Jonathan Pelto, the former state legislator who’s been skewering Democratic Governor Dan Malloy’s education policies from the perch of his What Wait? blog, is contemplating a run for governor as an independent in the November general election. If he runs, he provides a landing spot for progressives, teachers and union activists opposed to Malloy’s education reforms while also suspicious of the eventual Republican nominee for governor. Malloy’s support for the failed takeover of Bridgeport schools leads a list of Pelto opposition against Malloy.
The Hartford Courant has more on this:
Carmen Lopez, a retired judge from Bridgeport, said Pelto has tapped into a deep vein of disenchantment and frustration over Malloy’s education policy.
“Were it not for the folks in Bridgeport Malloy would not have won four years ago. How did he thank us? By taking over the elected board of education,” Lopez said Tuesday. “In comes Jon Pelto … and he’s provided a voice for people to express their concerns about what’s happened to the education system in Bridgeport and in the state of Connecticut.”
A run by Pelto would provide an option to left-leaning voters who are unhappy with Malloy yet unable to support a Republican candidate, Lopez said.
Full story here.
Does Pelto have the MOM to run a race or will he become Unsafe at Any Speed?
Right now he has one-third of MOM, the message part. The other two pieces to fill out MOM–organization and money–are big question marks. But if he manages all three, it’s the mother lode.
Then he becomes Ralph Nader.
Pelto says he’s not running to be a spoiler. Either way, it adds zest to the political season.
Pelto understands politics better than I do. Consequently, I hope he cherishes the bigger pie, recognizes the futility of a one-issue campaign and gives Malloy the kind of endorsement that produces victory.
Political savants respond: a vote for Pelto would be a vote for the GOP nominee.
Who agrees and who disagrees?
Thank You, Rain Man! Agree! BTW–KMart Sucks!
Agree. I posted earlier Malloy was only elected because of the WFP. Take away the WFP votes and the Republican would have won.
The BOE ran much better under the state takeover than the Lopez and Pereira-led BOE. If it had been elected and not forced upon us in illegal ways it might have helped more than the Working Families BOE. If Lopez and Pereira are on Pelto’s side, he is in trouble.
Agita Alert! Do you really think so, Lennie? How’s the outlook locally, statewide or nationally for legislators running for executive positions and doing a creditable job? Perhaps my sample is too small but start with the mayor. With six years in office and proudly proclaiming he’s an EDUCATION MAYOR, Bill Finch could not approach the BOE Monday night without Adam Wood (text and whisper), Mark Anastasi (written opinion on printed paper) and Tom (I can give them an answer they can’t challenge) Sherwood. Belt, suspenders and mouthpiece … but the Kevlar was not working.
Another former legislator is in the White House and the public business is not getting done in a political manner. Those with executive experience and mindset know movement is critical. The legislative mind (when it is present) has a different pace, expectations and narrow focus.
Pelto does not stand for the broad middle class though he may make public-sector employees who are economically and culturally in the middle feel good. A real champion of Bridgeport school kids might have appeared in town along with his partners on the ground, Maria Pereira and Judge Carmen Lopez. They have found it profitable to appear before audiences with their message and now that I think of it as Pelto is so often quoted by converts like Dave Moore, wouldn’t his candidacy be an opportunity to hear more of his ideas? Or not? Time will tell.
Interesting anti-legislator take.
What’s interesting is you completely skip Malloy the candidate. Why?
John Marshall Lee, you make the suggestion Judge Carmen Lopez has found it profitable to appear before audiences with her message. Pray tell, how is she doing that, John?
Is your question related to Judge Carmen Lopez solely, or is Maria included? Or is it the use of the word “profitable?”
I notice you did not mention how this might relate to Maria Pereira. Each of these community members have had success in advocacy for their cause. In that sense I use the term “profitable” where my dictionary includes the sense of “beneficial” and “useful” as well as the more common economic reference.
Please “keep praying” and I will continue to “tell” or explain meanings where they are less than clear to you. Why would the two women have invested so much time, energy and passion in this pursuit if it were not meant to be beneficial or at least useful? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, thank you for clearing that up for me and yes, it was in sense you use the term “profitable.”