Hey Joe, what ya doing with that vote of yours? Most everyone has a price, right? For Board of Education member Joe Sokolovic it’s $5.5 million, money needed for a cash-strapped school district.
Sokolovic, hustling petition signatures on behalf of State Senator Marilyn Moore’s campaign for mayor, ran into Mayor Joe Ganim on the campaign trail.
Sokolovic wrote this on his Facebook page:
Popped by home between petitioning and taking my boy to the movies and who should I find on my lawn? Joe Ganim. He refused to sign my petition 🙁 . Full transparency I offered my vote for sale @5.5 million dollars for our schools.
Joe Sokolovic, why sell so cheaply!
Joe S. thank you.
You have kept your head on reasonably well while others have lost direction.
Am I surprised that Ganim2 did not sign? In a manner I am, after all he did return to Bridgeport looking for a “second chance” or a re-do where at one time and place he was found guilty of multiple counts of public corruption. Today he faces some serious opposition and will not sign out of belief in democracy values and put his signature on a petition to provide a viable candidate for the public to choose between in a primary (or among ultimately in the election.) Big man? Not really? Lots of money…..OK but where are the long term values including honesty, accountability and ultimately integrity? Where are these in evidence, day in and day out, with Ganim2? Time will tell.
Joe, can lower the price of your vote to $3 million because Mayor Ganim gave $2.5 million on Global Tiger Day to the Connecticut Beardsley Zoo and $3 is all that is left. As you know tigers are more important than our children’s education.
Lol! Thanks for the post Mr. Grimaldi! You’re right I should ask for more money, but I try to be a realist when I am being unrealistic. People may have forgotten but $5.5 million is the additional amount the children need in order to not be subjected to one more Joe Ganim cut. This would be in addition to $6 million plus years in devastating Joe Ganim cuts already made to our schools.
Some people may have forgotten that their children are still facing more cuts because the board has not had a meeting on the Ganim deficit in weeks. If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d say the process is being deliberately stalled until after the primary to help the chances of Joe Ganim.
Make no mistake all these cuts lie directly at the feet of Joe Ganim and he will be held accountable on Sept 10th, 2019.
Joe Ganim has repeatedly graced the 138th District with his presence.
He walked Fireside with AB fraudster Wanda Geter, he held a Meet and Greet at Fireside yesterday at 12:30 PM paid for by the DTC. I have to investigate the legality of this.
The flier stated the following:
GANIM for Bridgeport ‘ 19
Along with:
Councilwoman Nessah Smith,
Councilwoman Karen Jackson,
Members of the 138th Town Committee & the Democratic Ticket
Paid for By Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. Maria Heller, Treasurer.
I love talking to voters after they speak or meet Ganim,,Nessah or Karen.
They have this campaign where they are asking voters to place a ” Ganim 19″ sticker on their mailbox and door.
I was talking to a male voter and we had a great conversation with him. Without even asking he said “let me tear this sticker off right now.” I asked him if he put it on his door. He said “Wanda Geter.”
We had a good laugh.:)
I was in Nob Hill following up on a few of my ABs. I see one of my loyal voters. He excitedly tells me Mayor Ganim came down and around Nob Hill with an army. He said Detective Ray Garcia, Nessah and others swarmed Nob Hill.
I asked him why he had a Ganim sticker on his door. He said Nessah asked him if she could put it up. He told her yes so that she would leave. He then got up and tore it down.
He said they asked him if they could order an AB form. He said Maria took care of me. He showed him our campaign literature and Detective Garcia tried to slip it under the papers under his clipboard and leave. He asked Ray Garcia to give it back so he could remember to vote for Samia and I.
He said he shook Ganim’s hand and chatted, but he is voting for Moore.
I wonder how many people tell Ganim and his people they are voting for Ganim but will vote for the opposition when at the polls.
All the dirty tricks are going to come out in the wash this coming September: Police Chief A.J. Perez ordering a uniformed police officer driving a patrol car to collect absentee ballots at the direction of Mario Testa and Michael Di Fillipo; the absentee ballots that turned up at the Post office downtown, ABs that bore no post marks; buying busloads of votes for twenty dollars each and a few slices of pizza courtesy of Mario Testa…