From the Beardsley Zoo
Good news! Our rare endangered ocelot kitten born in January will be on exhibit starting THIS Saturday, April 16, 2011. You’re invited to come visit the as yet unnamed female kitten in the South American Rainforest building just in time for April vacation!
Mom and Dad, Kuma and Ozzie, underwent artificial reproductive procedures back in November. Since then, Dad went back to the Salisbury Zoo in Maryland while Mom has spent time in seclusion with her kitten. The baby ocelot has a big sister, Milagre, who has relocated to the Dallas Zoo to make room for her mother and sister to be on exhibit.
Brazilian ocelots have been on the endangered species list for more than 25 years. As one of only 30 Brazilian ocelots maintained in North American zoos, Kuma is very important genetically to the captive population. Her ability to become pregnant after AI on two separate occasions is a testament to the scientific knowledge gained from nearly 20 years of reproductive research with domestic cats and ocelots.
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Kid, let me guess what you were going to say. “Another immigrant from Brazil arrives in Bpt.”
No, I wasn’t going to say that. Ocelots are apolitical by nature. The zoo is off limits.
I was thinking more along the lines of “endangered species list for 25 years.” Intelligent, competent, non-machine Democratic candidates running aggressively for mayoral position against incumbent. Let’s see what species is endangered this year: incumbent or pursuer? Where is the vulnerability?
Another quick observation: what do you think of the Gomes banner across his publicity? NOT FOR SALE. It is a declaration that stands in stark contrast to the presumed status quo. Not so blatant as using the “c” word Caruso critics found objectionable. But a positive rendition of an important theme if real and rapid economic development still on Don Eversley’s radar is to take place in our lifetimes.
Predator or prey is a very good analogy. Perhaps just this once the defenseless impala can lead pursuing jackals across the path of a waiting lion.
Perhaps the defenseless impala can lead the jackals across a busy street while leaping about the traffic …
In 1964 I owned an Impala.
In ’59 my father owned an Impala wagon.