Cop Shucked Overtime–Home When Supposed To Be At Work

Ah shucks, what’s wrong with running the overtime clock while home? That was, according to an arrest affidavit, what veteran Police Lieutenant Stephen Shuck had on his mind.

From CT Post:

“Shuck has a well-established pattern, over a period of more than eight months, of working only a small portion of the time in which he is being paid for, often working just minutes a day, and this equates to well over a $2,000 loss to the city of Bridgeport,” the affidavit states.

On Jan. 22, Police Chief Armando Perez ordered an investigation of Shuck based on accusations by co-workers of Shuck in the detective bureau where Shuck served as a supervisor. The chief authorized the use of a GPS tracking device on Shuck’s car.

Investigators were immediately able to corroborate the accusations–that day Shuck’s take-home police car was spotted sitting in his driveway from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. when he was supposed to be at work, the affidavit states, according to the affidavit.

The investigation found 11 subsequent incidents in which Shuck was home when he was supposed to be at work.

Full story here.



  1. I do not know Lt. Stephen Shuck. But being put in a position where the safeguard is “trustworthiness” and no routine management oversight? Well, some folks will push the envelope, not caring about breaking “trust”? Nor what it may do to rest of men and women in blue? Nor, if caught in the act, what it will do to the rest of your life…..20 years in prison, mentioned, or life on the outside with no pension?
    Talk about choices???Time will tell.

  2. There is a lot more going on in the PD than we are led to believe. What ever happened to the cop that retired on disability and went to work as a cop in Meriden. That is criminal its called fraud. How many more cops are screwing the pooch when it comes to overtime. BTW why do we still have cops on the job at 64 years old

  3. First of all this cop isn’t going to lose his pension because he will retire long before that’s an issue. Mackey correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a firefighter that either killed his wife or attempted to kill her and while locked up the BFD chiefs went to the jail with retirement papers for him to sign?

    1. You are 100% right, the police chief gave the fire chief a heads up, he didn’t kill her but she was in the bedroom with the door lock and he shot six shots through the door at her. He was allowed to retire the next day by the fire chief. This happen around 1982 -1983, in fact the fire chief visit this firefighter while he was in jail.

  4. This is bullshit.
    Someone is AT HOME getting paid and getting paid OT.
    The system is broken beyond repair.
    No wonder why we are millions over budget.
    And it would appear if we don’t have a GPS system in a car, we’re fucked.
    We had a Deputy Chief who was supposed to be controlling this but the PD did not like him and got their good buddy, Joey G, to fire him.
    Now he is suing the city for a million dollars.

  5. These incidents have always turned my stomache. Thankfully, the majority of cops everywhere are the good guys who are out there everyday giving it their all. Imagine if they didn’t? Think it’s bad out there in the streets now?!! Bridgeport: time to clean house. Sorry to say but there are many at the top who are good decent people but who should throw the towel in. Mark my words : I suspect we haven’t heard the last of incidents such as these. It’ll be ugly. Good luck.

    1. Rich Augustynowicz, I agree with you that the majority of cops everywhere are the good guys who are out there everyday giving it their all but why these cops say something when they know and see something wrong? We want the public to say something when they see something but that seems to be a way one street, we want people to snitch on people in order to help the police but why should they if the police won’t do the same?

      1. Don’t blame the police department for the culture if “stop snitching.” The emergency rooms at Bridgeport Hospital and Saint Vincent’s Medical Center have seen too many shooting victims arrive by AMS or private vehicle, victims that do not cooperate with the cops. Someone shoots me I will do everything in my power to ensure the motherfucker is brought to justice.

          1. After you’ve used a shirtsleeve to wipe away the slobber you can fuck off again, all the way off.

  6. LENNIE: under the Neil Vigdor story I made mention of reporters digging in and uncovering the dirt using C/I’s and any other means necessary. I mentioned a reporter I worked with back in the day. I spoke with him today. Frank asked me to say hello to you. By the way, FYI: Amazon keeps hijacking this blog. Anyone else have the same problem? Have a nice day.

  7. *** A slap on the hand after all is said and done & maybe a fine may follow, after he retires with his full pension, no? And if you think this is just an unusual situation that happen in the Bpt. P.D; then you must believe in Unicorns, Ferries & Bpt. passing a 2018 balanced budget with “no” tax increases of any type!***

  8. Andy, are you this stupid or just acting? The man has 34 years seniority and he can file his retirement papers anytime he wants to for his full retirement. He can do it now or he can do it anytime prior to any Police board action or court action.

    1. His request for retirement can be held up bu the board of police commissioners pending legal completion. Dont forget some of his pension contribution was from money he stole


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