Sarah Burns worked for the administration of Mayor Mary Moran who made national news in June of 1991 when she placed the state’s largest city into federal bankruptcy, a move opposed by the state. A federal judge ruled against Moran’s petition. Burns will appear at a book discussion for The Drowning of a Seaside City, emceed by city financial watchdog John Marshall Lee, Thursday 6 p.m. at the North End Library, 3455 Madison Avenue. The book covers the causes and aftermath of the city’s fiscal crisis.
About the Book
THE DROWNING OF A SEASIDE CITY tells the story of Bridgeport, Connecticut’s ride to bankruptcy. It explains how the fiscal neglect and denial went on and on. How there were giveaways one year and denial the next year. Except for Mayors Bucci and Moran, no other leaders would divulge the financial problems, and when Bucci and Moran did–it was almost too late. Many believe the problems are now solved, but that is too far from the truth. You will understand how Bridgeport and other cities and towns now experiencing the same dilemma, cannot possibly be okay. These municipalities will suffer until steps are taken to relieve them of their financial burdens.
It was the late Rick Porto who first said we were in the tank in the ’87 mayoral election. It was after that Bucci had to go into the confessional booth. Mary Moran, much like the Prophetess, was unknown in her own country. Good thing about Bucci was it brought in the FRB. Bad thing was once Joe got a hold of finance they and subsequent mayors went on to spend like drunken sailors. Burns was a bright light in a dimly lit city.
For those who can’t make it this Thursday–This event will be repeated 6:00 PM Tuesday, October 23th at the Black Rock Branch Library, 2705 Fairfield Avenue.