Hennessy To Reintroduce Government Reform Bill, Chides Musto’s Opposition

State Rep. Jack Hennessy says he will once again submit conflict-of-interest legislation in the 2014 General Assembly intended to close a loophole in state law that presumably allows city employees to serve on the City Council in defiance of the City Charter, a bill that was killed with the aid of State Senator Anthony Musto whom Hennessy says he’s contemplating a challenge in a Democratic primary if political activist Marilyn Moore doesn’t step up.

Hennessy hasn’t been bashful about his distaste for Musto snuggling up to the city’s political establishment that wants to continue the tradition of city councilors voting on their own wages and benefits. As Hennessy has said in the past, “Musto’s no friend of mine.”

The City Charter prohibits city employees from serving on the legislative body but City Attorney Mark Anastasi has given city employee councilors a pass declaring state law allows it. Where’s the rub? State law forbids municipal employees from serving on boards of finance, but the city’s legislative body also serves as the budget authority. Hennessy proposes to simply extend the state law to cover all municipal budget authorities.

Musto stepped up to help kill the bill on behalf of City Council President Tom McCarthy, the city’s deputy director of Labor Relations, who serves at the pleasure of Mayor Bill Finch. Hennessy argues it’s impossible for the legislative branch to serve as a check on the executive branch that signs its paychecks.

Hennessy says it sometimes takes multiple sessions for legislation to pass and expects to reintroduce the government reform bill that had bipartisan support. State Rep. Auden Grogins co-sponsored the bill. The General Assembly convenes in February.

Hennessy says he’d like to take on Musto in a primary but would step back and support ally Marilyn Moore who served as campaign manager for the three new Democrats on the Board of Education that defeated the Democratic Town Committee-endorsed candidates in a September primary. Moore lost a close primary to Musto in 2008. Connecticut’s 22nd Senatorial District covers all of Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe.



  1. Speaking about Musto and his support of Steelepointe, I was thinking the developers should contact The Capital Grille, the franchise steakhouse. Not to say Joseph’s Steakhouse isn’t a fine eatery, but on Steelepointe, The Capital Grille would be a big draw. Amazing!!! I do not think Musto has anything to worry about. I could be wrong. If Hennessy is considering a challenge, grow a pair! Do not be waiting for Marilyn Moore, she doesn’t support Steelepointe, she doesn’t stand a chance! This post is just a regurgitation from the anti-Musto anti-Finch rhetoric. My song remains the same. Anyone care to jump in and attack this messenger? Discuss!

    1. Steve,
      Each of us are messengers to folks on this blog and beyond. I am happy to hear your opinions on restaurants, neighborhoods, religion, educational practice, etc. but I draw a line when it comes to your almost 100% support of whatever Mayor Finch says or does.

      It would seem to me you would be very critical of my financial postings, of my comments on OIB where Lennie calls me General Lee and such, as I am critical of the Finch administration for its failure to honor the Charter, for its corruption of whatever check and balance mechanism may have been left in the City when Fabrizi left office, and for the continued deterioration of our municipal fiscal situation. But you say nothing. Is it you consider taxpayer money to mean nothing? Perhaps you do not believe what I say (though you do not challenge my statements)? In most communities the major stories, whether about education, sewers, public facility’s handling of snow, operating an airport with a “good neighbor” policy and losing lots of money while doing it, and certainly economic development, have to do with money, right? Why are you silent? I have jumped in, but the questions are gentle to you personally, but probing your silence on this serious subject. Time will tell.

      1. John Marshall Lee, I am not silent on your posts. I agree with most and you leave me speechless most of the time. Why? There is nothing left to say when you are done. To assume I am Finch’s main cheerleader, that really is a joke. Ask him yourself. I usually only comment on the fluff. When I announce I am running for mayor, I will go for the jugular and leave you speechless!!! 🙂

    1. Bridgeporteur, first, the Steelepointe project is still called Steelepointe. Bridgeport Landing is the name of the development group. When Marilyn first ran against Musto for Senate, I went to a dinner at the Italian Center, a meet and greet sponsored by Caruso. When I asked a question about Steelepointe, Caruso told me to ask Finch since I voted for him and Moore let Senator Gomes pontificate on their stand on Steelepointe. It was never going to happen and they did not support it. End of conversation there. I left and informed Ms. Moore at the end of the meeting I thought she was most eloquent, but Steelepointe was too important to the city and I would be supporting Musto.

      1. So are you saying both Ed Gomes and Marilyn Moore support the idea of doing nothing at Steeleye Pointe or they were just opposed to that Miami Group whatever its name is now?

        1. Well Bridgeporteur, in a nutshell the developer was never mentioned. And to be honest it doesn’t matter anymore. I could not see her being a partner with any major developer. Can’t say I have ever heard any visionary aspirations for the City.

  2. Off subject. Catching up on national news, I read DiNardo has been named vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops??? WHEW … His first name is Daniel. I almost became an atheist.

  3. Go Representative Hennessy, go!

    I think if the Working Families Party backs HB 5724, this sensible bill will have a fighting chance in 2014. Of course, if State Senators Musto and Ayala insist on keeping it out of the state senate, then it will likely take longer for passage.

    If you support HB 5724, why not e-mail a brief happy holidays note to the bright, capable and talented leader of CT WFP, Ms. Lindsay Farrell–lfarrell@workingfamilies.org–asking her for her and her organization’s support of HB 5724 in 2014?

    You could always do the same in a note to Senator Musto–musto@senatedems.ct.gov–but, from reading Musto’s public statements on HB 5724 and the like, I don’t think it’ll make a difference.

  4. Hennessy is Johnny One-Note … the theme of this article is definitely something that needs legal addressing, but what has Hennessy done for the betterment of Bridgeport? Please provide a list.

  5. Let’s stay on topic, please.

    Lennie, you have summarized this issue well.

    In my opinion, this legislation is a minor correction to clarify the existing guideline. Unfortunately, you have spineless politicians like Sharkey, Musto and McCarthy with the ability to prevent it.

    Jack Hennessy and Auden Grogins have demonstrated integrity in their representation of Bridgeporters. Jack is not flashy or wordy, he is accountable and forthright.

    This legislation, along with what Grogins has shepherded through, is the most meaningful in terms of responsible governance and quality of life.

  6. *** True that, on Hennessy not being a household name in politics especially now that Caruso is gone. However out of the eight Bpt State Legislators, there are only a few who seem to be trying to do something worthwhile for this city every once in a while! Those are Hennessy, Grogins and A. Ayala, the rest of the group is a mystery to me and many other voters. However one thing is for sure and that is Musto is for nobody but himself and his close financial supporters. Bpt needs to wake up and find another political candidate regardless of political party and “DUMP MUSTO!” ***

  7. L.E.,
    You live in Trumbull, Musto lives in Trumbull. Is that the extent of your clarity and vision? Last year we saw the extent of Musto’s wish to share his viewpoint with his community. I will be surprised if his behavior in the coming year is very different.

    The status quo in most parts of the region is held together by small groups of registered voters, probably dependent for something important the body does for them when elections are held. Thanks for covering the subject. Let’s inform more voters who are unconflicted and can oppose the folks who look to take over our governance through ignoring talking about what they are doing. Time will tell.

      1. Steven,
        I am mildly ‘Anti-Lint.’ You may notice in my writing I look at issues where the ‘public’ and/or the taxpayers will be the beneficiary of policies and practices decided by the elected. Since much of the “work” of those elected is never seen, never heard about and is not recorded in a fashion available to that same public, you have to dig. That is what I do.
        Some observe I have been pictured with a snow shovel. Some have erroneously concluded this is my ‘digging tool’ of choice. NOT!!! The snow shovel is out because we may have to defend ourselves again this snow season, because of the still very present (and unexplained) reality of last year’s ‘dump on Bridgeport.’
        Has Musto left the field of battle, or has he called for a replacement? Does the successful support of the BOE Democratic Challenge slate this past fall make Marilyn Moore an odds-on favorite? But what are the issues she sees as most important and what does she propose? Personally I think Hennessy has done something important towards getting necessary governance change. And as Mom always reminded us: “If at first you do not succeed, try, try again!” Good advice for those working to change the position of our City.
        And Steve, what you should also know is I am even more against ‘premature rejections’ of any and all who would stand up and run for office. I am a “financial listener” waiting to hear from the many who might wish for my vote. Time will tell.

        1. John Marshall Lee, you yourself seem to be a politician. I am also “anti Lint,” I used to believe Bill Finch had the personality of lint. Now Hennessy definitely has the personality of lint. My question to you, Mr. Lee, was did you support Marilyn Moore over Musto?

  8. JML,
    Don’t be confused by geographic similarities. He’s State Senator to both of us, right?
    In response to your post, the extents of my clarity and vision are boundless and do not squeeze into the conventional cubbyholes of yesterday.

  9. While the Bridgeport voters have been voting for “change,” Musto has been doing the same. Three years ago, Musto and Bill Finch came to visit Solar Change on the corner of Lenox Avenue and Maplewood Avenue. Musto announced the funding of $250,000 to this new Green company. The company alleged to have proprietary technology. Musto stated the company was going to hire 30 people and that’s why he was supporting them. Months later, the company took all the solar equipment it had outside on the lot and moved. They allegedly moved the business to 706 Howard Avenue next to Modern Plastics and the only sign of a business was the Solar Change sign on the building. The sign was removed many months ago and according to their website they have 5-9 employees (the same figure given for at least 3 years). For the last year and a half, I’ve been like that old lady from the “Where’s the Beef?” commercial and asking myself where’s the heat? Perhaps Hennessy can tell Musto when he sees him, I want to know Where is the change, the Solar Change, and the heat he should be putting on this company for answers to my questions and concerns.

    Solar Change in Bridgeport, CT – 203-330-0484
    www .whitepages.com/business/solar-change-bridgeport-ct
    Find Solar Change at 277 Lenox Ave, Bridgeport, CT. Call them at (203) 330-0484.
    www .solarchange.com


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