1. Funny how you can’t drive by a road off Madison Ave near Testo’s (white voters) without seeing wooden horses with Finch’s name on them beautifying the city.
    They should say I ain’t done shit ‘tll 3 months before the primary. But voters will buy it

  2. We the People of Connecticut, Inc.


    A permanent grassroots, non-partisan network of informed people committed to the personal duty of Citizen vigilance in the cause of seeing Constitutional Governance and accountability, at city/town, state and national levels, by raising the consciousness of our citizens beyond politics and parties, to those principles, prohibitions, restrictions and mandates of our Charters of Freedom – the Supreme Law of the Land.
    An institution that avoids all political discussion and doesn’t rely on the electoral process to achieve accountability in government.
    An organization comprised of citizens throughout the state who have a communication system and are organized and financed in order to:
    – effectively and consistently monitor the official of public officials in their city/town, state and federal levels of government.
    – measure the actions of their public servants against the requirements of their city charters, state and federal Constitutions and laws and oaths of office.
    – in the event of a violation, serve a petition for redress of grievance and instructions of remedy, as protected by the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, upon all parties involved.
    – make the public aware of the violation and remedy and apply public pressure on the serving parties to reply and/or comply with the remedy.
    – in the event there is no response, take steps to enforce the Rights of the People that have been violated.
    We the People of Connecticut, the Constitution Lobby, seeks to ensure that the power of our system of governance is returned to the People and fulfill their obligation to keep the People free.
    “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Thomas Jefferson

    Finch has cut his throat along with the people of the Park City. He was sure of State reimbursements which will now become cuts. The only thing that will occur is the rising of taxes and reduction of services. This lobby may be needed for the city as well as the State. I have stated these three pillars of democracy before and will continue to do so. 1. Term Limits 2. The right of Recall. 3. State wide and city wide binding referendums.

  3. C’mon Bill! You and your buddy Paul Timpanelli fought tooth and nail against Keeley in his successful attempts to get money for the Congress Street Bridge. Finch suffers from “Elective Amnesia!”

  4. Talk about a bridge over troubled water, does Finch realize there is a credit crisis in DC? He probably thinks Obama is pulling out the troops to reduce gas emissions. Guess who’s coming to dinner? Hopefully it’s former Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch!

  5. From The City Clerk’s web page

    June 21, 2011
    There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council’s Contracts Committee, to be held on **Tuesday evening, July 5, 2011 at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport, Connecticut in the Wheeler Room, Side A. If you are unable to attend, please contact the committee co-chairs Mr. Carlos Silva, at (203) 371-7672 or Mr. Richard Paoletto Jr. at (203) 373-9694.

    101-10 Tentative agreement with AFSCME, Local 1522 regarding a collective bargaining agreement.

    CHS was right about fast-tracking this contract. This item was sent to the council June 20th and the committee will have a special meeting before the July 5th council meeting to approve.

      1. Committee on Contracts
        Councilmembers: Silva, Paoletto, Lyons, McCarthy, Holloway, Austin, Curwen.

        Well let’s see. Paoletto, Lyons, McCarthy, Holloway and Curwen are all city employees. That won’t stop them.

        Lyons and Holloway. Are they members of 1522? That could be a problem.

        1. Lyons is a 1522 member. Paoletto’s father works at the Parks Dept and may be a 1522 member as well. So is Mary Fabrizi. This agreement will pass with no problem. Fastest approval I’ll ever see.


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