Highlighting a report by Cummings Associates as evidence of the additional revenue expanded gaming would bring in at three Connecticut parimutuel facilities including one in Bridgeport, State Senator Andres Ayala on Monday was among Democratic legislators calling for thousands of new slot machines. The agreement would need approval from the state’s two tribal gaming operations that currently provide the state 25 percent of the slot take. Legislators hope to submit slot expansion for approval for the 2014 legislative session.
From the CT Mirror:
Tired of watching neighboring states expanding gambling while Connecticut’s revenue from the casinos steadily declines, a handful of Democratic legislators Monday threw their support behind allowing 7,500 slot machines to open in Bridgeport, New Haven and Windsor Locks.
“The tide of competition has just begun to rise,” said Sen. Andres Ayala Jr., D-Bridgeport, the vice chairman of the Public Safety and Security Committee. “This is about us being proactive.”
But gambling opponents seized the group’s press conference to vent about the state budget approved by the House over the weekend, which expands gambling in the state by allowing Keno games for the first time in facilities outside the state’s two casinos.
Read more here.
Great, another way for the elderly and the poor to lose their money in a futile effort to win extra money. Hey Ayala, you have time for this BS yet you won’t support the bill submitted by Hennessy.
What you and the rest of the dumb asses in Hartford should be doing is looking for ways to cut the budget in a meaningful way that will really help everyone.
Andy, happy to read your words about Ayala, but I couldn’t resist the self-satisfied look on Musto’s face. If that is a recent picture of Ayala on slots, then the A/C is turned too low in the Senate Chamber because Anthony is wearing a sweater while Andres may be getting ‘collar wilt.’ Cold-blooded legislators? Is this the best economic development Andres can conjure for the State of CT? And what do you say to high school youth who are juniors and seniors about work or life after high school? And he is an educator? What is his worldview? Time will tell.
I am not going to applaud Ayala or Musto on this issue because they are wrong. But I have to laugh at JML’s criticism of Ayala’s skills as an educator since JML thinks Vallas who is spending your tax dollars on private consultants and has left several school systems in shambles is wonderful. Really, JML?
The State compact with Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casino is for slot machines only, 25% (vig) a la Weicker goes to the State.
The State has no regulation over table games, for Mohegan and Foxwoods but the Federal Government does.
That left it open for any City or Town to receive permission from the State for a casino for table games, sports book, race book, etc.
Just the revenue alone from a sports book operation would be in the freaking millions.
Every Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Dancing with the Stars, has odds. Lombard’s right!!!
Bridgeport needs to come out of its coma, and fast!
It looks like a zero-sum game to me. We’ll need to compensate the tribal casinos for their “permission” to expand slots and keno and their losses from off-site gambling. The money spent at the urban venues will not only be money that would most likely have gone to the casinos, but it will also open up play to a lot of people who ordinarily wouldn’t have gone to the casinos and have no business gambling anyhow.
So Musto wants to get rid of the Independent Party, loosen up absentee ballot laws, encourage gambling, takes no stand on gun control, and keep the loophole open that keeps raging conflicts of interest intact in Bridgeport. His mother must be so proud.
And Anthony, the next time you want to pose for a photo with a smug, self-satisfied look on your face, don’t forget to bring your chin.
The teacher senator pushes extreme fighting and gambling. Yet ignores bills to correct conflicts of interest. Doesn’t surprise me. We are the fourth dirtiest city.
Bruce, is that behind Waterbury, Hartford and New Haven? On Topic: This was tried when the Casino for Bridgeport was killed and the State wasn’t prepared to let the monies we receive from the Tribes go. I don’t believe they would support it now, unless maybe, are they opening some sort of parimutuel in Stamford? … hmmm.
The things our Senators take pride in promoting is disgusting. How can they have any pride or satisfaction if these are the best ideas they can endorse? Should we just become like Reno and make prostitution legal, for clearly this is what these two are engaging in.
Seriously? You guys need to get out of your Ivory Soap Towers. Gaming is here to stay. Not every person who plays is a degenerate gambler. Will anyone here make a bet on the Belmont or a fixed annuity?
My point, not one piece of job creating legislation was passed, but gambling and revenue from this is heralded as progress for Bridgeport and CT. Nothing against responsible gambling, but this is considered a business to celebrate?
I personally have nothing against gaming. I was even in favor of the casino. My point is the type of issues Musto supports are ones that have potential to have crime related or corrupt spillover side effects but he won’t support clear measures to promote transparency and clean up crime.
The photo posted above with that creepy look on his face says it all. I will actively campaign against him, count on it.
*** The oldest gimmick in history for parting seniors and the poor from what little money they have, no? A “vice” called gambling or a “poor man’s dream” is the best resource the State has to create revenue? *** SAD ***