Building Blocks And SHU Who?

Wouldn’t it be nice if 333 State Street, that miserable Downtown eyesore next to Housatonic Community College, could actually be renovated into a commercial/residential tax roll project?

The firm that paid the city $500,000 to overhaul the building, First National Development, has taken on new partner Carlson Construction in an effort to expedite the $12 million project. Lack of payment for remediation and engineering work has forced a couple of mechanic’s liens on the property.

I spoke to Bob Carlson briefly about the project Wednesday afternoon. Bob’s a friend and former client. Bob and his family have deep roots in the city. His company is located on Beechwood Avenue.

Let’s hope he can make it work.

Pen Pal?

Ed Wolf, a resident of the North End, is trying to grab Sacred Heart University President Anthony Cernera’s attention about party-animal residential students messing with his neighborhood. Ed sent a letter to Cernera and now he has sent another hoping for some university action. Ed copied Mayor Bill Finch and SHU benefactor Jack Welch. See below:

Dear President Cernera:

I recently wrote you on September 23rd to make you aware of the litter that is accumulating across from the Park Ridge as well as on the corner of Park Avenue and Eckart Street and on Park Avenue in general. All you need to do to see that is not merely an empty complaint is to go look at the area. I am hoping that you will actually look at the area to see what I am talking about.

In order to deal with the problem, I think it is imperative that you see the problem first hand and then acknowledge it. I would be happy to meet you at your office and walk up Park Avenue and point out the areas which I referred to in my letter. This is the first step in working towards a solution. In my letter, I did note that I wanted to work towards a solution and offered to meet with any University officials that could assist in fixing the problem that exists.

This speaks volumes as to how you lack the skills to positively interact with the community and reinforces the “out of sight, out of mind” attitude when it comes how SHU students behave in the neighborhood. The students are guests in the community and do not have the right to mistreat it and litter. You fail to realize that the behavior of the students reflects poorly on you.

It is a sad state of affairs that you refuse to recognize the issue and take a proactive approach to remedy the problem. I have forwarded all of my correspondence with you to Mayor Finch as well as Jack Welch. I think it is very important for those that lend their name to the University be made aware of how you handle issues in the community and interact with the public.

I do hope you will take the time to reply to my letter or better yet, take the time to meet with me and look at the problem first hand.

Once again, I look forward to hearing from you.


Ed Wolf

By the way, a community forum is scheduled for tonight at 6:30 at the North End Library on Madison Avenue to discuss North End issues.

From Cougar Rodgerson

Downtown Community Council presents the second to last Thursday night free Baldwin Plaza Concert:


feat. Delta 9 + the Flo, Dan Tressler, 5Turns25 + an effload more. Free Orbitron rides. Come help build the downtown Monolith. Postminimalist pumpkin carving workshop by Keith Lorraine. 6-10pm on the Baldwin Plaza Green Giant chess, BBQ, + Cider Mulling. Movie: 2001 a Space Odyssey.

Bring rum and meat and cider.

Attention City Pols

News release from the state elections enforcement:


The State Elections Enforcement Commission announced today the appointment of Albert P. Lenge as its new Executive Director and General Counsel.

The appointment follows the departure of Jeffrey B. Garfield, who is retiring after more than 30 years as the Commission’s Executive Director and General Counsel. Regarding his departure, Garfield noted his desire to remain active in issues related to the integrity of the electoral process and to spend time with his family.

Albert Lenge currently serves as the Deputy Executive Director and Assistant General Counsel, a position he has held since 1995, following seven years as Director and General Counsel of the Elections Division with the Office of the Connecticut Secretary of the State.

Attorney Lenge is a committed and experienced leader who has been involved in all aspects of election and campaign finance law, including the planning and coordination of the expansion of the Commission due to the enactment of Public Act 05-5, which created the Citizens’ Election Program. “He brings continuity experience and dedication to his new role and will continue to make significant contributions to the operations of the Commission with the utmost degree of professionalism,” Garfield said.

“I am excited and welcome this new opportunity to continue to serve the Commission and the people of the State of Connecticut in ensuring fairness and impartiality in the administration of election laws. The SEEC faces a challenging year ahead,” said Lenge. “I will draw on my experience during this critical phase of the Commission’s development and continue to build and foster relationships among staff, other state agencies and our partners. I am honored to serve as Executive Director and I especially look forward to working closely with the legislature on the major reforms concerning public campaign financing.”

Commission Stephen Cashman added, “In light of the challenges we face in the area of public campaign financing and other important election issues, I have every confidence that Al Lenge possesses the knowledge and institutional experience to lead the Commission, and I welcome him to his new position.”

Attorney Lenge’s appointment is effective October 23, 2009.

News release from SuBy

Bysiewicz: 3rd Quarter of 2009 Sets New Record High for Number of Businesses Shutting Down in Connecticut

Secretary of the State Says Economy Slowly Recovering as New Business Start-ups Increase Slightly from 3rd Quarter of 2008

Hartford: Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz reported today that in the 3rd quarter of 2009 another 2,601 Connecticut Businesses filed papers to dissolve, a record high for third quarter shut-downs. The number of business closings from July 1st through September 30th brings this year’s total to 9,545 and sets a new record for the first nine months of any year since such statistics were first recorded in 2000. The third quarter of 2009 saw a 24.9% decrease in the number of business failures from the 2nd quarter of 2009. Meanwhile, 6,624 new businesses incorporated between July 1st and September 30th of 2009, an increase of 2.4% over new business start-ups from the 3rd quarter of 2008. Overall, Connecticut has seen 20,494 new business starts for the first nine months of this year, a decrease of 5.8% from 2008 figures.

“I see some reason for optimism in the fact that we had more new businesses starting up in Connecticut last quarter than we did a year ago and the number of business shut downs dropped sharply from the 2nd quarter to the 3rd quarter of this year,” said Secretary Bysiewicz, Connecticut’s Chief Business Registrar. “Our economy is recovering slowly but this is obviously still a very challenging climate for any business trying to succeed. Unfortunately we are still on pace to have a record year for business shut downs in Connecticut. What these figures and our unemployment numbers tells me is that we must embark on an aggressive agenda to attract new businesses to Connecticut, make our business climate as hospitable as possible, and train our workforce for the new economy. There is no time to waste.”

The monthly figures contained in the Business Starts Index released by the Secretary of the State’s Office are available online at The statistics show that in July 2009, 815 businesses filed paperwork to dissolve their company, followed by another 794 in August and 987 in September. Connecticut experienced a 6.9% increase in the number of business failures in the third quarter of 2009 as compared to the same period in 2008.

The number of new business starts grew slightly in comparison to last year. In the third quarter of 2009, 2.4% more businesses filed incorporation papers than in the third quarter of 2008, when 6,468 businesses opened their doors. A month-by-month look at new business starts shows that in July 2009, some 2,161 companies filed incorporation papers in Connecticut, followed by 2,159 in August and 2,304 in September.

After reviewing Secretary of the State Bysiewicz’s report, Don Klepper-Smith, Chief Economist and Director of Research for DataCore Partners LLC and Chairman of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors said, “The 3Q data on business starts and failures underscores the dynamic nature of this recession. Although business failures have hit record levels for the first nine months of 2009, there are indications that the bulk of these closings may be behind us and that future losses are apt to be smaller. Moreover, when looking at business starts, I see some encouraging signs! The CT job losses of roughly 80,000 thus far represent embryonic business growth elsewhere as some dislocated workers start new businesses and opt for self-employment. Net, the effects from this recession have been profound, but I think better days lie ahead with the pending economic recovery.”

In her assessment of the report Secretary Bysiewicz said, “we must strengthen the growth areas of our economy, particularly for small businesses which drive the economic engine in Connecticut. This includes expanding exports, green technologies, life sciences, and alternative energy sources. We must also reduce costs such as health care and energy that continually represent a significant drag on profitability.”

Secretary Bysiewicz has been a strong advocate for opening up the state employee health care plan to small businesses and non-profit organizations, an effort which would save millions for businesses. Secretary Bysiewicz has also lead a series of roundtable discussions with business leaders statewide focusing on reducing health care and energy costs. A recent health care reform bill, the Connecticut Health Care Partnership was passed overwhelmingly by the Connecticut General Assembly but vetoed by Governor M. Jodi Rell.

In addition, Secretary Bysiewicz has assisted thousands of businesses over the last decade by hosting annual business showcases that help Connecticut entrepreneurs network with potential clients and gain access to state and federal agencies who can aid with paperwork and regulations. In addition, Bysiewicz has led the Latino Small Business Roundtable to connect Latino entrepreneurs with federal and state resources, business tools, and information on how to get stimulus funds. Secretary Bysiewicz has also been working with the U.S. Department of Commerce to conduct the Connecticut Exporter Forum to assist businesses expand the marketplace for their products or services overseas and answer questions on federal and international trade regulations. To help level the playing field for Connecticut businesses, Bysiewicz led a successful drive in 2009 to enact tougher fines on unregistered out of state companies to $300/month from $165/month.



  1. SHU will never lift a finger to clean up the streets of Bridgeport that are continually littered by students who reside in local neighborhoods. Why? It’s not their problem. That’s not going to be a popular stand but it’s reality. Take a walk around the on- and off-campus properties SHU owns. No litter. No debris whatsoever. The SHU-owned property is continually cleaned all day long.

    The kids who live in private property trash the neighborhoods. The rent money that is paid to the property owners is partly used to pay outrageous property taxes from which funds should be available for street cleaning. Now, littering is against the law. These taxes also pay for the 21 cops on duty. Maybe a couple of arrests here and there might make these SHU slobs think twice.

    My point is SHU doesn’t own the streets that are full of litter. Sure, the pigs who go to that school are causing the problem but enforcement is the city’s responsibility, not SHU’s.

    If SHU were to assume responsibility for the cleanup, the precedent would come with great and unnecessary cost. Fairfield U steadfastly refuses to do anything to clean up the same problem at Fairfield Beach. Years ago, UB took the same position in the neighborhoods surrounding their campus.

    The property owners who are collecting rents are responsible for keeping their property clean. The city should step up and bust as many of these kids as they can over and over. I’d like to think that a stiff fine might cut into the weekly beer money allowance and make these future contributors to society to think before tossing that beer bottle on Mrs. Novalante’s front lawn.

  2. Bridgeport should take a note out of the Fairfield Police Department’s handling of college students. The other day they raided a bar and arrested over 100 underage drinkers. These kids were from Fairfield U and SHU.
    Bridgeport should start doing that when they receive complaints of large parties and teenage drinking. Somehow the message has to get to these students that they cannot break the law.
    The last news story of a large party indicated that Bridgeport called cabs for the students that had been drinking. Maybe a few hours in lockup while they sober up is the answer; not a tacit approval of their drinking and raising hell in Bridgeport.

  3. Bridgeport Police should arrest some SHU students for underage drinking and serving alcoholic beverages to minors and also charge the property owners with similar infractions.
    The problems will be addressed overnight.

  4. If we went to the hometowns of the smug, privileged upper-middle-class spoiled brats that attend these universities; pissed, shat and vomited all over the neatly manicured lawns, went skinny-dipping in the park fountains (excluding Mojo–wouldn’t want the residents dying of revulsion), tossed empty beer cans and liquor bottles out the window to litter the immaculately swept and obsessively maintained streets … Well, I’m just guessing that we’d be arrested for such behavior. Why is it not happening here? Is Mayor Finch (or, more precisely, Adam Wood) afraid that SHU and Fairfield University, a pair of overpriced reformatories for wayward young adults, will pull up stakes and leave town?

    Oh my gosh, the horror! What a terrifying thought. Not that it would make much difference. There are plenty of Bridgeport residents that have nothing but antipathy for their fellow residents. The buses are disgusting, young mothers changing their baby’s diapers and tossing the used article to the floor, people eating junk food and tossing the empty wrappers out the window. “Ain’t my bus! Ain’t my job to clean it, neither.” And the sloppy degenerate compulsive gamblers that toss their losing scratch-off tickets to the sidewalk, after making everyone else in the convenience store wait while the ticket purchaser tries his luck on the counter next to the register. Ever have to wait in line behind one of those assholes? “Excuse me, I’ve got to indulge my addiction right this very minute. You’ll have to wait …” I’ve got no patience for that nonsense and tell them in a loud and clear voice, “Hey man, get the fuck out of the way. Pronto!”

    The students, if confronted, do submit to shame and embarrassment. Most of the time.

    1. BTW,

      Many of the city’s buses are infested with cockroaches and have to be fumigated once a week. The rich, spoiled college pukes drive their own cars, so the roach problem is not their fault.

    1. Baloney and broccoli rabe? An Adamwood sandwich is like a wish sandwich: two slices of bread and you wish you had some meat. Or is that a billfinchwich?

  5. There is a MEETING tonight at the North End Library at 6:30PM with Police Chief Gaudett and the SET Team. The meeting is open to all residents of Bridgeport. The main topic of conversation is the problems that have been caused by the students at Sacred Heart University and their friends. The topic will also include the lack of action by Bridgeport City officials.

  6. I urge everyone to attend this meeting, it’s time for us to take back our city. Everyone and I mean everyone has a right to live in peace and quiet. The people in the North End and other areas of the city work hard to provide our families with a safe and quiet place to live. The inaction by city officials in handling this problem has got to stop.
    I can guarantee if one of us were drunk and damaging our neighbor’s property no one is going to call us a cab. They are going to give us a ride to jail in a black & white.
    If Fairfield can handle their student problems why can’t we do the same?

  7. Under Cover of the Charter–Why hasn’t the city gone out for testing on Police Chief’s job? Acting Chief Gaudett has been in position for over a year and is a good guy. However I heard it through the grapevine that this is a violation of Civil Service or Charter.

    1. Ralph Jacobs is the GO TO guy to get a proper clarification of this issue. He is a knowledgeable guy who is highly skilled and knows his job well. Check with him.

      Oh … … … never mind.

  8. The City does whatever it wants when it wants. It does not even abide by its own Charter. Nobody gives a shit anymore where I spend my 40+ hrs. a week. If they say they do they are full of shit themselves! The kiss-asses put on a good show. That’s all it is and that’s all this administration deserves.

  9. The City does whatever it wants when it wants. It does not even abide by its own Charter. Nobody gives a shit anymore where I spend my 40+ hrs. a week. If they say they do they are full of shit themselves! The kiss-asses put on a good show. That’s all it is and that’s all this administration deserves.

    1. Wingnut, that’s definitely the attitude of most departments. The bosses don’t give a shit and are too busy kissing somebody’s ass or hogging the OT or goofing off. Morale is at an all-time low and it shows. Life in city hall sucks.


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