A Thirst For Hearst Coverage, Jenny Talks Dirty To The Post; How About Cracking Their Spines!


I love it when Connecticut Post blog columnists give the Post the business. Dr. Jennifer Lynne, chiropractor extraordinaire and proprietor of the Backstroke boutique and wellness center downtown across from McLevy Green, writes the 181 State of the City column for the Post. Jen’s miffed that the Post disses good stuff in the city.

That’s because the Hearst Newspapers empire, despite printing dailies from Greenwich, Stamford, Danbury and Bridgeport in downtown Bridgeport has one full-time reporter to cover the city. That’s it, one scribe. Between the four papers and an editorial budget in the millions, just one scribe. Amazing. Hey, guys at 410 State Street, how’s that investigative team for Hearst doing? Jen writes:

Sigh. Am I the only one who thinks the Connecticut Post should be doing a better job of keeping up with all the good news and great times in Downtown? I mean, they live here, proverbially speaking. Talk about identity crisis. Two years in a row, car show not covered. This year we advertised in the paper, you know, invested in the process. Didn’t work. I’m sort of wondering what’s the harm in helping recreate a sense of good will in the heart of your City

Way to go, Jenny, don’t take shit from those media power brokers. But Jen, maybe you should invite all the Hearst Newspaper editors into your office and crack their spines! Maybe that will straighten out their coverage. And check out her wellness center www.thebackstroke.com



  1. Take a look at what I just pulled out of a Wall St Journal article on Cato Institute study of US governors:

    “The biggest tax hikes have been in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey (under former Governor Jon Corzine), New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin. These states have hurt their economic competitiveness by putting greater burdens on their employers and workers.”
    One hopeful trend is that the Governors of three traditionally liberal Northeastern states cut their income tax rates—yes, even on the rich. They are Democrat John Baldacci of Maine and Republicans Don Carcieri of Rhode Island and Jim Douglas of Vermont. These New England states have been mugged by the economic reality that their high tax-and-spend regimes are chasing businesses and jobs to the low-tax likes of Florida, Texas, Tennessee or nearby New Hampshire.

    That’s why I can’t stand Rell … She was a dope with no courage to stand up to the Legislature … Even worse with Blumenthal. Talk about an empty suit that kowtows to unions & entitlements!

    Had really liked Malloy but now think he may be too in bed with unions.

    Maybe Foley is the change we need?

  2. Hey Dr. Jen–let’s invite the CT Post’s Bridgeport reporter to join us on a tour of all the wonderful stuff that’s happening here in Downtown Bridgeport. I volunteer to be a tour guide; will you join me?


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