The thing about residents in P.T. Barnum Apartments, they have a short commute to vote–right in their back yard–in recent history Longfellow School (undergoing new construction) replaced by the Aquaculture School as a precinct, adjacent to the apartments, on the grounds of Captain’s Cove Seaport. If you can get folks to vote, that is. Either way, it’s not a place to ignore.
No full-blown campaign operation can afford to bypass the African American- and Hispanic-rich P.T., or for that matter any other housing project in the city. Mayor Bill Finch’s political operation knows the territory well, counting on lock votes at the polling place or via absentee ballots. Families move in, families move out and a whole bunch are not registered.

Judging by former Mayor Joe Ganim’s Facebook page, he’s been working P.T. pretty good, visiting courtyards, knocking on doors, registering new voters. Ganim’s a known entity there, perhaps adopting the P.T. Barnum mantra–I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they say something. Showing your face can matter.
Black Rock District Leader Danny Roach, a Ganim supporter, has worked the territory for decades as well as the irrepressible Democratic Town Committee member from the East Side Wanda Geter who’s backing Finch. What do you mean, Wanda’s from the East Side but campaigns on the other side of the city? She’s had a lot of practice. You go where you know your peeps. Wanda knows her peeps.
Republican City Councilman Enrique Torres, fluent in Spanish, campaigned in P.T. for both his council campaign victory in 2013 and the 2015 special election for State House where he came up short against Steve Stafstrom. A Republican is not going to win the precinct outright, but in campaigns winning is relative. Maybe mining a dozen extra votes there could make a difference backed by the Republican stronghold in the upper part of the Black Rock District.
Just over three months away from a September 16 Democratic primary, operatives are already working P.T. for new voters, old voters, serial absentee ballot voters. How many bodies do we have for P.T.? How much cash must we spend to turn out a vote?
It’s part of the calculation in the circus of city elections, a legacy of the 19th Century showman Phineas Taylor Barnum whose circus winter quarters was situated around the corner.
Good for Joe. He looks comfortable and at home. Is he planning a huge barbeque there? Ganim is right. A vote is a vote. A new registered voter will be educated. I’ve walked PT Barnum many times over the past 25 years. The people are very nice. When I go to the Stop&Shop and I see a tenant from PT with a huge cart full of food, I say I’m coming to your house for dinner and almost every time they say … sure! The new park is taking shape at Longfellow and I am certain the residents appreciate that. Joe Ganim knows that knocking on doors and chatting does translate into votes and Ganim is a very personable guy!
Lennie, the circus analogy is appropriate. I’m sure the Democrats have a detailed blueprint on how to handle the ‘projects’ vote. Black Rockers may be more concerned about accountability. I’m not sure what the ‘PT’ residents are looking for. The contrasts in the 130th district are amusing. The photo you used of Ganim reinforces a stereotype. But the Democrats know a vote is a vote.
Tom White, forgive my ignorance. What did you mean the photo of Ganim reinforces a stereotype? I am staring at the picture and it looks like the kind of picture I would use for publicity. A stereotype? Not sure what you mean.
You’re absolutely correct, Steve. Shame on you, Tom. That post suggests there’s a group of voters in Black Rock who because of their better fortune somehow know better than those living in P.T.
In response to Steve and Lisa. Please, don’t feign naivete.
Honestly Tom, what about the picture reinforces a stereotype?
Tom, that’s about as close to sounding like a racist that I’ve ever heard. I said sounding, you fill in the rest.
Tom White, you said, “I’m not sure what the ‘PT’ residents are looking for. The contrasts in the 130th district are amusing.” That’s the problem, there are those who act like PT Barnum is not in the 130th district. You ask, “what the ‘PT’ residents are looking for,” well, just ask them. I kept challenging David Walker and C4BB to go outside Black Rock and to include residents and voters from PT.
Let’s see. The unrepentant felon from Easton is denied reinstatement of his law license so he can practice law. What does he do? Run for mayor of Bridgeport. Rent an apartment, have the obligatory photos with his peeps in the project. What is the stereotype suggested in the photo? Woman with little children. Are they ‘single moms?’ Is this a suggestion of racism or an issue of a politician appealing to a portion of the population living on government entitlements? Lennie’s posting is about getting housing project votes for the Democrat party primary. The challenge in the 130th district is how to appeal to those who pay taxes and lead productive lives as well as those who live in government-provided housing and are dependent on taxpayer-funded entitlement programs. Lennie’s post draws attention to the success of Democrats in getting votes in housing projects. It is a different technique, a different message than what may appeal to homeowners in Black Rock and other parts of the city. The Finch campaign can say to PT Barnum residents he is building you a new school, a park. What can he tell the taxpayer part of the population? Mary-Jane Foster’s message of accountability will resonate with taxpayers, but what is the appeal to ‘project’ residents? Are they concerned with accountability in government? Is this a racist concept? It’s about getting votes.
Tom, I understand your explanation completely. I think Finch can boast a little more than a school and a park. I think taxpayers are excited about Steelpointe and Downtown rebirth. Accountability is a great concept, no? Transparency is a great concept, no? There is a reason Fairfield Avenue in Black Rock is booming and new entrepreneurs are opening eateries everywhere. Get with the program!
If you’re not sure if PT residents are Black Rockers too, ask Tom White. He’s as confused as you are.
Wait until the money shows up on election day.
Andy, are you serious? Are you insinuating Ganim would put himself in that position? Let alone having that kind of cash on the street?
Steve, you’d better believe the Democratic Party will have plenty of “street money” on the streets come election time.
Steve, every election money is sent to PT and given to a certain person I won’t mention. The job of this person is to pay people to get out and vote. I saw it happen at East Side Middle and the person handing out the money now has a city job paying about $47K. It’s been done every election for the last 30+ years.
Steve, every election money is sent to PT and given to a certain person I won’t mention. Why won’t you name names? You want change? You want good government? This must stop!
If the authorities want to know I will tell them but I won’t call them as I have in the past and nothing was done. Example, leasing of the golf course.
You know what, Andy? It is nice you have the inside scoop. Giving the names to the FBI would make it stop. If this guy has been doing it every year for 30 years and only making $47 thousand and surviving every administration he must be dumber than a box of rocks and very popular at the same time. I should be so dumb and popular. 🙂 This smiley face is for JOHN MARSHALL LEE.
Andy, we both know street money has been around for as long as you and I have been in politics. However I take offense at the inference one group of Black Rock knows what they want and the less fortunate don’t. Even gruffy you, and I say they lovingly, should be offended.
Lisa, that did not come from me.
Andy and Company, I am fully aware there is money on the street for an election. The question is who will have the money and whom will they vote for?
At the very least the endorsed candidate and probably one other candidate. The only one I know who doesn’t put money on the street is MJF.
A Fish named Wanda is swimming with the sharks in the Finch Tank! She might end up sleeping with the fishes (politically) if Bill loses.
Geter swings a magic Wanda.
Can she pull a rabbit out of a hat this year?
Where is Maria Pereira? Is she staying away because of the horrendous, insulting and mean-spirited bloggers the other day? It was shocking beyond belief. Seriously, tag-teaming because she is supporting another candidate? You cannot please all the people all the time but to be outright mean and insulting was not necessary. To be honest, I am sort of shocked very few Ganim supporters came to her defense. Let’s not let our passion for a candidate diminish our humanity. Unless you are Jim Fox or Joel Gonzales, JML, Bob Walsh etc, etc. Of course I am kidding!
Help us understand our “humanity,” Steve. Then we can worry about its diminution, if that is a serious threat, or are you only kidding? When you say money is not of interest to you, you are probably kidding about that, too? You seem very comfortable talking about campaign funds though. Ironic, really.
Guess you have been to Black Rock lately to the Stop & Shop, PT Barnum and the new site of Longfellow School with contractor Bismarck doing site and foundation work. Did you mistake that for another park? Or miss it completely? Folks at PT want to have their young people back in a single school asap rather than spread across three City campuses, for one thing. What this City needs are people who respect each other, who speak up for one another, and who listen to one another. That is a start in building community rather than division, frustration and coming by only when a vote is sought. Where are we this year? Time will tell.
JOHN Marshall Lee, does every comment, sidebar, humorous remark, optimistic post, etc. etc. et.c always go back to what you’d like to talk about? Did you know you can create a group on-line for people who want to talk about what you want to talk about? 🙂
Money makes the world go ’round and open, accountable and transparent are not things that are on display about City of Bridgeport finances. Let’s say finances are not what I “want to talk about” but I find I am one on this blog who will track the subject to get more info while others ignore the subject or avoid it as you do.
When the subject gets outside your comfort zone you often deflect, as today, to another subject. The fact seems to be very few people want to talk about money seriously. For people I meet for the first time, I am surprised by the number who feel I am a sole source for supplying trustworthy information about this important subject as well as asking provocative questions. What say you now? Are you attempting to undercut Lennie’s readership by sending me to a different location? Time will tell.
No, John Marshall Lee, I believe I deserve this Karma from a past life. You were sent to torture me and you are doing a fantastic job, might I add!
Maria causes her own problems.
I was told Maria broke her arm patting herself on the back.
that is funny, Andy! But I think the incessant attacks hurt her feelings. You guys were ruthless.
Andy Fardy, see, you can be a fun person when you want to, keep it up but that was funny and true.
Ganim and Torres are both aware the minority communities will make a difference come election day.