Sabotage At Success Village? Police Investigate Boiler Tampering

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

Police are investigating what the new head of the beleaguered Success Village housing cooperative alleges is tampering with a temporary boiler that provides hot water to the 900-plus units.

“The detective bureau is investigating this case,” Tiadora Josef, communications director for the city’s emergency services departments, confirmed Friday.

A superior court judge appointed Stratford Attorney Barry Knott receiver or independent manager of Success after municipal officials in Bridgeport and Stratford, where the private property is located, argued the development’s elected board and its staff could not address serious financial and infrastructure woes.

The last of the cooperative’s five boilers has been out of service since early May, shut down over hazardous conditions. The then-board obtained a temporary replacement for hot water, but the heating system remains out of commission. One of Knott’s first priorities is getting that functioning as the temperatures drop. The current goal is to do so by late October.

Full story here



  1. Well; if there was ever a reason to believe in a conspiracy theory, it would seem to be in “The case of the sabotaged Success boiler.”

    Here we have motives — discredit Attorney Knott so that the dismissed, illegitimate, dysfunctional BOD can resume power and control of their situation (not a snowball’s chance in hell, but as viable any option for a group sliding downhill toward prison…), and drive the residents out of Success to create a ghost town where any number of lucrative, urban renewal projects could be generated by any number of unscrupulous, out-of-town developers/investors and their corrupt, Bridgeport-politician/associates enablers….

    All of the ingredients for a real conspiracy are there. If I were Attorney Knott I would be contacting all levels of law enforcement — FBI, included — to sift through the accumulated s*&^- pile of illegal malfeasance behind the deliberate failure of the Success BOD in its mission to maintain that community….

    Something smells very, very bad here. The stink might make it all the way to Hartford and maybe even DC in time for Election Day!

  2. Jeff makes a compelling case for investigation of the facts, for a review of financial evidence, and for a legal search in depth for the people, the processes, and the stories that have threatened the safety of so many residents of Bridgeport and Stratford as well as the security of their property interests.
    Though each City seemed to have no formal way for coop or condo residents to raise issues about defects in the operaation of self-governance that would confront the taxparyers of each municipalitiy with support expenses potentially, after two years of non-communication including disclosures about financial decision making with “owners” the cities were forced to pay attention and pony up some funds.
    Who is leading the investigation? Why are they waiting to announce their presence? What lines of inquiry have been tracked already? There will be a new election for representation of members within a new Board of Directors at some point. Who, how, and at what point did the 924 resident-owners become subject to profound failure of representation because of inattention to court orders, Success Village documents, or failure to respect the law in general? Who will shine the light on past failures? Who will increase the heat on folks with criminal (rather than public servant) intent? Time will tell.


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