More than 1000 absentee ballot applications are circulating in the city for the September 10 Democratic primary for Board of Education. Nearly 600 absentee ballots have been mailed. More than 100 have been returned to the Town Clerk’s Office. With almost two weeks left until the primary it’s likely at least 10 percent of votes cast will come via absentee ballot. Both primary camps are getting in on the absentee ballot action. Nothing like six-pack abs to flex a little primary-day muscle.
The Town Clerk’s Office is in overdrive trying to keep pace with the absentee ballot requests. The state’s most populous city enjoys a large senior citizen voter base key to absentee ballot voting. In Connecticut’s myopic voting world, electors can vote early only through excuse-required absentee ballot. Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill has led the charge to approve early voting as dozens of other states allow. State voters will decide in the 2014 election if they want early voting.
Meanwhile political operatives in the citywide school board race and four district primaries for City Council are working their traditional absentee ballot voters.
Endorsed Democrats Kathryn Bukovsky, Simon Castillo and Brandon Clark are being challenged by Andre Baker, Dave Hennessey and Howard Gardner.
In what is shaping up as a competitive school board contest, operatives for the respective slates are seeking an absentee ballot edge. The three top vote producers will move on to the November general election as prohibitive favorites.
Steve Miller. Great song.
Somebody arrest Lydia, already.
I am going to say it again. Someone should insist on an audit and canvass of absentee ballots. There are many voters in this city registered at vacant lots, non-existent addresses and houses that look like they have been boarded up for years. I have seen this for myself.
“I am going to say it again.”
You saw the problem. Did you DO anything about it before you left town? Talk is cheap, isn’t it? Auditing lists and keeping them up to date is a formal responsibility of the Registrar’s office. Did you report any of your observations? It is easy to cry for “audits” or to ask someone else to do things, but real learning comes when you buckle down to doing the so-called dirty work of digging. (Joel Gonzalez’ recent writing on the ‘bus ride to the casino’ as part of Bridgeport political action heritage is a great example of someone doing the work!)
And no one is trying to take away your RIGHT TO EXPRESS AN OPINION when they respond negatively to your opinion. Walk the walk because action counts. Time will tell.
*** Just got a phone call from the DTC “endorsed candidates” polling headquarters and was told I should vote for the “endorsed candidates” because the “challenging BOE slate” was “responsible” for raising taxes in the city of Bpt! Where do they find these “buffoons,” I wonder? When I asked the male caller about the positions held by the challenging slate that allowed them to have the power to vote to raise city taxes, he did not know. Just that they did and the endorsed candidates are running to stop it. These types of “misinformed” public workers, either working for a particular party or on the receiving end of a political call are found all over the city of Bpt! Misinformed party workers just trying to make a buck, or misinformed called voters who made the mistake of picking up the phone and really could care less about the upcoming elections or who’s running. This is the ZOMBIELAND the city of Bpt has become with a small percentage of normal citizens still holding onto a pipe dream that continues to go up in smoke year after year! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***