1. Happy Juneteenth, now a Federal holiday, celebrated at Seaside last Saturday in Bridgeport with a parade, music, booths, and conviviality. The extra 30 months endured by captive slaves in Texas, with human rights denied, is part of the history of the period of Reconstruction. You do not have to indulge in critical race theory, contested by those on the “radical right” of conservative political philosophy, to observe the facts of life from the perspective of a colored person, then and now. We need more community conversations where we can recognize facts and truths, or continue research with neighbors engaged and respsected. At least that is my opinion. What are you thinking will replace a lifetime of learning beyond formal schooling? Time will tell.
    My thoughts for the Council last night. JOHN

    City Council Comments – June 17, 2024
    Summer brings celebrations, entertainment, and parades to Bridgeport. And despite lots of thunder, close lightning strikes, and an inch and a half of rain on Friday, weekend weather was amazing. Music, tasty food, and good company make for enjoyment and conversations as neighbors share tables and thoughts with each other.
    We are a diverse community, with folks of vastly different upbringing, income and wealth, education, employment experiences, cultural and religious sensibility, and age. When do we take the time to inform with research, including questioning and listening in the months before an election? Who will hold a meeting or two within their district before November to share how important one vote can be? Your vote. It represents your voice, one among many, but it counts. When 85% of eligible and registered voters stay home, each of us should ask “Why?” Are concerns so well covered in the largest city in the State that we are content to let our weak, court challenged, municipal election record continue?
    I have recommended democratic action to you by holding 3-4 gatherings in each district annually for questions and answer sessions. The Police Department has been doing this on their own but will happily cooperate where they can. Likely the Library Department would also be happy to be included in the schedule. There are also Neighborhood Revitalization Zones covering many districts that might enjoy partnering to further an opportunity for citizens to learn and become active in democratic practices.
    What is the meaning of ‘common good’ in your neighborhood? Who is leading the basic instruction and future learning for those who will serve on Boards and Commissions in the future? What parts of the City Charter would benefit from some revision at this time? Do we need a war in the Middle East to fill this chamber as several standing-room sessions demonstrated this year?
    Wednesday, June 19 is a National Holiday celebrating Juneteenth when the news of freedom took an extra 30 months to be heard by enslaved people in Texas. What did democracy mean to them, and to us, since? Time will tell.

  2. John, John, John, have you learned anything from our friendship? 🙂

    You are correct, “You do not have to indulge in critical race theory, contested by those on the “radical right” of conservative political philosophy, to observe the facts of life from the perspective of a colored person, then and now.:

    Perspectively speaking, is your “radical right” of Liberal political philosophy saying that colored people in Taxes only endured an extra 30 months endured by captive slaves in Texas, with human rights denied?

    Did you get that in TRC?


    A conversation is only valuable when honesty is applied and sides don’t. Clearly, you have no real intention to talk or listen to a conservative position.

    I don’t know what will replace a lifetime of learning beyond formal schooling, regarding race relations, particularly, logically speaking, butt outside of my packet classes I can assure you that hating on blacks is more about the 🍆 penis size than the skin tone, coupled with the inherent gay factor.

    Speaking of Pride Month 🙃

    Nothing pacifies male black resentment more than a black dude with a small 🍆 or openly gay.


    1. This was equally crazy. Wouldn’t you say Fr.


      Peace out people, Play nice. 🙂

      BTW It seems Gen Now has recruited some Latinos, as props for their photo ops. Making amends GN? I wonder if that’s their thing, and how they roll, Gemeem? Things that make you go Hmmm!

      The most disingenuous group out of all of Y’all Port Pols.

      Though a breath of fresh air. How is that Movement tasting?

      Delicious. ?


  3. photo ops pail in comparison to using people of color to do the ansentee ballot fraud. Robert’s post is one of the most shallow, ignorant, and rambling posts I have read on here.

    1. Perhaps, notwithstanding, Wanda was stuffing the ballot of teams, Gomes. Paramount, GN, AKA 20000 Shades of Ballots hands are not clean. sj 🙂

      It been said, ‘When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.’

  4. robert i am sorry that you do not know how to communicate in writing. it comes across as rambling and probably makes more sense to yourself, in which case you should just email yourself your own messages instead of liking your own comments.

    1. Typical Liberal., always look down on others. Thinking they’re smarter.

      Don’t be sorry about my communication/writing skills. It was good enough to solicit a response/comment from you. You only mad because it’s true.🤣

      P.S. Didn’t MLK say, “You don’t have to have a college degree to serve You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.”

      BptPorter, you need some Neosporin, because you just got burned 🙂


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