Snow Emergency

From mayor’s office:

In anticipation of the pending winter storm expected to impact Bridgeport beginning early tomorrow morning, a snow emergency has been declared.

During the snow emergency, residents must move their cars off posted snow emergency streets. Snow emergency streets are marked with white signs with red lettering. Vehicles left on snow emergency streets or vehicles found not adhering to parking rules after the ban goes into effect will be subject to fines and towing. Even side of the street parking for all other roadways throughout the city in order to allow snow plow drivers’ clear passage. A list of snow streets can be found on the City’s website by clicking here or the full link:

The Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center (581 Washington Ave, Bridgeport, CT) is activated at this time, and the following locations should be utilized for assisting in the Snow Emergency Parking Ban:
– Surface parking lots across the street from the Ballpark at Harbor Yard
– South Frontage Road and Park Ave overpass
– Cesar A. Batalla School, 606 Howard Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605
– Roosevelt School, 680 Park Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604
– Jettie S. Tisdale, 250 Hollister Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06607
– Geraldine Johnson Elementary, 475 Lexington Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604

Parking in the school parking lots listed will be permitted beginning this evening. Vehicles must be moved from Emergency Parking Lots before 7:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 15, 2017 unless otherwise notified.

Sanitation/Recycling/Transfer Station
Sanitation and recycling pickup has been postponed until further notice. The Transfer Station located on 475 Asylum Street will also be closed tomorrow, March 14, 2017.

Commercial and/or residential owners who push snow into the streets or do not clear snow on the sidewalks in front of their buildings are subject to a $100.00 fine per ordinance for each incidence.

Snow Related Emergencies
During the storm, residents may call the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center hotline at 203-579-3829 with any snow related emergencies or report issues on Bridgeport’s 311 mobile application. Bridgeport 311 can be downloaded at If any residents suffer a loss of electric power, they can call the United Illuminating customer hotline at 800-722-5584. Both hotline numbers will be fully staffed and operating 24 hours a day during the snow emergency.

For the latest updates, resources and information about the snowstorm, residents are asked to check, local television and radio news outlets, and follow the City of Bridgeport on Twitter and Facebook.



  1. Good luck with the emergency parking parameters. First of all, the official communication from the city is confusing. What the Mayor’s Office seems to be saying is on non-emergency streets, cars should stay on the EVEN sides of streets through the storm. I look outside my window. Completely disregarded. This is a poor reflection on the response by the people of Bridgeport and the City’s ability to be treated seriously in snowstorms, which are a fact of life in this part of the country.

  2. Now is the time for anyone with a driveway to use it and share it with those who do not. The plows can do a better job if they do not have to dodge cars.

    I hope the drivers are not sent home like they were with the last storm like this. The drivers could not get back and this held up the snow removal.

  3. *** This will be quite a winter test for Mayor Ganim and the city’s snow removal crew! Let’s hope residents follow the storm regulations about not driving amd parking on snow emergency streets. Staying home ’til at least 48 hours have passed to allow the plows to clean the city streets. Especially if we get 18 inches of snow! ***

  4. You know there will be some who will feel the need to drive. They will get stuck, block traffic and add to the mess. Those who do not pay attention to the snow emergency sign will get their cars towed.

    An avoidable unnecessary expense.

  5. Well here we go again. I live in a corner house intersection by four roads that filter out near my house. The plows have been through here several times and the front and side of my house are piled high.
    Last storm I received a call from a women who works for the city and she promised help because we need to call the ambulance and FD on a regular basis. She stated she would help keeping the front of my house clear for the ambulance. Well she and the city can forget it, I hired someone to keep the front of my house clear. To the women who called I still must say thank you. To John Ricci and Joe Ganim I must say screw you.

  6. Well the plows stopped four feet from my property line and piled the snow in front of my driveway. Maybe someone can explain why the plows came down the street on the wrong side and screwed me good. In all my years I never saw this done. It cost me $100 to get a private contractor to clear the front of my house in case I need medical help.


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