Profiles in courage go to Bridgeport State House members Jack Hennessy and Auden Grogins for trying to bring some reform to the City Council whose city employee members approve their own wages and benefits. It’s illegal for federal employees to serve in Congress. It’s illegal for state employees to serve in the state legislature. The Bridgeport City Charter prohibits city employees from serving on the city’s legislative body but somehow, some way Bridgeport legal minds rationalize it’s okay for city employees to sit on the council. Hennessy and Grogins and many others in the legislature want to pass a law to clear up the whole matter.
Bridgeport Democratic State Senators Anthony Musto and Andres Ayala and State House members Ezeqiuel Santiago, Christina Ayala, Charlie Stallworth and Don Clemons want to keep the gravy train going for their political friends on the City Council. Such courage. But that’s what happens as a result of a largely brain-dead electorate.
The CT Post Editorial Board weighs in on the subject.
What a surprise.
Not even Bridgeport’s all-Democrat delegation to the General Assembly could get behind one of their own to support a bill that would move Bridgeport City Hall out of the patronage backwater it’s been wallowing in for decades.
And naturally, if the Bridgeport delegation was not going to back the proposal, there wasn’t much chance that any other Democrats in Hartford would bother sticking their necks out.
Read more here.
CT Post has an Epiphany Sunday!
Legislators duck this bill and Finch runs ruins with a I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a burger today! RIP Lumpy Rutherford!!!
Good for the CT Post. If Bridgeport’s delegation is going to wimp out, everybody ought to know about it. Shame on them.
Where are Mayor Finch and the members of the Bridgeport legislative delegation other than Hennessy and Grogins on this important “good government” and “home rule” bill? Wimping out?! Some of them will lose their jobs if this bill does not pass.
Dave: This bill is not important to Finch and his advisers. They have five guaranteed votes on every issue. If these five votes left because of the bill he may get people in their place who are not so easily led.
¿Dónde está Paul Timpanelli and his Bored of Directors?
Try “ducking” this.
ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ’s and crickets is all you get from the voting public in the city of ZombieLand.
Like lemmings off the mountain cliff they vote for who they are told to vote for or whoever DRAGS them out of their home and drops a few bucks in their hands.