Not for the Greater Bridgeport NAACP which conducts its election today from 4 to 8 p.m. at Messiah Baptist Church downtown. Tuesday night at the City Hall Annex (attending Mayor Bill Finch’s election committee hearing) I chatted with current president Carolyn Vermont as well as supporters for her challenger Wayne Winston. The presidency of the local NAACP carries a potent platform politically, governmentally and socially. The candidates have shared their pitch letters to the voting membership:

The challenger Wayne Winston:
Wayne Winston NAACP Bridgeport Branch Presidential Candidate
Greetings Fellow Members,
My name is Wayne Winston and I am running for President of the Bridgeport Branch NAACP and I just wanted to introduce you to myself and my team. My choice for First Vice President is Mr. Keith Williams, who is our current First Vice President and a long-time firefighter in our community. Second Vice President is Mr. Jeffery Baldwin who is a well respected Community Activist. Both are committed NAACP members. I have a slate because this isn’t just about me, but what is best for our community. I have the endorsement of over 90% of the current active membership and executive committee.
I know that you have not heard much about the Bridgeport NAACP in some time and if you are a long-term member I know you have not heard from our beloved organization except at election time. If I am elected I promise you all that will change as I value your support and input.
We face too many challenges in our city for the organization to represent just a few personal interests of a few people interested in titles. We don’t need another hollow statement in the newspaper, political posturing, or someone who plays both sides of the street. We need a person with a plan, and the courage to fight to help strengthen our community.
For years the current leadership has had the chance and failed to stand up and fight for the education of our youth, equal job access, healthcare, police brutality, and a better quality of life for us period. The NAACP isn’t only about dinners to gain membership, but about fighting for civil rights.
Bridgeport is a diverse community that will need a leader with a plan to bring people, businesses, community groups, and churches together for the greater good. In the words of Professor Cornel West “You can’t serve your people, if you don’t love your people” and I love my people.
Here are a few of the accomplishments I am most proud of:
· Organized the Rally against Stratford Police Brutality after 13-year-old Ms. T. Mitchell was injured by police.
· Intervened for Black and Latino Students at Fairfield University who were victims of racial bias in their classroom and racial slurs.
· Fought and won a landmark case for Bridgeport children at Ralphola Taylor against Sherwood Island Park for racial discrimination in co-operation with Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. This ruling caused the hiring of Black and Brown youth in our State Parks including transportation and the firing of vendors at the park for their behaviors.
· Fought to keep Roosevelt and Dunbar School open in 2010 and with community support won.
· Ran Bridgeport for Obama Office in 2006 Primary and 2008 General Election
· Was Co-Owner of the fledging AM Black Radio Station WSPN in Bridgeport.
· Freelance writer and Editor of Several Black Newspapers.
· Founder of “National Buy Black Day” in 2006 which was covered by CNN, BET, CT Post and numerous print and electronic media services. It promoted finding a Black Business in your area and doing business with that Black Business as much as you could from that day forward.
God has blessed me to work with many great people but I have never forgotten where I came from and what is the most important. As we travel through life we must reach back to pull up those less fortunate than us and try to be a voice for many of those who have none.
I know it is hard to make a choice without being at meetings or just becoming a new member. We have many internal issues going on in our branch and the current President has been in office since January of 2010. She has failed to address these issues and has actually created more serious ones. She has canceled more meetings than convened and that makes it impossible to help our city.
My opponent is running on her popularity, and a chance meeting with Michelle Obama at a local diner. I can only ask that you give me the chance to prove my commitment to you with your vote. I am running on my record of over 14 years of service to the Bridgeport community through the NAACP as well as my community activism. I have served in every other leadership position in our branch which has made me uniquely qualified to best build the organization we can all be proud of. If you stand with me on Thursday, November, 18th I will stand with you. If you have any questions you can call me at 203-243-2083 anytime. It’s the same number you will need if you make me your President.

The incumbent Carolyn Vermont:
I am running for Presidency of the Greater Bridgeport Branch NAACP for the first time during my NAACP history. I am currently finishing the unexpired term of Craig Kelly. I started out with the NAACP as a youth member. I then served as Youth Advisor under the Presidency of Julian Braxton. I have served on the NAACP Executive Committee under the Presidency of Julian Braxton, Attorney Beverly Carswell and Charles Hare.
I present myself to you as a person of integrity. I am a hard worker. I currently serve as a Manager for INROADS New England Region, Inc. My previous employers include the State of CT~Department of Social Services, City of Bridgeport, Bridgeport Police Dept. Community Services (Spices of Life Program), Fairfield University, University of Bridgeport Upward Bound, Cardinal Shehan Center, United Way and the Commission on Children Parent Leadership Training Institute. I am a long-time member of Messiah Baptist Church where I have served on the Trustees Board and have served as Youth Adviser along with Rev. Ivan Pitts.
I have been involved in numerous community organizations. Most of my involvement are listed on the attachment. I do not have to lie about my title or my involvement in activities and projects. My work speaks for itself. I was honored to be selected to be a member of First Lady Obama’s Women’s Roundtable.
Last year, she invited my family to the White House for the 4th of July Barbecue. My children experienced being at the White House with our first Black President and 1st Lady. I read a letter that my opponent sent out in an attempt to attack me. Oddly enough, my opponent’s letter includes photos of him shaking hands with a number of well known influential individuals. These are not people he knows or has worked on programs with. He happened to have “chance encounters” with them at last year’s NAACP Convention. I do not have to take pictures at a NAACP Convention with important people and then pretend that I know them as my opponent did.
I remember in 2006 when Mr. Winston attempted to run against Carolyn Nah but had not paid a NAACP membership in over three years. That same period, a pamphlet about my opponent was distributed with a lot of true derogatory information about him. I could attach it but I choose not to. I also remember when Mr. Winston attempted to run again Craig Kelly in 2008 but again his membership was not in order. I contacted Fairfield University as I still volunteer there as well as Attorney General Blumenthal’s Office and they have never heard of my opponent. The accomplishments my opponent listed are the same ones listed on the program at a recent dinner for Carolyn Nah. Is it really necessary to lie about your accomplishments? Is he telling the truth about anything? I could go on and on about my opponent but if you want to know more, you can contact reputable community residents such as such Charles Tisdale, Senator Edwin Gomes, Dr. Georgia Day (Rainy Faye’s Bookstore), Craig Kelly (just to name a few people) to hear about their negative experience with my opponent.
I am asking for your vote and participation.
*** It’s all about the dues, no? Entire chapter needs to be revamped & become more community minded & not just for some! *** Check that list ***