Did anyone watch the battle between Malloy Math and Tom Foolery last night? Candidates for governor Democratic incumbent Dan Malloy and Republican Tom Foley brought along a few zingers in the test for veracity. New Haven Register coverage below followed by links to various news outlets:
In their first debate of the campaign, Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Republican businessman Tom Foley tangled Wednesday over who was more truthful, revisited the controversies over Foley’s visit to Sprague and his ownership of the Bibb Company, as well the specifics of the gun bill adopted last year.
The governor and Foley are engaged in a rematch after Malloy, the first Democrat in that office in two decades, beat Foley by 6,404 votes in 2010. The debate was held at Norwich Free Academy.
Foley accused the governor of employing “Malloy math” in his budgeting, while Malloy talked about the workers the former ambassador to Ireland laid off when he managed the Georgia textile mill in the 1990s which went into bankruptcy under his watch.
Full story here.
CT Post coverage from Ken Dixon here.
CT Mirror coverage here.
Courant coverage here.
My question is this. Will Marilyn Moore’s coattails be broad enough to carry Malloy in the 22nd?
The Bridgeport portion of the district, yes. Suburbs, another story.
Is the glass half empty or is the glass half full? That’s up to each of us. But this much I know: when you’re the ambassador to Ireland sometimes your job is to make sure the glass is empty.
Jim brings up a good point. If Trumbull/Monroe’s hatred of Malloy is stronger than Bridgeport’s hatred of Foley, it could mean trouble for Moore.
Lennie: On your header, don’t you mean Goober?
I was tempted!