Finch Hosts Budget Presentation Wednesday

Mayor Bill Finch will conduct the first in a series of public budget presentations Wednesday 6 to 8 p.m. at Luis Muñoz Marin School, 479 Helen Street. The first session comes as the City Council’s Budget and Appropriations Committee reviews the mayor’s $520 million spending proposal for the budget year beginning July 1.

The mayor’s budget calls for a 2.5 mil tax increase representing an approximate $400 hike for the average city homeowner. The full council is expected to vote on the budget by May 14. It then goes back to the mayor for possible veto action before the council sets the final mil rate in June.

“This year’s budget presents us with some very tough challenges due to the funding cuts proposed by the governor,” says the mayor. These sessions will allow us to speak face-to-face about these issues, while allowing residents to voice their concerns, ask questions and provide City officials with feedback.”

Other neighborhood budget sessions will take place April 30, 6 to 8 p.m., Discovery Interdistrict Magnet School, 4510 Park Avenue and May 7, – 6 to 8 p.m., Jettie Tisdale School, 250 Hollister Avenue.

Finch will also host a telephone town hall on Tuesday, April 16 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. An online sign-up form for residents will be posted on the City’s website



  1. The Mayor forgot to mention, while on WICC Radio this morning, there is a public hearing on the budget tonight at City hall 6:00pm. 45 Lyon Terrace.

  2. *** Every budget season the City blames some of the State and Fed’s proposed cuts as the reason for its financial shortcomings; along with rising operations cost and the overall economy. Seems it can’t come to grips with its poor financial management over union city contracts, overpaid admin. and political jobs, low incoming revenue and sources, city lawsuits, taxes, O/T, no new economic development in general, BOE woes, etc. just to name some of the usual few, no? The city’s inexperienced B&A Committee along with some of the other Council members try to make some budget changes here and there to offset raising taxes or worker layoffs and cuts but usually fall short or are simply confused or fooled by the numbers “Guru” Mr. Sherwood, who is an “expert” when it comes to dealing with smoke & mirror “budget numbers” in general! Basically in the end, the city gets what it “voted or didn’t vote” at all, for “NO?” *** CITY COUNCIL’S WORST BUDGET SCENARIO, SEND IT BACK AND VOTE “NO” ACROSS THE BOARD! ***


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