Warren Gamaliel Harding, the 29th president of the United States, is regularly celebrated on the list of worst presidents, a reminder never to elect a newspaper publisher president. Of note, a series of scandals that led to prison time for several in his Republican administration. He died in office in 1923. This was an era when Republicans had juice in the city so when city leaders decided to build a new high school the thoughtful thing to do was name it after the poor president who had recently died in office. If all goes according to plan a new high school will be constructed on Boston Avenue to replace the antiquated hulk up the road. What’s an appropriate name for the new high school?

The city has hammered out an agreement with General Electric, owner of the Boston Avenue property, to set aside a piece of it for a new high school, an idea proposed by Mayor Bill Finch. The agreement is expected to be submitted to the City Council tonight to begin the approval process.
So what say you? Let’s submit some suggestions, starting here, to the Board of Education.
Obviously it should be named the Testa Timpanelli Center for Academic Achievement.
I think seeing how Finch is as bad a mayor as Harding was a President Finch’s name needs to be in the new name.
I like “The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Who Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.” Hahahaha
www .youtube.com/watch?v=NQ-8IuUkJJc
They should sell the naming rights to GE! Specializing in hydroponics from the water works. GE High!
My goodness! I had just about forgotten Gamaliel had been a newspaper publisher. Must be amnesia.
I guess you could always consider famous Harding graduates for a name. Take Walt Kelly, the cartoonist of Pogo. He most famously had Pogo saying “We have met the enemy and he is us” when talking about pollution in his swamp.
I always wondered why someone didn’t have that chiseled over City Hall in Latin. Pay someone at Fairfield U. 100 grand to get the saying right. Of course with Bridgeport’s luck the translator would cash the check after giving the city the Latin for “Abandon Hope, Ye Who Enter Here” but that works too.
If you look at when Harding was president and when Harding HS was built, the new high school should be named George W. Bush HS.
Barack Obama High … I was thinking Bridgeport Academy but that was the name of the Prison by Nob Hill or was that Nob Hill Academy. Seaside High School. Lincoln High School. Martin Luther King High School. P.T Barnum High School. Golden Hill High School. LiL Wayne High School, Beyonce High, New Directions High School, Downton Abbey High School, New Normal High School, Housatonic High School, Pequonick High School, Remington Woods High School, Dupont High School, Beardsley Park High School.
Rosa Parks High School, Tom Thumb High School, Harriet Tubman High School
Park City High School
Jasper McLevy High School
Lennie Grimaldi High
If they name anything for me I will get high.
Brownfield High …
Walt Kelly High School is an excellent idea; Robert Mitchum High or John Ratzenberger High sound good too.
Don’t forget Bill Smitrovich.
Someone said building huge schools is a bad idea. What about moving innovation center incubator companies there to stimulate the local economy?
Bridgeport Now, an even better idea to build a campus at that site that connects the high school to these local companies (also on the campus) and create an immediate HS to jobs pipeline. That’s what President Obama was talking about in his SOTU speech earlier this month. And in homage to his vision for this kind of high school, how about the Barack Obama Campus for Educational and Economic Advancement?
If you named it G.W. Bush HS and their sports teams were the crickets, they would be the Bush Crickets 😛
Where is the “Like” button when you need one? 🙂
After the abuse Finch has received he deserves this honor. GE-Finch Campus.
That’s rich. Associating Finch with an academic setting.
I want to be loved by you and you and nobody else but you …
There aren’t enough batteries in the world to make that happen.
Stop being silly.
*** Let’s name it like the city it will represent, no? “Zombie High School!” ***
*** anna continues to overdrink the city government “kool-aid,” no? ***
I drink the Zombie Kool-Aid.
anna, please drink the “Jim Jones” Kool-Aid.
Walt Kelly works for me.
Finch got creamed last night. No comments?
What about snowplow parking lot?
We have the Moses Wheeler Bridge. I propose the Moses Newton “High” School. Ernie was a Bpt teacher in more ways than one.