Most of the nearly 1,000 units at Success Village now have consistent heat and hot water but resolving neglect from the past continues including active steam leaks impacting distribution of heat.
Here’s an update including connection of temporary and permanent boilers.
Good Afternoon Owners,
This email is being sent to all owners to provide an update on the heating system throughout the property.
Boilers 4 & 5, along with temporary boiler #1 are running throughout each Heating Zone on the following schedule:
Zones 1 & 2 – Start Time: 12:00pm – 4:00pm; 12:00am – 4:00am
Zones 3 & 4: Start Time: 4:00pm – 8:00pm; 4:00am – 8:00am
NOTE: Due to active steam leaks this schedule may change. An active leak is Zone 1 is currently halting continuous heat to Buildings 1, 3 & 14. We will be scheduling repairs to this line in the coming days.
NOTE: Due to loss of pressure (PSI) in the system, we are unable to run all four (4) zones at the same time. Running all four (4) zones simultaneously would result in a loss of heat to all units.
The second of two (2) temporary boilers is onsite and is currently being connected to the mechanical systems. We expect to have this boiler completely installed by Monday, December 1st, 2024.
The first of two (2) permanent boilers purchased by Success Village is onsite and awaiting hook-up. More details to follow as this project begins.
We understand the inconvenience the community is experiencing and have been working diligently to have these systems upgraded and run daily. We knew that once we opened the boilers and began running steam through the property that we would face some challenges with leaks. There are roughly five (5) active leaks throughout the property affecting the distribution of heat throughout the property. These leaks are being addressed by our contractors and Maintenance Staff on a daily basis. We ask for your patience as we work towards getting all systems up and running.
John, doing some physicsing and you ending catch phrase, “time will tell” got me thinking.
On the quantum level, how does the pass, “super-position” that has been measure effect the future “super-position” when it has set a future schedule.
Does the math take into account for such thing before it’s measured out comes?
I mean is the (cat live) heat schedule for Zones 1 & 2 – Start Time: 12:00pm – 4:00pm; 12:00am – 4:00am
Zones 3 & 4: Start Time: 4:00pm – 8:00pm; 4:00am – 8:00am.
or is dead only in that superposition until it is measured.
Surely the pasted collapse of the quantum wave that determines the future reality maintenance schedule had increased the probability of that future measurement of the repairs.
Similar to schedule like the tree lighting and hot coco. 🙂 Or is that too future tree lighting event a state of super-position until it is measured, or the box is open. Perhaps, but the probability is almost a guaranty outside of an extremely external event that the tree lighting will take place. No
However, what got me thinking of you Catch phare, besides, perhaps it’s a coded side thing got going on for whatever mean you want to convey by ending your “position” with it.
My position on time is time is consciousness. without consciousness, time does not exist. So, our universe’s fourth dimension of time is conscience itself. Perhaps even entangled.
While we can predict with a very high probability Port’s tree light will take place, your free will, will be the determine factor, more than just a throw of the dice. JS
Be there or, circular, repulsive, and rotation. Or Not,
just some theories. 🤣
P.S Taste the movement, breath of fresh air, we choose love is the most disingenuous out of all of Y’all Port Pols groups. 🙂
This festive season is a time for gathering and celebrating with family and friends, gift giving, reflection, and thanks. To commemorate this time of year.
Forgiveness goes beyond merely pardoning someone externally. True forgiveness also involves an internal heart change in how we view the person. According to Ephesians 4:31-32 (ESV), we are to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
So lets pick a date for forgiveness, malice, rage, an all bitterness against Mr. Bird and the other Flucking BOD members 12/01/2034 seems to work!
Is taht date set in stone or is it going to be put to a vote. 🙂
When the time come for the forgiveness of the malice, rage, an all bitterness against Mr. Bird and the other Flucking BOD members does that apply to the residents who voted Mr. Bird and the BOD members? As well as the democratic process and the freewill of the vote.
What say you “disingenuous.
Where is the essence of the “heat and hot water failure” story dealt with in the many OIB stories about Success Village in recent monrths? Does it show up in Mr. Dzikowski’s report, that specifically renders a story of technology challenge and an attitude of respect for the community at need and being actively served?
Does it help to mention Mr. Bird or other elected members of the last elected BOD? What can anyone learn about relevant parts of the story of failed self-governance in a Bridgeport co-op without meeting notices, agendas, minutes, and financial reports? Without such a record of the facts as introduced and responded to where is the evidence of impropriety or facts to support accusations of corruption? And while Bridgeport (and Stratford) municipal leaders finally responded to the unhealthy conditions rapidly meeting lower temperatures at this time of year, and avoided greater expenses of housing residents alternatively, Bridgeport has not seen fit to promote future “commission responsiveness” by appointing members to a Fair Housing Commission, an absence of EFFORT by the Mayor’s office for more than 20 years.
It is likely to be reported as well in successive reports by the Receiver after tracking down the facts of other accounts and assets that have failed a request to respond from legal representatives and are currently absent from the initial report. Will there be headlines of corrupt behavior with failure to pay amounts due as customary? Will there be charges of conflicts of interest or fraudulent financial behavior?
Likely we will also learn about the major expenses of correcting the maintenance defects during the recent months. We should look at the status of monthly assessments for common charges by residents, some in compliance, some reserving their amounts due, and others likely lost in the mix.
What do Success Village by-laws call for at this moment in time to prepare owners/residents for a return to focused self-governance practice and behavior? What resources does each City, Town, or the State itself have to inform, instruct, and share education with citizens who have been let down by having nowhere to turn when “governance process” is failing and assistance is needed? Time will tell.