Beekeeper Himes Stings GOP State Chair Proto’s Rhetoric

Congressman Jim Himes knows a thing or two about beekeeping. He’s been stung a few times, but also knows how to zap a rejoinder at a political foe.

Connecticut Republican State Chair Ben Proto stated this about the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Democratic national ticket:

“The Harris-Walz far-left radical team wants to destroy the very fabric of America and take America and Americans to a place our founding fathers fought to get away from.”

Himes’ rejoinder:

Hey guys. Member of Congress here. Who was stuck in the House chamber when your guys actually did destroy the place. And wanted to hang VP Pence. Maybe you want to check your rhetoric a little.




  1. Trump, if elected wants to be a dictator-just for a day, and wants to free every inmate found guilty of insurection for trying to overthrow an election. Isn’t that the Government power our founding fathers fought against?


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