Daniels and family
In this curious world of Bridgeport politics, fanned by media frenzy over absentee ballots, Lamond Daniels enjoys a salient profile and message to become a factor in the general election as a petitioning candidate for mayor, following Mayor Joe Ganim’s 251-vote primary win over opponent John Gomes.
Gomes has challenged that result in state court that will take weeks to play out. If the judge orders a new primary Ganim and Gomes will duke it out again. Either way, Daniels, Ganim and Gomes occupy general election lines in November.
Ganim’s camp is reeling from surveillance footage, leaked a week or so later from inside the Police Department to the Gomes campaign: Wanda Geter-Pataky distributing what appear to be absentee ballots in a drop-box fronting the Morton Government Center on Broad Street.
Gomes and his Campaign Manager Christine Bartlett-Josie have known Geter-Pataky well for a decade or more, mostly as allies, but they posture the alleged treachery like someone who’s an artifice that cost them the keys to City Hall, in a Trumpian way, “we really don’t know her.”

They know her quite well, when it was convenient to know her.
This is simply the soap opera narrative to win votes your way, drawing back in mock horror for all the media to see during a press conference – We were robbed but parenthetically (we wish we had Wanda on our team, unless she got caught on our team).
Wanda is a lot more than what is being portrayed. (More to come down the road)
And, that’s how it goes in the blood-sucking jackal business of city politics. When you got something you go with it because who cares what happens along the way, as long as we win.
Gomes and Bartlett-Josie were both payroll backers of Ganim back in the day, now opponents because they were unsatisfied with their administrative roles, and parted ways. They and others formed a coalition to take out Ganim. They may get there, or they may not, nature of the beast.
None of this is about the sanctity of the vote. None of it. It’s all about power to control.
That’s the other side to this quirky coin. The Gomes campaign is no boy scout in its absentee-ballot unearthing. They’ve done it as well, led by the new queen of absentee ballots, City Councilwoman Maria Pereira who lost her council seat on the machines, lifted up by absentee ballots she hustled in her Upper East Side district, leaning heavily on senior citizens, under probe by law enforcement officials.
Will it lead to something, who knows? Maybe, maybe not.
The point is both sides play this game in the pursuit of winning. Pereira pledged never to support Gomes for mayor, but a deal happened along the way that satisfied another in a long line of Pereira reversals because something was it it for her.
Ganim and Gomes will go tit for tat in the weeks to come, throwing campaign grenades for doing the same thing.
Now comes why Daniels is relevant for a potential surprise.
He can argue both sides marinate in the same hypocrisy that undermines the sanctity of the vote. They both do it. Ganim does it and Gomes does it. There’s no difference. One has power, the other doesn’t care what it says or does to get there.
In the September 12 primary neither Ganim or Gomes set the world on fire, the lowest mayoral turnout in the modern history of intra-party squabbles: roughly 8,000 votes among 40,000 registered Dems. To compare, 2019, the last mayoral primary between Ganim and Marilyn Moore, 10,500 participated.
It proves conclusively, Ganim and Gomes did not excite. Ganim turned out a low base-party support and Gomes a low anti-vote. It was anemic.
Ganim’s a professional politician who’s trying to figure out electorate discontent. Gomes is trying to figure out why didn’t I croak him on the machines. What went wrong?
Neither side executed clarity. Now, a court must decide the primary challenge.
Meanwhile, Daniels can lung to the high heavens, I am not Ganim, I am not Gomes, I got into this to avoid what they both represent: manipulation of the sanctity of the vote to covet power.
Daniels brings credentials to the table both in Bridgeport government and larger in his administrative role for the city of Norwalk.
He’s earnest, likable and refreshing, strong family man.
If he can raise the money and draw a compelling wedge contrast between Ganim and Gomes, about what he represents, don’t discount him.
Two Black eyes, one is Mario Testa and the other is Joe Ganim, the people of Bridgeport can no longer see the future of this City through the Black Eyes of these two charlatans.
Now we have (Stuffed-Gate) and Wanda Geter-Pataky in hiding on paid leave.
Yes, Mr. Daniels “Together, we’re going to build a Bridgeport we can all believe in” some day.
oh I love the but they do it too argument! great story!
Lamond standing with his beautiful family, in the picture that precedes Lennie’s political-journalist’s expert assessment of the very real prospects of a Daniel’s win on November 7, could serve as the central portrait in the collage of other beautiful images that could be imagined as the face of a revitalized, healthy, prosperous Bridgeport…
But, Lamond, as I’m sure you know, the public is very eager to hear your message of where you want to take us, and how you want to get us there. We know, by your personal and professional background, that you have the training, experience, and ability to take Bridgeport on the journey back to prosperity and respectability, but people want to hear the specs of your vision and plan from your mouth. Get on every media outlet that you can, ASAP, even as you mount an aggressive door-knocking campaign to meet and have a conversation with them about their needs and your plan to help them meet those needs… Ask them for help (work and $) as you meet them — make them realize that they need to be part of the solution to Bridgeport’s problems (especially by getting out and voting for you). Go to all of the public and organizational meetings that you possibly can between now and November 7… There are good, grassroots people that will want to help you when they hear your message. And, of course, use your high-level, high-caliber political resources to help you get some $ and workers…
GOOD LUCK, Mr. Mayor(?)…
Should have closed: GOOD LUCK! (Mr. Mayor?…)
Good luck, Mr. Daniels!!! Great to see you with both feet in the race!
You meant: All teeth in the race? Perfect photo for a tooth paste commercial.
The petitioning candidate can say ” I’m a Democrat, too”.
When it comes to Bridgeport politics, he’s a 30-year resident and a fresh face.
He’s got great credentials and plenty of upside. He’ll peak on election day.
He’s doesn’t have to ask voters to change their party.
He just needs them to change their mind.
There’s no question in my mind Wanda was against G2. The insiders know that as well. The question remains if after this AB bonanza, Gen now you know what I am talking about. 🙂 If Gomes/Ricci camp throw Wanda under the bus in a Hail Mary to take Joe out on the primary level. Considering Holier-than- thou, Gen Now, threw Moore under the bus and kept her out of the primary. Or some force wanted to shine a light on what has been apparent in Port’s elections among the insiders. @FrankRecchia 🙂
Perhaps both, which says a lot about Gen Now and the Gomes/Ricci camp. I mean we know Ricci was/is corrupted Gen Now is starting to show. 🙂 JS What say you Port, the force, Ricci/Gen Now, or both? 🤣
Meanwhile, Daniels can lung to the high heavens, I am not Ganim, I am not Gomes, I got into this to avoid what they both represent: manipulation of the sanctity of the vote to covet power.
He is not Ganim nor Gomes. He is Finch Wood. Notice how Finch has suddenly dissapeared into the Woods like the Melon Heads in 90 Acres Park. It takes a lot more than a suit and blinding white teeth to impress me. Wait, I just saw a bright glow come out of 90 Acres as I passed by.
He shortened the election cycle!
By not making the prmary ballot Lamond Daniels keeps himself out of the Absentee fiasco .
Can you imagine a court-ordered AB-free election?
He’s free to conentrate on the issues — he’s the longshot with traction.
Get to know him
Get to like him
Get to trust him.
Give him your vote.
You know him only from OIB.
You like smoking weed.
You trusted Bill Finch and John Ricci.
You live in Trumbull & can’t vote here.
Traction is what John Ricci provided for his friends driveway in Stratford on Bridgeport’s dime.
Now go back and roll a dime of weed.
You’re a double-dirtbag with slimeball tendancies.
You’ve always been the weakest link in OIB. Setting yourself up for a Speedy blow.
How many years I’ve been blogging here so for Lennie? I’ve been called many things during my 38 years in Bepo Politcs. Not a single label has stuck. You will never be me.
Fly like a butterfly;
Sting like a bee.
On Speedy’s hit-list, you don’t want to be.
Then stop threatening me.
Joel, Melon Hards were in Monroe, Morre’s territory.
Lennie, touched on a point, “If he can raise the money and draw a compelling wedge contrast between Ganim and Gomes, about what he represents, don’t discount him.”
Considering, that Gen Now throws Moore under for Gomes/Ricci and kept her out of the primary wedge between Ricci/Gomes and G2, I wouldn’t expect them and their MOM to endorse Danial anytime soon if at all.
They will most definitely keep the MOM with AB abuse/corruption and on the attack with G2 and their Holier than thou Good/Moral government until the Gomes/Ricci suit plays out in the court and if it is not overturned and some way considering Gomes/Ricci is still on the November ballot Gen Now will perhaps stick to this current theme/motif to not draw a wedge between them with a Daniel endorsement. Deeping their MOM, the teats of Port election at bay. Gen Now’s MONEY OPERATION AND MESSAGE has spoken. 🤣
As we await official information on the various investigations days will pass with folks calling for Lamond Daniels to share what will be purposeful and different from too many years with elected leaders under the sway of a Democratic Town Committee that stays silent about the misdeeds, wrongdoing, Charter mandated avoidance by many of their nominees.
Some signs today indicate JOE MUST GO. They were at last week’s Council session along with three officers (were they on overtime, minimum four hours, or routine downtown duty) to handle confrontations and maintain control. They have been posted around the community as well. Absentee ballots as such are merely a way for folks to vote who claim eligibility to use this form of voting. But the rules are mishandled by political activists who know better and should care by attending to the rules, as well as activists who have too much invested in their status quo position, be it employment, political position, housing, or other preference initiative, to care about consequences. Perhaps this is a year where caring about voting rules needs serious identification and consequences for those identified as rule breakers. Perhaps penalties need to be enhanced?
But what makes Daniels different? He needs to spell it out as simply as he can. Does he care about governance that includes appointees caring and listening to the people? Can he use the bully pulpit of executive office to share what changes to the Charter and obedience to its rules will mean to voters and taxpayers? Fasten your seat belts, please. Open your eyes and ears. What can you envision? Time will tell.
If he’s on the ballot, he’s relevant in Bridgeport!