Hey, who’s going to Mario Testa’s fundraising soiree next Tuesday?
Yes indeed, a collection of great and near-great politicians, candidates, operatives, developers and access-seekers will pay their respects to the Democratic town chair’s annual fundraiser at his Madison Avenue restaurant. Mario’s going easy on his cadre of followers, just $35 per ticket. Can’t wait to see who’s buying a table. I hear Mario’s goal is to sell 400 tix. And don’t forget the extra loot from program book ads. That should bring in a few grand more.
I’m not going unless Mario promises to uncork a case of Amarone. Yes sir, I want a mighty wine to go with my pasta and beef. This is actually a good night to catch up to all the candidates for office. I expect they’ll be strolling in to pay tribute to Mario. The general election is just weeks away, they’ll not disappoint the town chair, will they? I hope not. Mario keeps score.
So what’s your prediction for deal-cutting that night? How will the lasagna be carved up? Who’s getting what? I wonder if State Rep. Chris Caruso will show to take blackmail photos.
Mario serves and likes his Politics and ‘Ronis Al Dente. No Musciad for Mario. There could end up being a lot of Political Pastabilities if things break a certain way. Many people will be bellying or belly-aching at the buffet line with 2 forks. They better check out the political pickpockets who will be working the room.
Sooooooooo tired of the machine and their dirty knee hangers-oners … No way you’d see Caruso there. Maybe Caruso and Gomes should get together at Massimos and share a pie and a bottle of vino that night.
pick pock, pick pock, pick pock. Is town committee going?
Anna I will be there but I will be home before 8pm don’t want to miss NCIS.
Of course you will go; after all you are Mario’s boy.
Thank you for showing your ignorance. Being Mario’s boy as you so stupidly describe me has really gotten me and mine far. Hey stupid how many jobs or boards do our names show up on?
anna–Isn’t that one of Keisha’s songs? Make sure to check Barry and Charlie’s pockets for butter and rolls.
Grin, I wonder if Ernie Newton will crash Mario’s party. He’s expected to register to vote on Friday. Can you just imagine Moses parting the buffet line? I wonder what Warren Buffet has to say about this.
Warren All U Can Eat Buffet would probably describe Ernie as a smorgasbord of schmaltz, schmatas and smelts. I think Ernie will have a side job that evening setting up cash a register at the end of the line. Maybe he will perform some brises so he can keep the tips.
Food fight at Testo’s! Fore!
*** What’s a Bpt circus without some clowns & sideshow, no? *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Hey Lennie I remember that fight. I can’t remember the hall. I heard Newton will get his voting rights back today. And I’m glad he spoke out on the new Mt. Trashmore in the East End. Say what you want about Newton, he’s back. The people’s voice. And he gets his voting rights back. Today.
Good Luck Moses!
I will be at the event and will keep you informed if any noteworthy happenings occur.
Trolling for the latest political tidbits,
Bob Walsh
*** Those must have been the days, “Lunch, then Twister” to help with the digestion! Better than peppermint, no? *** OIB ***