Finch: If Obama Pays For It, We’ll Take Them If We Have Space

Rejected by Governor Malloy, Mayor Bill Finch is open to taking in migrant children … if the federal government pays for it and space allows. From the Connecticut Mirror:

The City of Bridgeport is exploring whether it has the facilities that would meet federal requirements to host some of the Central American migrant children who are in overcrowded federal holding centers along the borders, said a city spokesman.

The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Relocation (ORR) is offering grants in the amounts of between $500,000 and $100 million to help pay for the temporary care of more than 55,000 children who have arrived unaccompanied to the United States.

“Mayor Finch knows it would be unfair to Bridgeport residents to even consider an effort that would take away city services or resources,” Broesder said. “He’s only willing to consider this if federal funds pay for all transportation, legal representation and shelter costs–or any other costs associated with taking action.”

Full story.



  1. The poorest city in the state of Connecticut and Finch thinks he is being a humanitarian. This is really fucking stupid, I mean really fucking stupid. I am dumbfounded honest to G-d an overtaxed, burdened and poorest city in the state. Add this to Marina Village replacement housing downtown. Who the hell advised you Mayor to go over Malloy’s head and put more of a burden on city services? I am all for immigration reform, to suggest bringing these poor souls across the country is just beyond my comprehension.

    1. Jan Brewer and Rick Perry need to step up. These children should not have to travel 1000s of miles more while the United States figures out whether these individuals return to their country of origin or are absorbed into the United States. It wouldn’t hurt the Vatican to step up and pressure Rick Perry and Jan Brewer. Not to mention money to feed these refugees.

      Note to Finch, your heart may have been in the right place but this is not the time or place. When you have crumbling curbs and garbage in the streets, you do not look for another major burden. Texas and Arizona have the means. They need to deal with it.

    1. Wow, I haven’t heard that in a long time. The original Democratic machine elevating immigrants. Never even thought of that. That is brilliant. 🙂

  2. Finch is an idiot, pure and simple. The shame of this is if he put this proposal before the council, being the lapdogs they are they would vote in favor of the Finch proposal. This is all for show, Finch is too self-centered to think of anything but himself.

  3. I have given this thought, but have been unable to come up with an answer. In what facility would Mayor Finch be proposing to house these children? We do have a couple of vacant schools but they do not have shower facilities. Does anyone have any thoughts?

        1. Gosh, I was in hope you would suggest the city purchase my nifty multifamily and house them here. But your idea is clearly more appropriate!

  4. I don’t care where he puts them. How are we going to deal with these kids? They will overburden our already troubled school system. They will overburden the hospitals. The lists goes on and on.
    Steve, all the politicians in Washington including the president are responsible for this mess. The Democratically controlled senate and the Republican controlled house of representatives. They have refused to deal with immigration control and here we are.

  5. Andy, this is a Republican mess. Two Republican governors who have shown no leadership. Now Rick Perry is calling the national guard? Immigration reform should have been addressed years ago. I blame the Republicans and the tea party.

  6. Steve, of course you blame the Republicans. You blame the two Republican governors? Really!! Immigration is a federal problem and the laws governing immigration are federal laws. Steve, the border patrol agents are federal employees and not state employees. Steve, let me ask you this, what has the Democratically controlled senate done about immigration? Nothing. What has Obama done or attempted to do about immigration? Very little. These kids are at the border because Obama led people to believe if you are a minor and come to this country and have a relative here you can stay here. Not true.
    Perry called the guard in because Obama would not.

    1. Andy, if you support the Republicans who have done nothing other than being obstacles to progress, I cannot change your thinking. If you think Boehner has made an imprint that has improved the quality of life for anyone, then you will vote accordingly. I believe the Republicans have done nothing. But then again Andy, we all have our own agenda, if you get my drift.

  7. Steve, I don’t get your drift but let me be perfectly clear. Obama and company had control of both houses for about four years and really did not do much. Well let me rephrase that, they did pass Obamacare. Other than that, nothing. Steve I think the people serving in both the house and senate should be voted out of office and I mean both parties. I believe this congress is a perfect example of why there should be term limits. Neither party wants to deal with immigration. The last president who dealt with immigration was Reagan.

  8. Steve, Hillary will not be the next president. She has a lot of baggage and only the left-leaning Dems want her. She was one of the worst secretaries of state we ever had but not to fear, John Kerry will make her look brilliant.

    1. Well that’s good to know. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin. I can see why you’re feeling confident, Andy. The next group of first-time voters are currently 16, 17 and 18 and I am sure you are right, they will most likely register Republican. What was I thinking?

      1. Steve please don’t think I am stupid. So far you have not mentioned anyone I would vote for and that includes Christie. Let’s assume Hillary doesn’t run, who is the Democratic candidate?

  9. Perhaps this is just the latest example of Finch auditioning for a job in the Obama administration. Name a school in his honor, praise him for his leadership, etc.

    Or perhaps Finch is just a flaming asshole liberal.

  10. The City of Bridgeport is not equipped to house these children and Finch and his cronies have no idea about the special medical, psychosocial, nutritional, educational, etc. needs these children have. Finch is speaking out of his ass once again. Where will he house them? How will he assemble enough qualified staff? Half the City’s own social service programs are falling apart due to mismanagement. Is there anyone in this administration with half a brain? Anyone? Anyone?

    Shame on Governor Malloy for refusing the children. They could have been placed across the state in various organizations that have experienced staff and appropriate facilities to house them. That way no one city or town would take the whole burden.

    I am so sick and tired of these fools, I will vote Republican in the next governor’s race.

  11. Many ‘ifs’ here, doesn’t seem like he really cares for the issue and is just trying to appeal to Latinos but this is a poor job. He is saying ‘if Obama pays, if we have space, if we have time, if there are no other priorities’–he is really stepping up to the plate.


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