Saying he could be a partner in restructuring state finances, Bridgeport resident David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, told OIB on Friday he’s considering a run for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. Walker emphasized he’ll make a final decision about a statewide run after Jan. 1 following consultation with family and close friends.
Walker, currently an unaffiliated voter, says if he decides to make a run he’ll start with an exploratory committee as an “independent-minded and inclusive Republican.” Walker has been a visible presence at City Council meetings urging members of the budget and legislative body and Mayor Bill Finch to implement financial reforms, particularly in the areas of pension restructuring, health care and debt burden.
He has spoken often about Connecticut having “the highest liabilities and unfunded pension and retiree health care promises per taxpayer of any state in the union.”
Walker, a CPA, is treasurer of the political action committee Citizens Working For A Better Bridgeport that raised money and supported candidates in the September Democratic primary and November general election for school board and City Council seats.
Walker moved to Bridgeport in 2010, purchasing a home in Black Rock from former Congressman Christopher Shays. Appointed by President Bill Clinton, Walker served as Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office from 1998 to 2008. His service as the federal government’s chief auditor spanned Democratic and Republican administrations. He was also an appointee of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
Walker says if he forms an exploratory committee he will spend the next several months making his case to Republican delegates to the party convention in May, introduce himself to Connecticut media, share specifics about turning around state finances, qualify for Connecticut’s Citizens Election Program of publicly funded campaigns and gauge support of the Republican gubernatorial candidates.
Walker attended 2010 GOP gubernatorial nominee Tom Foley’s September announcement in Bridgeport forming an exploratory committee for governor. State Senator John McKinney, Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, State Senator Toni Boucher and Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti are also positioning for the GOP nomination for governor. Walker says several of the Republican GOP candidates pose viable alternatives to Democratic Governor Dan Malloy.
Walker made it clear he’s not interested in a ceremonial position. He says he’s hopeful of a partnership with a successful candidate for governor who will put his financial background to work in reshaping state government.
Most Republican party regulars anticipate an August primary for governor. If that’s the case Walker should expect company if he decides on a run. And if he manages to hook up with the horse of his choice on the same line there’s no guarantee both will win the primary based on the recent history of gubernatorial primaries. In primaries candidates for governor and lieutenant governor technically run on their own accord. Primary winners run as a joint ticket in the general election.
Walker adds he’s contemplating a run because “I’m not a typical politician. The financial condition of the state is so serious people need to know the truth.”
Good luck, David. I voted for Dannel Malloy. I am not so sure I am ready to change my vote. Furthermore, the Republican party is so repulsive to me these days, a Republican would have to walk on water to get my vote. I would listen to your platform, but let’s face it. Republicans do not think they have a problem with their platform and that is their biggest problem. Jodi Rell was an amazing and much-loved Governor. Imagine, a Republican Governor signing Gay Marriage into law with little fanfare, making Connecticut one of the first of the current 17 states to do so. Currently, Republicans are still socially challenged among women, minorities, gays and pretty much anyone under the age of 40. But good luck in one of the bluest states. I love Chris Christie and I think only a persona like his could take on Connecticut. Good luck to you. If you are chosen by your ability to get votes I am not sure you’d get even a handful of Bridgeport votes and then of course, the Republican party is pretty much nonexistent in Bridgeport. I haven’t been a Republican since 1991 and locally, nothing has changed. I will wish you the best and be interested to hear what you have to say. Malloy has been very generous to Bridgeport so you have an uphill battle.
This just in! Utah to become 18th state support marriage equality.
*** Time to pop a cork, no? Wonder if there’s a limit on how many marriage partners you can have in Utah. Must be an equal number, no doubt! *** 2, 4, 6, 8, … ***
David Walker’s unselfish demeanor makes him an instant, prime running mate for any gubernatorial candidate. Here’s why:
His sole message is enough to sway the election and is worthy of endless campaign speeches. It’s a favorite topic nowadays and is at the heart of today’s Republicanism.
He has name recognition and would allow “campaign freedom” to the top of the ticket. More importantly, he can get more coverage if needed and appearing as a duo would be something not seen in televised politics today. In addition, I think he’d demolish Nancy Wyman (current Lt. Gov.) in a debate. Furthermore, Connecticut is an ideal target for his message.
Ho hum …
Zzzzzzzzz, think I’ll take a nap.
Republican candidate, strong fiscal conservative, fits him to a Tea!!!
It may be easier for you to see yourself as a joker than as a more serious observer. However, you also may be more ready for ‘nap dancing’ than ‘lap dancing’ as a birthday card for seniors suggested.
Criticism for you means using labels for name calling. How does that help? Where is your penetrating analysis of where we are and what we need to do to change the direction or achieve productive results with public money? City and State are examples of fiscal basket cases, aren’t they? Time will tell.
What is your plan, pray tell. Or are you waiting on Mr. Walker to tell you what it is? The worst possible news for Republicans especially Tea Party Conservatives came out this week and that is the economy is beginning a robust recovery. That means new revenue without raising tax rates. That means the deficit shrinking to a very manageable level. The doomsayers or should I say slayers might have to give credit to the Democrats and all of their rhetoric concerning the need to cut taxes, cut social programs, cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid will become babble.
That is my economic leanings Mr. Marshall; now again, let’s hear yours and Mr. Walker’s.
Bob Walsh,
I guess your response to my question about where we are today can be paraphrased by “the deficit is shrinking, the economy is beginning a robust recovery, and people should be praising the Democrats.” Is that it nationally? (By the way I am a neighbor of Dave Walker and not a spokesperson. Perhaps you missed his three-year stint at COMEBACK AMERICA INITIATIVE? It’s a book as well, if you bother to read these days. That is where I encountered some of his ideas. You might try that?)
Frankly I was asking about State and local because the subject is about a Bridgeport resident with financial credentials possibly throwing his hat in the gubernatorial race in the coming year. And since Federal and State money is received in significant amounts we need to look at these pocketbooks, too.
I have no favorite party in this fight. What I have is a belief you can usually spend a dollar only once, debt and obligations are responsibilities, and the public as taxpayers ought to have some foreknowledge of what their representatives (and overall government) have gotten them into going forward.
Government printing presses keeping everything afloat. Financial institutions being too big too fail. Leaders of those institutions suffering no major consequences when their acts once discovered and aired show how seriously they have affected our economy. And businesses becoming self-protective to an extreme seen mostly when there seems to be nowhere to invest and grow productively? And in our local community, where is the last time the public has learned the financial details of a labor contract? Perhaps it is time to return to “representative town meetings” where the gritty details would be requested and all can have their OPINIONS before a vote, but ALL would have the FACTS as well? Time will tell.
And I am sure he made a nice buck out of it too, JML … stop telling us what a philanthropist he is.
Bob–And if this ‘robust recovery’ turns out to be a flop??? Christmas retail sales are off expectations and those expectations were already conservative. Should we start spending that recovery money now? Even in town, a downtown market closed and Staples is moving out but Bass Pro is coming (but don’t hold your breath for that). After it all shakes out we will be about where we started. Is this the kind of recovery you are talking about?
A rising tide lifts all boats. Yes the recovery will reach Bridgeport, but what Bridgeport does with it remains to be seen. If the past is an indication of the future then Bridgeport will be left in the dust.
And Tea he is. Walker is a puppet of billionaires like Pete Peterson who want to take away our rights to belong to labor unions and want to take away all pensions for working people in this country.
As for Foley, just look at his record of screwing over his employees when he was supposedly restructuring companies … he made money and the employees lost everything. Tells you something about Walker that he supports someone like this
Your namesake Clement has a work of fiction that fills people with delight each year, “‘Twas the night before Christmas.” Perhaps you have heard of it?
Well you write fiction every time you post here with comments like Walker or anyone else wishing to take away your rights. Where did you see him say that? Or did you read what he wrote and hallucinate the rest? For generations in this country and across the Atlantic, my own family have been working people who joined unions. Where did Walker say anything about “joining” unions? And taking away pensions, where is that in the record? And now it’s about Foley? Can you stick to a subject and tell me where you see the taxpayers’ way, Bridgeport and Connecticut, out of the mess of obligations our politicians have put us in over the years without informing us? Solution, short of moving to the Southwest? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, I’m sure David Moore will address your concerns, but you said, “And taking away pensions, where is that in the record?” Walker’s main statements like right here on OIB, that’s one of the main reasons I don’t care for him. There are a number of comments from Andy Fardy and myself where we both challenge Walker’s position and suggestions about Bridgeport retiree pensions.
JML, Bob Walsh reply back to you on Dec 21, 2013 at 4:14 pm, and he said:
What is your plan, pray tell. Or are you waiting on Mr. Walker to tell you what it is? The worst possible news for Republicans especially Tea Party Conservatives came out this week and that is the economy is beginning a robust recovery. That means new revenue without raising tax rates. That means the deficit shrinking to a very manageable level. The doomsayers or should I say slayers might have to give credit to the Democrats and all of their rhetoric concerning the need to cut taxes, cut social programs, cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid will become babble.” That is a most telling statement because David Walker with his background never accepted a recovery with the economy and that first answer Walker had for Bridgeport’s pensions was to do away with them instead of trying to find a way to grow the economy.
Ron Mackey, mouthpiece on this occasion for David Moore and Bob Walsh:
1) When Moore writes thoughtfully and answers what I routinely ask, like, please supply the quote from Walker that you have stretched wildly into a false statement, I will discuss with him on OIB.
2) Bob Walsh has had plenty of time and spent plenty of energy but has never offered a plan. Why is he asking me for one? And if you are also curious, where is your plan, Ron?
3) I want to know about the “economic recovery” you are talking about. Where is it? Where was it? And where did Walker talk about doing away with Bridgeport pensions? He has spoken about restructuring. Does the word ‘restructuring’ cause you concern? Take a look over at the Board of Education. They have had no Finance or Budget committee meetings for three months at least, yet they are considering changes that will “restructure” a BOE budget that can be called balanced for two years now.
Andy Fardy and you are covered under Pension Plan A. Pension A retirees seem to have a special right to their retirement income for some reason that has been explained to me, but you guys can probably do a better job of it and provide technical support. In any case Mayor Finch has restructured the Pension A contributions in recent years with the State of CT approval but has not released that info or schedules to the public in any meaningful way. Surprised? Of course the bondholders’ principal and interest are fully paid from Police and Fire budgets totaling over $30 Million annually, because when the City initially approved (or you can call it “structured”) the benefits, they failed to follow a funding schedule for too many years.
And since you finish your commentary with “grow the economy,” perhaps you have some ideas on that yourself. Why do you look for Walker for growth ideas when you dismiss out of hand his ideas for dealing with municipal fiscal distress, his area of expertise? Time will tell.
Dave–What companies offer pensions anymore? When you went to AZ was that 1950’s AZ? Pensions are ALMOST solely a government benefit. Everyone else has gone to 401K-ish plans. Union membership has been on a decline for years. Graft, cronyism and nepotism are the weapons unions used to kill themselves. If you take out government-employee unions, unions are only moderately easier to find than pensions.
Steven Auerbach, on this one I’m on the same page as you. I hope he does run and he is on the Republican ticket because he will help the Democrats win. Once Walker is questioned on multi areas and is questioned about his answers he will get angry because no one is supposed to challenge his positions on anything because he is David Walker the former U.S. Comptroller General and how could he be wrong. Run Dave run, please.
Ron, I’m not with you and I hope Dave Walker reconsiders and changes his plan. Dave Walker should seriously consider running for State Treasurer against your girl Denise Nappier. She has been there just too damn long and has failed miserably and no one can argue about that. Dave Walker would make his case against her. Don’t even try to defend her. If you could finger Dave Walker and blame him for the economic condition of the country as you have stated in the past, why shouldn’t the voters of Connecticut give her the boot for the economic condition of the State of Connecticut? What’s your explanation of her job? You’re going to tell us she has done a good job? Dave Walker for Connecticut State Treasurer 2014.
www .state.ct.us/ott/
It would be far easier to get Senator Ted Cruz to endorse The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) than it would be to convince DW to run for Connecticut State Treasurer.
I didn’t know one actually ran for Lt. Governor. I thought it was more of a consolation prize for an also-ran gubernatorial candidate.
DW is a man of action. If this partnership idea doesn’t happen, don’t be surprised if David Walker finds himself looking for a running mate of his own.
But right now he’s showing the field what being unselfish is all about because he’s seeking partnership while offering victory.
*** I like what David has to say so far and hope as time moves further, his platform becomes much more clearer to CT taxpayers and possible running mate. *** GOOD LUCK, DAVE ***
Am I a close friend of Dave Walker? I guess I would be considered one if I’m consulted with. Dave Walker is a smart good man and certainly has much to offer. He would cause the State Employee Unions to stick with the Democrats for sure. Then again, they would stay with the Democrats regardless. The problem with the Republicans is there are too many contemplating a run for Governor. A primary will hurt the Republican Party. Didn’t Dave state he wasn’t planning on running for office? He would still be true to his word as he would be on the ticket if selected by a Republican candidate for Governor. I get the feeling there’s more to it than what he is saying. Better Dave Walker than Paul Vallas. Good luck.
I heard BlackRockGuy had a heart attack today.
I hope BlackRockGuy, whoever he is, gets well soon.
Sorry to disappoint you Joel, but I am alive and well and having a cup of coffee as I write this.
Make no mistake Dave, we are very happy you are okay. Merry Christmas. 🙂
Joel Gonzalez, I respect you and I agree with most of what you said. I agree, Dave Walker is a smart good man and certainly has much to offer, but I don’t agree with his position on a lot of issues especially on taking pensions away from City workers.
Let’s say David Walker wins the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, what does he bring to the Republican Party in a statewide election? In order for Republicans to win they must get Democratic votes and where are those votes, in the big urban cities like Bridgeport. Walker lives in Bridgeport but he has no base in Bridgeport outside of Black Rock. Walker has no relationship with the black and Hispanic voters, none. Joel, I would have thought you and Mojo would have long ago been a part of David Walker’s outreach to the Hispanic community here in Bridgeport to get votes and support.
Joel, you made a good point when you said, “He would cause the State Employee Unions to stick with the Democrats for sure. Then again, they would stay with the Democrats regardless.” That’s true but more Democrats will turn out once Walker’s views are exposed about his positions on union pensions and once they hear his positions on social issues.
The Republican Party statewide slate will not be diverse. Run Dave run, please.
Ron–In our last election the Democratic Party did not get many votes for an election in their own town. The Democrats could not even win their own primary. The WFP did. Would it be wrong to say the Democratic Party is dying in BPT? The WFP took the BOE. A Republican got elected. One Dem did get elected but she may have cheated. The BPT Democratic Party couldn’t win a primary in their own town but they are going to sway a statewide election? That is your theory?
The role of Lt. Gov. here in Connecticut has more of an influence on the Senate chambers where he serves as its “speaker.” I don’t believe he would get as much of a chance to set his own “policy” as to see someone else’s through. By showing an interest in “playing” the political game, and even more so on the Rep. team I would venture he would and could get a Commissioner’s seat (offered as a consolation from the Reps or as a deterrent from the Dems).
Please someone tell me, aside from the agoraphobic bloggers on OIB, who in the state of CT knows or cares who Dave Walker is. He has no name recognition whatsoever. He has never held an elected position nor do I think he ever ran for an elected position.
Tom Foley last time around gave Malloy a run but that was because he spent millions of his own money creating a name for himself. And he had Linda McMahon spending millions on the Republican.
All the other candidates mentioned for Governor have 10, 20, 30 times more recognition and loyalty among CT Republicans. If they don’t run for Gov but settle on Lt Gov, Walker is at the bottom of the heap.
IMHO I don’t think Mr. Walker stands a snowball’s chance in hell for any statewide office unless he is viewed as a sacrificial lamb.
Come on Bob, how many Democrats with little or no political experience have stepped up to the plate? Jim Himes, Ned Lamont? Didn’t you support Lamont? I agree, Walker doesn’t have the name recognition. But there is plenty of time for him to grab attention and make himself known. I don’t think he should be looking at the Lt. Gov. position and instead should focus on State Treasurer.
I mention I have the feeling there is something Walker is not telling us. What if Chris Shays throws his hat in the ring? That would pretty much kill your argument. Chris Shays would most likely go along with Walker as his Lt. Gov. and Walker would love it. In a crowded Republican Primary field, Shays stands a good chance of winning it.
The fact he has never held political office is a plus. His name recognition should be gained by his proposals for State betterment. His downfall could be if Blacks and Puerto Ricans only vote for a Democrat. The latter will keep these minorities in high unemployment and very little hope!
Charlie, so you are telling us David Walker is the “SAVIOR,” oh how lucky we are to have David Walker to save us. Run Dave, run, please. Walker is starting to sound like Jim Jones, he was said to be a “SAVIOR” because some people drank his Kool Aid just like Charlie. David Walker, the great emancipator.
Sorry charlie,
The fact Mr. Walker was the government’s chief fiscal watchdog during Bush’s Presidency would make him far more involved in the nuts and bolts of Washington government than any other Republican candidate for governor.
And his best response to this criticism is he was ineffective and not incompetent.
Bob, why did you leave out the part about Dave Walker being the government’s chief fiscal watchdog during Bill Clinton’s presidency?
You were the chief watchdog for many years on the council. How did that go? Should the voters hold our fiscal condition against you? I think what Charlie is trying to say is blacks and Puerto Ricans should take a serious look at other candidates or political parties. Why? Just ask them how they’re doing. Didn’t you work with another party (WFP)? The fact is what members of other parties have been saying about the Republican Party can be said about the party they support. I love Democrats who think and feel like me to some degree, who will work with others despite their political affiliation, who are not entrenched pols with record of falling short on delivery, fresh facees not picked by the status quo who come in with ideas and some sort of plan of action. Don’t tell me the Democratic Party has delivered. Here comes Hillary!!!
Joel, that’s a two-way street, why should blacks listen and support David Walker, what in the world has he done or even said blacks support him when he has never supported them?
Today’s agoraphobic bloggers consist of former City Councilmen who fear open spaces (like Council Chambers) and voluntarily leave their position to engage in closed market chatting.
David Walker has the kind of message that can win elections in 2014. In one year, he became a force in Bridgeport politics and come election day his name wasn’t even on the ballot! All of his former candidates are now winners and consequently well-placed advocates in Bridgeport, a pivotal city in the 2010 election.
In Ohio and Wisconsin, tiny portions of unionized Democrats voted against their party, showing the potency of the populist argument. It could happen here, too. People underestimate his name recognition or the conditions that could get him what he needs fast.
On another note, another Bridgeport Economic Development project isn’t going to happen. The Italians won’t be coming to the West End of Bridgeport. Don’t worry, Fabrizi’s brother (he’s Italian) will still be at the location. I’m talking about the Stamford Italian Sausage makers who had (supposedly) a deal to move their operation to the Ice Cream facility on State Street.
www .ctpost.com/printpromotion/article/Stamford-sausage-business-served-with-eviction-5083863.php
Then again, someone had posted a comment a few weeks ago. It was stated Fabrizi’s brother is working for the Town of Trumbull. Does this mean we have two businesses that went under? I’m sure if the owners of the Stamford Sausage business had been a huge business or a Wall Street firm, the State of Connecticut would have given them a nice incentive package in the millions of dollars. Did the Fabrizi endorsement of Herbst and the slap to Nancy DiNardo play a role in the collapse of the deal? No, she wouldn’t do that, she’s not powerful enough.
Local Eyes … snap out of it. David Walker has been attempting to promote himself since he moved to Bridgeport. He really has about as much clout in local politics as, hmmm, not sure … He supported Mojo? Raphael Mojica? Did he have to call in a lot of favors for the 50 votes? As much as it pains me to agree with Bob Walsh, I have to agree with Bob Walsh in practically everything he said. Walker is definitely a smart man with an impressive resume. Can he turn water into wine? Raise the dead? Local Eyes, he is lucky to have a supporter like you. Good luck with that battle. Joel Gonzalez made an interesting point earlier, maybe State treasurer or comptroller would be the ticket.
I am not going flex my political muscles and start smack talking regarding who is wasting time, who has a shot, who has name recognition and so forth. Anything can happen, and David Walker is an honest man. He has been dealing with politicians on a level that transcends Bridgeport small potatoes for the duration of his career. I would be remiss to even think I could challenge those credentials with any opinion I could manufacture.
We are sorely lacking honest folks in government in our state as well as our cities, so for that reason alone, I hope he does well if he chooses to run. He has my sincere best wishes.
Mustang, you are as eloquent as always. Too bad David Walker the independent chooses to run as a Republican. You should ask him where he stands on women’s issues. You may change your tune. As most woman under 50.
Under 50? What a positively divine thing to say to me, you darling, sweet, dear man. 🙂
To compare Lamont or Himes to Dave Walker is like comparing apples to grapes. Ned Lamont was born a multi-millionaire and Himes made himself one. So unless you are telling me Walker is and is willing to spend a half a mill on his campaign, no comparison.
Lamont took on Lieberman one-on-one in a Democratic primary. Himes had no primary and ran for an open seat. Walker is looking at a very crowded field. He is trying to establish a name among a lot of candidates who already have one. Much more difficult task.
And in spite of whomever it was who posted about Nancy Wyman, I am of the opinion she would kick Walker’s ass in a debate. She has been Lt. Gov for three years and Controller for at least 8 maybe 12. She knows CT government a whole lot better than Walker ever will. No comparison. Walker could easily run for Comptroller or Treasurer. Now tell me when was the last time a Republican held one of those spots.
Wyman was elected comptroller in 1994 and served 16 years before her election as lieutenant governor in 2010.
I didn’t want to overstate her qualifications and be accused of being biased and anti-Walker.
Nancy Wyman is a hero among Connecticut state workers. What’s good for them is bad for Connecticut taxpayers. She helped create the long-term obligations that create headwinds for Connecticut’s recovery. During the booming ’90s she encouraged legislation that pleased the unions but passed without scrutiny.
I think she’s a political liability in 2014 and I wouldn’t be surprised if Malloy dropped her from the ticket.
Walker should stick to wanting a job with no brains needed, Mayor of Bpt CT.
Without the brains of its mayors, Bridgeport would be a ghost town.
Are you trying to suggest BPT is not a ghost town? Are your eyes closed or just shaded by rose-colored glasses? I could take you to places in BPT and you would think you were in Chernobyl. Go to Steele point and yell ‘fire.’ See if anybody hears you.
BOE SPY: Yes, I would not describe Connecticut’s largest city as a ghost town. I walk streets of fire in Bridgeport so your tough-guy outlook is meaningless to me.
If Walker were a serious candidate he would have attended at least one RTC meeting in each city and town in Connecticut by now or at least one of his surrogates would. And do not tell me Lamont nor Himes in his congressional district did not do so.
If Walker were serious he would have started his campaign a year ago and by now every Republican town committee member in CT would have meet him a couple of times.
How do you know he has not had any meetings? How do you know folks have not met him? Just curious.
Oh I don’t know, Sally. Silly me, I am thinking if I could tell Lennie I had already met with 50 RTCs; 10 town chairs have committed to me; I have attended 20 local fundraising events and I will meet with the rest of the RTCs by mid February I would say so. Otherwise I would say I will make up my mind after the first of the year.
That sounds like someone who already decided to run. The article says he is thinking about running. He will decide in the new year. If he decides to run I am sure he will do all those things. If I am thinking about buying a car my first step isn’t to run to the bank and borrow all the money I can.
The election is next year. Nominating conventions in the Spring. Mr. Walker is unknown. It is very late in the game for him to be undecided.
If Himes were such serious candidate he would have spent more time addressing the high unemployment, why there’s feces and urine in all five building of the Greene’s (HUD funded), real federal dollars for Bridgeport (before and after his re-election), meet with the people (all people) not just DTC, help Bridgeport’s lower and middle classes get wealthier like those in Greenwich, Darien, New Canaan … You still can’t see Himes is a representative of the rich and well off? Did the DTC meet with the BOE members we fought to get elected? Most of the time it’s a waste of time to meet with TCs.
I usually hesitate responding to people who wish to commit suicide, but Walker would help all. Even the people of Bridgeport would benefit. I would propose voters look at a person’s ideas and positive concepts rather than their party affiliation. If a person is drowning, and someone throws a lifesaver do they look at anything except the lifesaver? I apologize if this seems condescending to the monosyllabic, but I would like everybody to contemplate this.
Spoken like a true Republican.
charlie, what in the world are you talking about, “Walker would help all,” how? He belongs to no political party, he has no base of voters (except Black Rock), he has no core values, what are his social views on issues, he has no relationship with the black and Hispanic communities, nobody knows him and he is going to be our lifesaver? Please tells us how, because Walker hasn’t.
Curiously missing from this blog, on this post in particular, Jennifer Buchanan, the Republican town committee and of course, Rick Torres. Speaking about Rick Torres, what’s the juice behind the story of his brother? Btw, may I wish all readers of this blog a very happy, safe, prosperous, healthy and joyful Holiday season, Merry Christmas to those who keep the Christ in Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa and a peaceful New Year to all.
Jennifer is away for Christmas. She is currently in Indiana with the fam. They needed some “Jenny Time.”
Good for her. Usually she is a pit bull for David Walker. There isn’t any Internet in Indiana? She is going to be very very upset she didn’t weigh in on this post.
Actually, there is no internet at Jennifer’s mom’s house. Her mom is an octogenarian and has no use for a computer.
His platform should be how Democrats cheat and lie to get elected. Also say how Democratic machines have ruined every major city in the country from Detroit to Bridgeport.
barry soitera, better yet, he should tell us about the Republican Party’s voter suppression program to deny blacks their right to vote and their efforts to break unions and Walker’s program to take workers’ pensions from them.
Ron Mackey,
We had an election in November this year. I was at a neighborhood school for 11 hours and I saw no sign of the Republican suppression program you identified. How could I have missed it here in Bridgeport as you are such an eloquent historian? Heck, I looked for a Republican voter but could not identify them. Do they look different from other voters? Size, shape, skin color (I guess I have to assume there are no black Republicans from what you say), other distinguishing characteristics like cars driven, clothes worn, anything? We had only 11% of registered voters at the polls. I guess the Republicans scared off the voters? Are you serious?
Will you find the quote about Walker and pensions, instead of repeating a “big lie” that is your own personal takeaway? It does no good for your standing as an honest individual. Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, c’mon man, are you for real?
Jul 27, 2013
Voting rights advocates have long asserted that restrictive voting laws are only implemented for one reason: suppressing the votes of underrepresented citizens. Yesterday, former Florida Republican Chairman Jim Greer confirmed this by admitting that state Republicans have conspired to suppress Black voters.
Unfortunately, this admission from Florida is not the first that we have heard in recent years.
Greer exposed the GOP’s plans for “voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” claiming that party officials dismissed “minority outreach programs” because they were “not a fit for the Republican Party,” according to Salon.
Here are a few states where the Republican Party’s voter suppression program is going on: Ohio, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Montana, New York and Pennsylvania. I’ve never heard ANYONE in the local, state and national Republicans speaking out against this and David Walker doesn’t care because this has nothing to with him so why should he speak out.
Ron Mackey, c’mon man, are you for real?
How about voter suppression right here in BPT? Say, the BOE. What party orchestrated that?
BTW–you should look into these articles a little further to make sure they are not just left-wing propaganda. Unless you really don’t want to know. State Republicans can hardly speak out against something that is a lie. Many say Greer’s statements were payback for turning him in for stealing money. The ‘voter suppression’ tactics or anti-voter fraud program they talk about are 1–register to vote sometime before the election so your address can be verified, and 2–show ID when you vote so your address and identity can be verified. This sound like what CT already does. Do you feel your voting is being suppressed, Ron? In many of the states you list, minority voter turnout is, per capita, higher than BPT. So who is suppressing the vote in BPT? Ron, the Democratic Party is dead in BPT. That is probably why it smalls so bad.
BOE SPY, I see you don’t follow the national news so there is no need to reply back to someone who is not informed.
Get on a national blog, or identify your general comments as national (rather than local and rational).
You are very ready to share something someone else has written. Can you supply me with any data on Bridgeport registration and voting patterns that would show how Republicans are holding back voting by blacks in the City? I am really for real. I have had more than one person “pull the race card on me” personally in front of an audience. It did not work, because I am for real and for all Bridgeporters. So again I ask you, what is holding African Americans in Bridgeport who are registered in significant numbers back from voting? Is it a racial issue, or an infection or affliction that cuts across the entire bloc of voters? The issue is really not Walker. It is truly about registrants who do not inform themselves, who do not vote, who create bogeymen to blame, perhaps, so as not to have to become active themselves. Your comments, please. They are important. Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, let’s get something straight right now. I don’t know who the hell you think you are talking to, you don’t know me and you’re not going to tell me how and where I can make comments on OIB. At times I like to give supporting information along with my view, where you want everyone to think you have all the answers based on just what you say.
I’ve said Republicans in Bridgeport have no power and influence and what voters in Bridgeport hear, see and read about the Republican Party is what is happening on the national level because, let me repeat myself, my comments about Republicans on the national level. You know that’s what I’m talking about. I’ve questioned David Walker who wants to be on the Republican ticket and I’ve questioned any and all Republicans to speak out against voters’ right to vote, I’VE NEVER EVER SAID BRIDGEPORT.