UPDATE: see council committee assignments here. Aidee Nieves, a member of the Democratic Town Committee, was elected Monday night as the City Council’s first Latina president. She replaces Tom McCarthy who served in that role for 10 years. He did not seek reelection to his North End seat, but was able to cast a vote, citing City Charter, until resolution of the court litigation engulfing the 133rd District election.
Nieves was reelected to her 137th District seat last month, the East Side neighborhood that features the highest concentration of Latinos in the city. She was first elected in 2015.
Nieves received 15 votes for council president, Denese Taylor-Moye 2 votes and AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia 2 votes. Eleven votes are required, per City Charter, to elect a president. Jack Banta was the lone no-show.
According to her LinkedIn page she’s been employed at Achievement First Bridgeport Academy charter school for 10 years.
In her first order of business she made committee assignments naming veteran Taylor-Moye and freshman Maria Zambrano-Viggiano as chairs of the key budget committee that navigates city finances proposed by the mayor.
The council president is next in line should a vacancy occur in the mayoralty.
Votes for Nieves:
Christina Smith, Pete Spain, Marcus Brown, Kyle Langan, Jeanette Herron, Tom McCarthy, Michelle Lyons, Rosalina Roman-Christy, Alfredo Castillo, Maria Zambrano-Viggiano, Aidee Nieves, Maria Valle, Nessah Smith, Eneida Martinez, Ernie Newton.
Votes for Taylor-Moye
Taylor-Moye, Mary McBride-Lee
Votes for Vizzo-Paniccia
Vizzo-Paniccia, Karen Jackson
Nieves has maintained a low-key presence on the council in her two years.
Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa had wanted veteran Jim Holloway as council president, but Holloway lost his seat in a September primary. Nieves had announced her intentions early, along with several others. She won the support of Testa, Mayor Joe Ganim and a majority of the newcomers on the council. Several of the freshmen passed on voting for Nieves in the initial vote but then acquiesced to support her without a viable alternative.
Among the freshmen councilors, Marcus Brown made a play for the top legislative spot but could not assemble the 11 votes required. He did not enter his name into nomination.
verb (used without object), acquiesced, acquiescing.
to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent:
to acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan.
Lennie Grimaldi, one of the things I like about you and your writing skills is when you use ‘big word/s’–It helps the writer communicate a view or message using as little writing as possible. The OIB webzine is here to educate, inform, entertain and even insult readers and posters. It would be a great OIB improvement to link “big word/s” to a dictionary so the readers can click on the link and get a Dictionary definition of the word, without having to do so with more required steps. No need to do this to words like fuck or asshole, I surely understand what they mean.
Like this:
I wish Joel would acquiesce to existing reality and OPEN a dictionary instead of asking Lennie to reconfigure his entire blog to accommodate a lazy blogger.
So those who ran on a platform of being anti-establishment and anti-Mario Testo voted for the establishment candidate backed by Mario Testa.
4 of the 5 “reformers” voted for Aidee Charter $chool Nieves. This included Christina Smith, Pete Spain, Marcus Brown and Kyle Langan. Karen Jackson was the ONLY reformer that did not vote for Aidee Nieves.
Proud of you Karen.
Don’t ever listen to what a politician says, watch what they do.
Maria worked on Ganim’s campaign and then bailed when he didn’t offer her a job.
Don’t listen to what she days, question her empty activities.
Local Eyes, there is not a single member of Ganim’s administration that will support your assertions.
In business, changing positions is pragmatic and logical. In politics, it’s called flip-flopping.
There is a very thin line between business and politics(good governance). Good principles of business equal good principles of government.
On a side note, I heard all about the ill fitting garments worn during the swearing in ceremony prior to last night’s meeting.
Several attendees shared their perspective, however the most entertaining was the description of the outfit worn by an incoming BOE member. I heard the description “pure nastiness”, “it’s a miracle she didn’t expose butt crack”, and “you could see her cellulite pouring from her inner thighs”.
There were additional comments made about a city council woman who exposed quite a bit of “cleavage” and wore a “prom gown”.
Based on the photo above, Aidee Nieves could use a jacket that fits and doesn’t look like her arms are going to rupture the seams.
Lots of fashion fauxpas. 🙂
When asked to be Maria’s wardrobe consultant, seven stylists, threw their hands in the air and said, “it can’t be done”.
Are the personal attacks on peoples’ choice of clothing really necessary to make your point? If anything, it detracts from your arguments that these people are not best serving the citizens of Bridgeport. Maybe as a New Year’s resolution, we should all strive to make our political points without resorting to Trumpian-style attacks?
I have to wonder about that. This in not the Academy Awards red carpet as reported on Page Six in the New York Post. No one gives a shit about their clothing.
Clearly, people did care because people were sending photos around and sharing how inappropriate the attire was.
Kyle Langan wore jeans and sneakers which is also inappropriate.
He wore them last night, not to the swearing in ceremony.
It is today. 🙂
Michael Smith, this is the same thing who attacked the hair appearance of a colleague and cancer survivor.
If I’m Thing 1 you’re Thing 2. Dr. Seus would never approve.
Sorry Maria, you are not Thing 1. You are Thing 0 and must remain in the closet until the Doctor’s order.
really? will fashion faux pas define what these people will do on the City Council and the BOE??
Elected officials should dress appropriately.
Appropriately by who’s standards?
are you the fashion police with a need to determine what is appropriate dress and what is not?
By any reasonable standards.
I was formerly employed by Saks Fifth Ave. as a sportswear manager in which fit and appropriate dress is drilled into your daily life.
Ones appearance as an elected official is important.
The suit doesn’t make the man nor that Saks Fifth Ave. mannequin you were hired to be. Maria Pereira, I think you should slow down. Ahhh, wait you have been doing that.
Joel, whenever a mannequin at Saks was missing an arm, leg or a finger, it would be thrown in the sumpster.
Who hurt you, Maria?
LOL! You did, Steve.
Aren’t you worried that by attacking a persons choice of attire, you open yourself up to criticism on your styling choices? People are going to be very observant of your clothing choices from here on.
I didn’t attack anyone. I wasn’t at the swearing in ceremony, but I was approached by 4 different people last night in the Common Council Chambers regarding the inappropriateness of two of the elected officials that took their oath.
I think elected officials are generally scrutinized by the public as they should be.
Congratulations, Aidee Nieves. Solo uno puede ser el mejor.
Congratulations Aidee!
Congrats Aidee!!! The first ever Latina Council President.
El tiempo dirá.
Ya esta dicho, PENDEJO.
Et factum est, et vidimus, tu pariter pereas in area…
Congratulations, Aidee, I have witnessed your leadership for quite some time now for the East Side. Good Luck!
I do have a ?….Why do we as a society have to say the first latina this, the first black this or that the white person won again?….Can’t we just say that Aidee Nieves won? No its always the latina, the latin, the black, the white etc
There’s a Lenny Bruce routine that illustrates what you’re saying.
Maria Pereira, once again is demonstrating why she should NEVER hold a public elected position. Maria is now judging elected people by being the fashion police.
Newly elected City Council President Aidee Nieves, being employed at Achievement First Bridgeport Academy charter school should have nothing to do with her being council president. More importantly council president Nieves should NOT be a rubber stamp for Mayor Joe Ganim and Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa.
That’s all that matters, Ron. At the moment there are seven new faces on the City Council because of Bob Keeley’s legal challenge. Mario Testa and Joe Ganim took advantage of the situation. If Keeley is astute he will use current events to raise campaign funds.
The Connecticut Post would serve well Mr. Keeley and the people of the city of Bridgeport by pointing out his experience in the legislature and Michael DeFilippo’s experience as a bartender in Mario Testa’s pizza joint.
Let’s not assume that their will be another primary/election in the 133rd. The State Supreme Court still has to decide if the last decicion of Judge Bellis is appropriate. Frankly,it may be very iffy.
their s/b there.
IF the Supremes hear it. If they do chances are better than fair Judge Bellis’s ruling will be upheld.
Well Senator Moore when you said, “Nearly half are neophytes to the world of politics and bring energy, hope, diversity and new ideas to a council that has often been called a rubber stamp of the administration and not of the people whom they serve,” fell on deaf ears with this vote.
This vote symbolized the same ole same ole. Were those that acquiesced promised plum committee assignments to vote for the same ole same ole? Were they called into the backroom prior to the vote by Mayor Ganim and as he congratulated them on their victories he strongly suggested that they join the ranks the establishment candidates? I was under the impression that the non-establishment candidate’s ran under the guise that they wanted to rid the city of the same ole same ole and work for all the residents of Bridgeport and not the Mayor and the DTC. What happened Black Rock?
We don’t know what sort if horse trading went on before the meeting was called to order. Quid pro quo.
Sed cui bono?
Testo was in the Democratic Caucus room the night of the swearing in ceremony cutting deals with city councilors, including a couple of the “reformers”.
Maria Pereira // Dec 5, 2017 at 8:45 pm
“I didn’t attack anyone. I wasn’t at the swearing in ceremony…”
It didn’t take long (less than 3 hours) to prove that you are so fucking full of shit. I was there, from 5:30 pm to about 7:00 pm and Mario never showed up on Sunday.
He was there.
Are you getting more fussy as you age? How many votes to prevail? How many newbies? How many from Black Rock? Instead you suggest alternative theories suggesting total hypocrisy? Get a reality check man. Maybe you should attend the Pension Plan A meeting at the Mayor’s office tomorrow at 11 AM? You can see how little money is left in the fund itself in spite of recent market upticks. What happens when the last invested capital has disappeared and the entire responsibility for paying retirement benefits is on the taxpayers once again in addition to bond payments through 2029.
I read, study think and reflect on such and people wish to disparage me. When will you as a Plan A guy, I assume, going to step up and study the real scene rather than disparage new people with new ideas? Have you always had a batting average of 1.000?
Time will tell.
Hey Ron Mackey and Donald Day check this out. you may not have to attend the Plan A meeting after all:
I agree with Donald Day. Go figure.
Congratulations to Aidee, I pray that she uses her position to better the lives of the citizens of Bridgeport. I know her to be compassionate, thoughtful and caring and I believe she can be as good as any other past President of the Council. As for clothing choices, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
As for living in ass houses, I always check my rear view mirror.
Really. Who’s your tailor, Maria, Omar the Tent Maker?
Bridgeport Kid, no one was attempting to “fat shame”. I will however intelligence shame.
Another sexist remark by you. No surprise here.
And thecband played on…
Hahaha Grin!
Hector, my taste in clothing is pretty much on point. I worked for iconic retailers for over twenty years, therefore my understanding of fabric, fit and fashion is thorough.
I would certainly never dress or wear garments to my swearing ceremony that was revealing or I’ll fitting.
As for Aidee Nieves, the photo speaks for itself.
In and ill.
There was a time when a person male or female wouldn’t even show up to a meeting if they weren’t properly attired, this goes for BOE, Commission, Council even town Committee meetings. During that era, we also had a model of decorum in our speech and manners. You wouldn’t have people accusing others or using disrespectful or disparaging attacks. But, alas those days are gone. Next time you have reason to put on some silk and linen or Suede and Leather remember how you act is much more important, in the eyes of the public, than what you wear.
Hector, I agree. I can hold my own and have never been described as a,”Ghost” nor arrested while on the floor of the House in Hartford for fraudulent elections activity.
Politicians should certainly be held accountable for how they “act”.
Funny funny,niether have i,nor have I ever been found enresponsive due to a overdose or set fire to anyone’s belongings, I told you about those glad houses.
Hector, whom are you referencing? Be specific and be very careful.
Hector, it looks like the bully is coming after you.
When I was back there in seminary school there was a person there who pu forth the proposition that you can petition the Lord with prayer…
Congratulations to Aidee Nieves on her election as Council President. I hope she is filled with wisdom,fairness and a genuine concern for the People and The city of Bridgeport. I will admit that Miss Nieves was not my own(IMHO) first choice but “it is what it is” and we move forward.
Jennie, how many rounds of voting did it take? Were there any deals made for committee chairman?
Ron, basically it was one round with a number of passes. Most of the newcomers passed in their initial voice, then the majority supported Nieves in voice votes when called upon again. As for deals, that’s always the case for committee chairmanships. I’ll load the full committee assignments when I receive them all.
Lennie, I would think that those newcomers would have made a statement by walking out and not voting until election for the 133 is settle.
Aidee only had 9 votes on the first pass. The reformers should have put up one of their own and voted for them in order to fulfill their campaign promise that they were not Testa surrogates.
These four “reformers” did the complete opposite.
Dumb, dumb, McCarthy was present and he would still have een the council President had they walked out before choosing his replacement. As President, McCarthy would had the power to issue warrants on all who refused to show up. City Sheriff or State Marshall and even the Sergeant of Arms could search for and if they found any one not wanting to take their seats on the City Council, they could arrest them and bring them in to the City Council. That would have been a hell of a show.
Perfectly stated Brother Mackey. If you don’t stand for something you fall for anything.
Ernie, did you hesitate for one second prior to voting for the establishment candidate? I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have voted for Mrs. Nieves, I’m just questioning whether you hesitated for just one second to give you a second to remind yourself that the DTC turned its back on you.
Don, Christina Smith, Pete Spain, Marcus Brown, Kyle Langan, plus Ernie Newton all should have walked out and not vote. Ernie said earlier that the vote council president should be put off until the election in the 133rd. Leaders lead and they could got off to great start by walking out on principals to show leadership.
The Council would have voted without them.
That’s the point, everybody would know that this group is about change and not that go along to get along mentality. Now if they made a deal in exchange for their vote on committee chairs that’s different but to give their vote away for nothing, no way.
Today’s tip: to impress a political opponent or close a sale, try texting some one WHILE you’re on the phone with them. Don’t try to be clever; BE clever!
That’s right Derek, they would have voted without them, but it would have sent a powerful message, it’s no going to be business as usual and you’re not going to take us for granted. Again Brother Mackey, a well stated.
I hear what you’re saying, Don. But walking out is not an option here. If anyone is unhappy with his or her representative’s vote on matters before the City Council by all means express your displeasure. They all have email and cell phone accounts. Call and write: “Did you really take forty pieces of silver?”
Mario Testa and Joe Ganim took advantage of the current situation while Jeanette Herron and Tom McCarthy are still on the Council. They voted for Nieves along with Christina Smith, Pete Spain, Marcus Brown, Kyle Langan, Jeanette Herron, Michelle Lyons, Rosalina Roman-Christy, Alfredo Castillo, Maria Zambrano-Viggiano, Maria Valle, Nessah Smith, Eneida Martinez and Ernie Newton.
You can’t change the system by refusing to participate in it. It’s not a deal with the devil. It does look as though several of the “reformers” made deals with the evil empire and Darth Ganim, the emperor’s dark lord.
Derek, C’Mon Man, America was founded on protest. Those council members needed to lay their marker down from day one and let everybody know that they are serious about change. Let’s look at what would have happen if they walked out, it would have force other candidates who were running for council president to dropout and support Aidee Nieves or the election process would stop and force the election at later date. No more business as usual.
No Ron, YOU come on. If the so-called “reformers” walked out of the meeting their voices would not have been heard. As it is they didn’t have much to say.
Derek, were their voices heard by them staying voting for Aidee Nieves? Hell no, they showed that they just cave in, why would anybody take them seriously.
Base on the committee chairs and assignments the new members didn’t get anything for their vote for the new council president. It’s obvious that Ganim and Testa had their hands on the scale.
Good for them Ron. I guess you and all of them didn’t read my post in which I advised them to go ahead and talk with Aidee Nieves. They are listening and are being influenced (by choice) by others who bankrolled and managed their campaign committees or endorsed them. Not only did they not have a chance, they were all confused of simple council procedures and rules. Not one of them was prepared except for Langston who seemed more aware and prepared.
Maria is very fashion conscious..haha
Harvey, this picture says it all.
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English language-idiom. It comes from the Chinese saying “百闻不如一见” It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.
Maria Pereira the top cop of the fashion police.
Ron, whatever you do don’t ever try to “fat shame” any female. Just don’t do it. If I remember correctly, you aren’t exactly svelte.
Maria, I’m proud the way I look and you never hear me criticize anybody the way they look or what they wear unlike your policing everybody that you don’t like.
Harvey, as the former owner of a now defunct dress shop, let me educate you with the following:
1) Comparing a picture of me at a rally in July 2010 to the picture of Aidee Nieves at an official City Council meeting where she was elected as City Council President is not a comparison at all.
2) I wearing a Lauren (Ralph) linen top and trousers that fit me, unlike Aidee Nieves’ jacket
3) I am not showing any cleavage or any other inappropriate flesh
4) i am dressed more than appropriately for a rally in July
5) Now we all know why your dress shop is defunct
By the way, Harvey, I tried to find a photo of you, however you are so irrelevant none was to be found. 🙂
I am …
Lennie, can you post what committee assignments and chairmanships were given out that night? thanks
Bob,check with Mario,he has a master list of his..err..her assignments and chairmanships.
Harvey Weintraub, soon after Aidee Nieves was officially the President of the Bridgeport City Council she gave a speech and after the speech she excused her self to, make some changes to her list of Committee Appointments. She went to the meeting room and returned in a few minutes. Mario wasn’t in that area, the side meeting was among council members only.
Posted above.
Bob, there’s a link to committee assignments in first sentence. Chairs are first two listed.