Federal Trial For Bradley, Martinez Reset For Next May

More than three years after they were charged federally for alleged manipulation of campaign finance laws former State Senator Dennis Bradley and ex school board member Jessica Martinez could be headed to trial next May, a new date set by Judge Victor Bolden.

The case had been years delayed by an evidentiary dispute before a federal appeals court, won by the government, over the admission of a video that captured Bradley’s 2018 announcement for state senate at Dolphins Cove in the East End.

Bradley and Martinez, who served as campaign treasurer, were indicted in May of 2021, charged with multiple counts of wire fraud leveraging his law firm and personal finances to announce his 2018 state office bid at Dolphin’s Cove in violation of campaign finance laws. Bradley termed it a “rookie mistake” but federal prosecutors allege personal and private finances and requests for campaign donations during the event crossed the line of Connecticut’s system of publicly financed campaigns.

In those efforts, prosecutors allege Bradley tried to manipulate the program to achieve nearly $200,000 in public dollars, then prevailed upon campaign underlings to falsify donations cards when the heat was turned up.

The controversy cost Bradley his seat, defeated by Herron Gaston in an August 2022 Democratic primary. It also derailed Bradley’s ambition to run for mayor.

Bradley still remains involved in city politics having supported City Councilman Ernie Newton’s failed primary bid this month against Gaston.

See indictment BRADLEY & MARTINEZ indictment


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