Just when you thought campaigning is over with so many suffering election fatigue a special general election is scheduled for February 27 if Mayor Joe Ganim has at least one opponent.
The deadline for candidates to withdraw from the special general election is next Thursday via written correspondence to the town clerk.
If they choose to move ahead John Gomes has a spot on the Bridgeport Independent Party line, David Herz the Republican and Lamond Daniels as a petitioning candidate.
In addition on Feb. 1, municipal election officials shall begin issuing absentee ballots for the general election.
Herz says he will withdraw if the other two do the same. That would save taxpayers at least $100,00 to finance the election.
Gomes supporters are exhausted after the effort put into another primary loss, this one a convincing win for Ganim. The big factor for opponents is money to finance an operation and turnout with a larger pool of voters to reach.
Donors on all sides feel heavily pinched. As the incumbent, it’s easier for Ganim to go back to the fundraising well, especially after a nice win, but it’s no picnic in the park making an ask for a fourth time.
Despite November’s general election, state election officials have ruled that another citywide vote must take place because September’s primary vote was defective as a result of the absentee ballot controversy and the court’s order for a redo.
Enter (Gen Now votes ) Gomes looking great for the general.
Lennie’s working hard for his Landlord!
Joe Ganim’s not my landlord. The mayor just provided you a senior tax cut. Have you applied for your cut, Sonny?
Lennie did you hear John Gomes’ lawyer want to look at absentee ballots from primary.
Tales from the AB Crypt. Dead people voting!
The Bloss gloss.
As predicted, of course, what else do they have? No message, no money, three times a loser so now let’s muddy it up for one last gasp with the hope of keeping demagogues on board.
He can look at the 177 stolen/missing ballots. Bill Bloss will just write them off as a loss.
Ah, the dubious coordination between Gomes and Gen Now. Gee Sonny, all you’ve ever done is trash Gen Now. What changed?
Now their the right team.
Jim Fox, OIB comments section, July 31, 2023: Why would the Moore’s campaign associate with (Gen QAnon) is it the money?
Lennie’s Lullaby- Voters with “election fatigue”/without Feb 27 Vote “save taxpayers $100,000″/”supporters are exhausted-primary loss” “large pool of voters to reach” “pinched donors” summary fund raising is harder for Gomes. Probably accurate, soothing to readers….but just consider….
Civil Rights- Civic Responsibility- one person/one vote without interference, interruption, or corruption!!!
More than $1 Million raised before the November 2023 election for primary and candidate support. Where was that money spent when the 40,000+ Democrats, 22,000 Unaffiliated, 4,500 Republicans, and fewer than 1,000 other party faithful deposited their self-completed ballot in this election?
And around 20% of Democrats voted in the primary, but Unaffiliated, Republicans, and other minor party members had no chance to express an opinion in the Court ordered do-over: reason enough to hold a General Election for Mayor on February 27, in spite of emotions surfaced here. When you vote, you communicate to the rest of the community where you stand, at least as to leadership. When you fail to vote, the community does not know whether you do not care, feel poorly informed, regard one vote as worthless to exercise, etc. You fail, in my opinion, a citizen duty. Who will speak for you when you disagree with leadership installed by the minority of the citizenry? Would you watch sports events with only 20-25% of their athletes demonstrating their skills and vying for your support?
70,000 eligible registered voters and how many actually use their vote? Tragic? Certainly when several bus rides of people who vote from Bridgeport to out of town entertainment financed by the City or a campaign and occurs shortly before a primary vote? Neutralize potential adverse voters with lullabies or favors but fail to meet at a well publicized Q&A session in a large room with good acoustics?
And why have Ganim and Gomes stayed away from Bridgeport “housing” neglect? How many among City residents successfully benefit from the HUD Section 8 program, either in a building so identified, with a Section 8 voucher, or in a Park City Communities supervised and controlled housing community? Where is the Mayor’s office effort to resuscitate Fair Housing Commission, dead for more than fifteen years? Why does Gomes not call attention to the housing lack of attention?
Time will tell.
95 percent of OIB readers prefer hearing “Lennie’s Lullaby” than hearing your constant cry.
On one hand you cry for more voter participation and when more voters unexpectedly (I predicted it as time told me) turn to the polls you still question the results and the process. You want to see masses of voters come out? Go to El Salvador and witness the Bukele Blue Wave transform the political, social, and economic landscape for years to come on February 4, 2024.