Ernie Newton, you’re among the last of elected officials to justifiably attack Ben Walker. Mr. Walker just happen to express his “humble” opinion and in it, he includes Maria Pereira without naming her and others (Except Weldon). Try reading the third paragraph above again.
You and other elected officials should heed to the warning or concern expressed by Mr. Walker. That railing you see in front of you when seated on your council seat is not even close to adequate protection from a person with a gun bent on delivering political justice on one of the most disliked body of government in this city. You yourself have on several occasions predicted (or wished) that one day someone will physically harm Maria Pereira. Me being fully aware that Albert Benejan reads this blog and that at times has shown his tendency of getting aggressive, makes me wonder how your prediction or wish of harm upon Maria Pereira contributed to his decision in handling Maria’s OIB posting in the way and place he decided to act upon.
On the surface of this subject, the privacy of students is my main concern. Having read Maria Pereira’s explanation of how she came across the personal information of Benejan’s son, it’s my opinion that the father shares the blame for sharing it with others. However, I’m sure that he had expectation of privacy and if Bradley shared it with Maria he expected some level of privacy for the student in question. Three is a crowd! Maria, you are not alone in the list of attempted molestation. I got on that list at the age of ten.
You and Ben make it sound like Maria is a Mother Theresa a Saint. You both have watched her say things about people which might be true. Joel Maria has and will always be a Bully. Joel yes i’ve said one day Maria will bully the wrong person. She loves bring up peoples past because she thinks it makes her feel good to hurt others about pasted Mistakes in their lives. She loves to dish hurt on others but loves playing the VICTIM when confronted. I don’t buy how she came across it. She should never throw that at a person she may disagree with. Joel you and Ben may not agree with me. Thank GOD It Wasn’t my Child.
Soliciting and accepting bribes as an elected official is not a “mistake.” It is orchestrated, calculated and planned.
A “mistake” is putting on a navy and black sock in the morning.
Mr. Newton, I was actually trying to make it look like Pereira is ‘La Virgen Maria’.
Mr. Newton,
You do not know me at all. You have no idea what I have or have not said to Ms. Pereira in regards to anything. Ms. Pereira possesses the same First Amendment right to free that you do. You, like so many others, seem to fear Ms. Pereira’s words. I wonder why that is. Regardless, it is the chair’s responsibility to maintain order on the board and protect the rights (all of them) of the members (all of them) without prejudice and with impartiality. This responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of John Weldon in his duties as chair. He has orchestrated this with his secretive, back room dealings to insure his own power at the expense of the children.
I also thank God that I resigned. See, Mr. Newton, unlike you, I have little practice knowledge of THUGS and GUNS. And I have no time to be schooled by you. Carry on!
You can say what you like. Your actions and your Voting record has been in lock stock with Maria’s Ben You are free now to think for yourself Maria has no more Power over You? Maria will no longer watch how you VOTE.
Mr. Newton,
I have never voted against my conscience. Only one thing has driven my voting record and that has always been what my experience and research has shown to be best for the children, the staff, and the parents. Show me otherwise.
Ernie Newton could never impugn your reputation. The vast majority of OIB readers know he lacks character, integrity, honesty and intelligence. You on the other hand are known for being intelligent, well-researched, pragmatic, honest and possess an incredible level of integrity.
You know full well you have never been my “puppet.” You and I have had MANY disagreements, arguments and differences of opinion in a private setting.
How can someone with Ernie Newton’s reputation ever credibly disparage yours? He simply can’t.
I may lack all the things you say. But one thing I don’t lack like you People that don’t agree with me I’ve never Stab them in the Back as you have. The List is to long to write.
Maria you are the kid that cried wolf. You think you can say anything you like and when people get in your ass you want to cry VICTIM.
Disgusting!!! when I vote I will remember things like this. She won a close election last time, every vote counts…..
Ernie, I agree with Ben when he tells you that you have no idea what he has said to Maria. It’s just like you said about Maria, Ron and myself when you say that, you are not one of the good old boys that we subscribe you to be. I agree with Ron when he says you’ve never commented on the fact that Dennis Bradley shut down the BBOE in detriment to the education of the Bridgeport youths that you profess to love and care about. Why is that? Are you afraid to offend the DTC and Mayor Ganim because there could be no other reason not to be outraged and appalled by Dennis Bradley shutting down the BBOE meetings.
My brother you can’t have it both ways nor can you walk on the center line. If you are outraged by Maria and Brett actions then you should have equally outraged by Dennis and yet, YOU WEREN’T.
You of all people should no the only thing i Fear is GOD. I said if it had been me I would have handle it different. Don and Ron I guess we hold Maria in a different light than Sen. Bradley with his Boycott. Maria’s its called a boycott its call act a ASS at Every Meeting so nothing gets done and the same 20,000 plus Children that Ron spoke about Sen Bradley’s boycott and business not getting done. My Brother you and Ron Can’t have it Both ways either. My Question is any Business getting done since Sen. Bradley is Gone?
Mayor Finch and Mayor Ganim always had a 6 to 3 majority on any vote of the BBOE so they have no excuse for taking care of the business for the be students of Bridgeport but the leadership doesn’t understand Roberts Rules of Order on how to run a meeting, that becomes the fault of those 6 BBOE members, Mayor Ganim and Mario Testa.
Don, when you walk or drive on the center line you can get hit from both sides.
Hey Lennie, now is the time to say “cut the crap.”
Ron, no argument here.
Just to state for the record. You may have never seen a member of the public attack a council person at a Council Meeting but we did have a member of the council, Evette Brantley, attack a member of the public, Cecil Young. And of course we’ve had members of the council fight with other council members.
She should have been personally responsible for the damages Cecil received. Nothing would have happened if she had just stayed in her seat.
Yes we have I’ve witness many in my day as Council President i will not name them. But i sure you no.
I agree with Ron Mackey and Donald Day, not one of you should assume or speculate what Ben Walker did or not say to Maria at any given time. Judgment and criticism rule most comments and opinions on this blog and, I take responsibility when I fell into that wrongful habit. I try harder not to assume when sharing on OIB. It took me a while to realize how much that distracts from the point I may be trying to make, not to mention my credibility. I spent too much time bashing the members of the City Council when one day my friend, Ernie, kindly reminded me that members and times changed since I served, my expectations were never going to happen as I expected them to. He suggested I give them the time they needed to learn, either by their mistakes or just plain experience. He was correct. Ernie, you reached me by using common sense and I was open to it. Now since it’s obvious you have a genuine concern with the shortcomings of some members of the BOE, try the same approach. If something doesn’t change soon with the leadership and other members of that body, there’s going to be disastrous consequences. The loss of Ben Walker should have been an eye-opener. Any incompetent person can serve if they know enough T.C. members to endorse them.
Good morning Honey and good posting. Quote of the day: Any incompetent person can serve if they know enough T.C. Members to endorse them.
Hey Sis
I have always Charised You as a friend and as my sister. Thanks for your words and advice. Lise a lot of things have changed since I served on the City Council. It’s almost like coming for the Major Leagues to the minor Leagues. In the house and senate we knew the difference between the executive branch of government and the legislative branch of government and we never gave our power away so I have to realize change on the local level is a lot different. Lise I only get angry when people can only talk about people past as if they have no past. I will try and understand Some are sicker than Others.
Joel and Lisa no truer comment has ever been posted here.
Extremely well articulated Honey. You are the winner of the best post of the week.
Of course parents are accountable for their actions and the actions of their children. However the school administrators, and school authorities have the means to hold parents accountable.
• The way that Maria Pereira wrote to that parent was unacceptable from an elected official, anyone who works with students, and from any decent human being. It is not a BOE member’s role to judge a parent’s level of education. Every parent should be treated with respect. She is an elected official on the BOE, not the father’s grammar teacher.
• The father might not respect Maria, but he should respect the elected office of BOE representative.
• No one should shout at or use disrespectful language at a BOE meeting.
If chronic tardies were Maria’s issue, her responsibility would be to:
• check with the principal,
• school attendance officer,
• guidance counselor and
• Student Assistance Team to see what interventions had been attempted?
• Ask if the student has a legitimate health issue that requires assistance?
• Is it educational neglect?
It is my understanding that the State Board of Education has had to intervene in the matter of our Bridgeport BOE members’ conduct. They have been sent for training, conflict resolution, or how to communicate effectively. They obviously failed the course.
I do have to give Maria credit for assisting this student’s family, “when he was being evicted by a new owner of his apartment while he was in the hospital, not for non-payment of rent, I dropped everything I was doing and met with his wife to review the expired lease, the law, and to connect the family to non-profits that could help. I raised money for a lawsuit to protect his and others rights as elected members of our parent association.”
For whatever reason, this is what all people should do to help families.