Blackmail At Matty’s

I’ll tell ya how old I’m getting; I was a scribe covering the remedy order that U.S. District Court Judge T.F. Gilroy Daly issued in 1983 to resolve racial discrimination in the Bridgeport Police Department.

Daly assigned a special master to oversee his order that created balance in assignments, promotions, dispute resolution, etc. Critics of the remedy said that Daly’s order went too far and handcuffed police officials by coloring every decision. U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton (yeah, yeah; Judge Arterton sentenced me to a short stint in the joint in 2003) has lifted the remedy order, restoring assignment powers to the chief and senior officers. The judge will review her order in 18 months.

Ron Bailey, president of the Bridgeport Guardians that brought the suit roughly 30 years ago under the leadership of Ted Meekins, shared this statement with OIB:

The order from Judge Arterton gives the City of Bridgeport the opportunity to show it will take the steps required to diversify the Department, including the current promotional lists, to hire more minority officers in the future and to seriously address any issues of discrimination on its own terms. The Chief can now appoint someone Assistant Chief to help make those changes happen to turn the Bridgeport Police Department’s history around.

The court will be observing as these changes the Department said it will make takes place. I am very hopeful that in 2010 I can go into court and say, yes, we are on track and changes for the better of our community have been made.

What A Party

OIB friends jammed Matty’s Corner Thursday night for our first anniversary party and I have blackmail photos to prove it.


Joel Speedy Gonzalez kept his finger in check for this photo.


Ms. Mo shows all her fingers. Snap to it, Leonard.


Former City Councilman Pat Crossin holds up the ATM machine. Yeah, I’m scared too.


East Side District Leader Marilyn Middlemass just before her bar dance.


Val Sorrentino reminds us she’s off duty from City Hall.


Three Amigos: Cougar Rodgerson, Joel and Sly Salcedo.


Someone call my husband!


The first person to identify these fingers wins a copy of  my new book.


Bon vivant husband and wife Jack McGregor and Mary-Jane Foster.


This is Mojo after he settled shit with Joel.


Susie Crazy Katz, the finest web designer on the planet, loves her grape.


Booty, Katz, some local psycho and Ms. Mo


What’s an OIB party without the logic of Local Eyes.


Good gravy, it’s The Troll Bob Walsh and the elegant Judith.


Artist fantastico Jessica Bajoros, her mom and OIB friend Eileen Walsh at the kickoff of Jessica’s work at the Gallery at Black Rock. We crashed Eileen’s party after our gig at Matty’s. Check out Jessica’s work! It’s not as psychedelic as this image.


Eileen Walsh, the legendary State Senator Ed Gomes, M&M, The Troll and Judith.



  1. oh, oh, OH … a wonderful and fabulous time we had, indeed … so nice to see the OIBers and pols and the Gallery at Black Rock after … and of course, as always, a thrill to see my cohort in crime here at OIB … Ray 🙂

  2. Lennie, where are the pictures of Yahooy and Anna?! Also … no fair about the free book and finger ID. I already bought the book.

    Does anyone know how the guest bartending event went? Who had the better shindig?

    1. I gotta do Latin too?

      “Alea Iacta Est” == “The die has been cast”.

      Or as Exposé said in their 1987 hit:
      “You’re taking me to the point of no return.”


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