![Lamont Moore](http://onlyinbridgeport.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/lamontmoore-440x319.jpg)
Backed by State Senator Marilyn Moore, Democratic-endorsed Ned Lamont on Tuesday campaigned for governor in Bridgeport in the African American-rich Trumbull Gardens area that went big for Joe Ganim in his 2015 comeback for mayor. Ganim’s trying to qualify for an August primary against Lamont.
CT Post reporter Brian Lockhart has more:
From the community garden, Lamont strolled down Yaremich Drive to the Stone Ridge Cooperatives. Some longtime residents grew up in the troubled Trumbull Gardens low-income housing development nearby, a favorite campaign stop of Ganim’s.
Lamont met with and fielded a few questions from a small gathering of co-op board members and local political leaders. His pledges were nothing new or detailed: He will be “the education governor,” “the jobs governor” and improve transportation.
“For me, that starts in cities,” Lamont said. “Look, Connecticut is not going to be great unless our cities are great.”
Asked where he stands on a controversial proposal by MGM Resorts International to build a casino in Bridgeport, Lamont, specifying it would be a resort with a hotel, said: “I would not stand in the way of that. I’d like to see more development come to Bridgeport.”
Full story here.
While I’m not crazy about Ned and would prefer another option, he’s a helluva better choice than Mayor Ganim and any of those Trump Republican disciples.
I wonder why Ganim hasn’t asked any black females to run with him as Lieutenant Governor?
He is only worried about himself.
@Ron Mackey
#1 Ganim is not yet on the ballot
#2 No Black Female ran for the LT Gov position at the conventions, so she would have to gather signatures to get on the ballot
#3 Unlike Presidential politics where the nominee chooses a running mate, the delegates to the state convention and/or primary voters choose the Lt Gov Candidate……the postion isn’t Ganim’s to offer. What would happen if he asked Ms. X and he lost the primary (assuming he gets on the ballot) and she won?
Marshall Marcus, I totally understand that but I’m talking about before the convention but neither Senator Moore or Mayor Harp just to named two black females, know that would be a losing position for their future in politics.
Both Senator Moore and Mayor Harp were offered the Lt Gov position before it was offered to Susan B by Ned Lamont.
Neither one wanted to be second fiddle in the Executive Branch of state government.
Marshall, Ganim knew he was running for governor two years ago he has had plenty of time to ask Moore and Harp but it didn’t happen.
Ron Mackey………….
You make me laugh
TWO years ago Testa put Tom McCarthy up to challenge Senator Moore ion a primary battle. Ganim would not have been asking her to run on his ticket then.
Where you in this video?
Pig, you need to check your family’s DNA to mine pigs. America has always been pro black dummy.
“A man who marched with a “pro-white” group in the Charlottesville, Va., white nationalist rally last summer has been elected to a GOP position in Washington state.”
You Go Marilyn!!!
At least you do not automatically go for Ganim because he’s your mayor.
He has done zilch since becoming mayor the second time. Finish the job you started before moving on to something more grandiose.
Ms: Moore, I thought you were supposed to look out for the best interest of the citizens you represent? Is being with Lamont, who opposes the casino and wants tolls, the way you show support for your future constituents?
I am a Moore constituent (I liove and vote in D22).
I SUPPORT tolls on our limited access highways. I believe in user fees. You use it, pay for it. Sunday, I had to go to Brooklyn for a funeral. I paid tolls both ways on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge. BECAUSE my EZ-Pass is issued by NY State I got a discounted rate of $5.76 each way instead of the full $8.50 fee.
We can do the same type of discount for CT residents for CT roads
As for a Casino in Bridgeport. I’m not convinced it will be a money maker and long term job provider. It’s not like 20-30 years ago. The northeast has become saturated with legal gambling opportunities, all chasing the same pot of disposable dollars.
That said, as long as the only tax subsidies come from Bridgeport, then go for it. BUT, if you ask taxpayers in the rest of the state to subsidize a Bridgeport Casino, I’ll need a lot more convincing
Charlie, Lamont said he’s not opposed to a casino in Bridgeport and just because you’re opposed to tolls doesn’t mean all her constituents are in fact opposed.
Charlie has a hard on for anyone who opposes MGM in Ct.
He’s a one issue voter and if you are opposed to his point of view then he has no use for you.
How many heads is Joey working on?
You mean the way that 45 is living in public housing paid by the taxpayer.
Yes there have been 44 white males living in public housing as president and only 1 black male dummy.
Appears that Lamont is learning to pander for votes.
The same way 45 did and still doing with his dog whistle.
Trump tends to appeal to voters who are repulsed by the pandering of the Democrat Part.
The Republican candidate for governor would be wise to use some points from his playbook.
Hopefully 45 will come to Connecticut to campaign for the Republicans candidates, please.
Hopefully your comment is reported immediately to the FBI, this is the first time that I’ve ever read someone use a threat against 45 on Only In Bridgeport.
All blue states want 45 to campaign for Republican candidates in their states because 45 will bring out the Democrats to vote and they are begging for him to campaign their state, please, dummy.