The city on Thursday is expected to file its closing legal brief with Superior Court Judge Barry Stevens who will likely issue a ruling within the next week regarding the court challenge to the September 10 Democratic primary. The plaintiffs filed their brief on Tuesday. The latest from Ken Dixon, CT Post:
Deputy City Attorney John Bohannon Jr. on Wednesday continued to poke holes in the plaintiffs’ case for a new mayoral primary, as Assistant Town Clerk Christina Resto detailed well-intentioned address changes for voter records based on updated state registration data.
The testimony was aimed at claims that address changes by the clerks should have resulted in the disqualification of absentee ballots for the September 10 Democratic mayoral primary, in which Mayor Joe Ganim narrowly defeated state Sen. Marilyn Moore.
Bohannon presented about 50 voter records in attempt to discredit the case filed by local activists Bridgeport Generation Now Votes and PT Partners representing three voters who are attempting to persuade Superior Court Judge Barry Stevens that Ganim’s 270-vote victory be overturned and a new election held.
Full story here.
Trick or Treat Governor Joe?
As I previously stated, there are serious problems here.
The Registrar of Voters validated signatures on petitions. The Town Clerk validates signatures on AB applications and ballots. Different standards are used by different people. No consistency.
The Town Clerk is a part time position (apparently). His assistant runs the office. The Democratic Registrar of Voters or the Republican Registrar of Voters runs the Registrars Offices. There is no common chain of command. Ergo they do not have a common boss unless it’s the SOTS.
Someone’s signature could be disallowed on a petition but validated on an AB. Did any of these lawyers even think to cross check on this?
The list goes on. Throw out the results and start all over with someone from the SOTS Office in control of the whole thing.
Case closed.
Bob, I was told that the Town Clerk said under oath that they didn’t know how to do their job. I wasn’t there, but that’s what I was told.
Sounds like the blind leading the blind with Mario Testa being the seeing eye dog leading the way with Joe Ganim seeing no evil hear no evil speak no evil.