More than 300 absentee ballot requests are circulating in the city for Tuesday’s special election to fill four school board seats, but only a handful of completed absentee ballots been returned to the Town Clerk’s Office. So maybe the absentee ballot effort launched by Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa is falling short of his goal, especially with the holiday weekend hitting.
The good news for Mario, whatever comes back will be votes for the three Democrats on the ballot, Hernan Illingworth, Jacqueline Kelleher and Ken Moales, in lieu of an AB operation by opponents. Most political operatives expect a minuscule Tuesday turnout, perhaps under 10 percent for such a high-profile case that was decided by the Connecticut Supreme Court when it invalidated state control of city schools.
Folks tend to focus on elections after Labor Day weekend and not during it. Employees in the Town Clerk’s Office will be working through the holiday weekend. Can you recall an election the day after a major holiday? What, there’s an election Tuesday? That’s what a whole bunch of folks will be saying in the coming days as nine candidates for Board of Education knock on doors and make phone calls. What kind of mail pieces have you received?
Maybe Mario needs to throw a mega Labor Day picnic at his Madison Avenue restaurant to entice absentee ballot voters. Fire up the grill, Mario. “Free Food. Please sign here.”
From Mayor Finch:
The Bridgeport Registrar of Voters office will be open on Saturday, September 1 and Monday, September 3 (Labor Day), from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for those interested in registering to vote in the special election for vacant seats on Board of Education being held on Tuesday, September 4, 2012. The final day to register to vote in the special election is Monday, September 3.
The Registrar of Voters office is located on the first floor of the Margaret E. Morton Government Center, 999 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT. For more information, call (203) 576-7281.
The Office of the Town Clerk will also be open Saturday, September 1 and Monday, September 3 (Labor Day), from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for those voting by absentee ballot for the September 4 special election. The final day to vote by absentee ballot is Monday, September 3.
The Office of the Town Clerk is located on the first floor of City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport, CT. For more information, call (203) 576-7208.
Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 4.
Received one for the Democratic candidates and one from Working Families. I am a Democrat but will be voting for the Working Families candidate. Come November I will be voting for Obama, Murphy and Himes.
*** All Dems donj, that figures! ***
I’ve received two pieces from the Democratic endorsed slate and one from the Working Families duo.
I’m honestly feeling like I am in a Manchurian Candidate sequel with Linda McMahon’s ad blitz. Her ads are relentless, all scripted by the best Madison Avenue communicators. However, I do not believe she possesses the skills or background to legislate at a National level. It’s like she is trying to buy the most expensive techno-toy on the market. Sure she will have the bucks to buy it but once she does, she will not have a clue how to work it; so she will hire folks to do that for her. Now, how in heaven’s name is she going to work through the committee meetings without having at least a few years of legislative background or legal training? I can’t stand the advertising assault. It is deceptive; demeaning and mind numbing. I am voting for Murphy. I want someone who gets to the U.S. Senate to hit the deck running with the skills to reach moderate compromises in those legislative backroom sessions. That is not Linda McMahon.
Countdown, what in Murphy’s message inspires you to vote for him? What has he shared in this campaign that provides insight about what he will do as a senator? Most electors vote on the future and McMahon’s campaign, so far, is winning the argument. Murphy needs to step up to explain what he will do as a senator.
So far the team putting out Murphy’s message sucks big time. I have watched Murphy work the issues with John Larson and Rosa DeLauro. Can’t get better mentors than those two from the debt ceiling, defense, international treaties, budget, domestic and women’s issues. This crap about missing committee meetings is a Madison Avenue Adman elevator message. The real influence happens in the leadership caucus sessions, where attendance is not taken but the real deals and positions are crafted. McMahon will not have a clue and not have entrée. Murphy has been groomed for his terms in the Congress and can step into the club of 100 Senators without missing a beat. To me it is a no brainer. Don’t believe the slick advertising sound bites. We are talking about the US Senate here. The very big league.
countdown, what you have written about Murphy is pure political bullshit. Why do DeLauro and Larson have good attendance records when they spent a lot of time mentoring Murphy? Being in the senate and being in congress is like comparing apples and oranges.
Mentors on the debt ceiling, really. These two never saw a bailout they did not like. What and how have they done to put people to work?
countdown, you make it sound like you have to be a member of Mensa to be a senator. Everyone starts somewhere, if you attend meetings and pay attention you learn how to be a senator.
Sorry Andy,
This time you and I differ big time. The US Senate is not the place to have training wheels on. Connecticut can only send two to that esteemed body. I am going with someone who doesn’t need training wheels to legislate. If you want to learn, run for Congress. There are hundreds of folks learning what it means to legislate. The criticism McMahon is pitching is not the relevant benchmark. Legislative experience is the issue in my opinion.
countdown: There are many senators now serving who did not serve in congress. I don’t like either candidate to tell you the truth. These are the two best we can come up with? What a shame.
I still don’t buy your answer about attendance and that is a factor. To be honest I am thinking of leaving the box for the senate empty and just vote for president. Oh yeah I forgot, I will not be voting for that empty suit Himes, here is a guy who never saw a bill proposed by another Democrat he did not like including bailouts and borrowing millions from social security. I don’t know enough yet about his opponent so I will wait ’til I do, most likely another empty box on the ballot.
Me too, countdown; and another reason I like Murphy is because of his youth. Linda ad blitz is beyond annoying when you’re getting it in the mail every other day.
Youth? Really? What positives does youth bring to the senate? Not to knock youth, but I am curious as to how you see youth as an attribute in this capacity.
*** Ads aside, maybe youthful Murphy will improve his work attendance this time around should he win and finally finish his “no jobs plan,” no? *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Don’t be deceived by the ‘work attendance’ advertising gimmicks. During those ‘missed committee meetings’ that air on CSpan, Murphy was behind the scenes working hard with DeLauro and Larson. His legislative experience is critical. He comes from a family steeped in legal expertise. This is the right guy to join Blumenthal in the Senate. I for one wanted Shays to win but the McMahon ad machine smothered him. Now I am fully supporting Murphy. Connecticut must not send McMahon to sit on the Republican side of the Club of 100.
You got that right. And they seem to get bigger as the election gets closer. By November, we will have fold-out posters of Linda.
How many more jobs at WWE could she create with all the money spent on her campaigns alone! LOL.
I hear Mario is serving up Absentee Ballot Applications as an appetizer at the restaurant.
“Would you like to try a little Absentee Application with you pasta?”
“We can fill it out for you prior to your entree.”
ppp poll has Murphy up by 4 and Obama up by 13.