Mayor Joe Ganim has always been something of a thrill seeker. At 58 years old, it’s become a little tougher tuning up the old bones as video above shows the mayor receiving tips from limber Millennials scaling concourse walls at the Margaret Morton Government Center that houses municipal offices. The Ganim campaign is pitching this one “no obstacle we cannot overcome together” as something of a metaphor for the monolith he faces in his quest for governor.
Ganim was loosening up for tonight’s (Thursday) big ticket fundraiser at Testo’s Restaurant where he hopes to raise about $200K three months from May’s Democratic convention where he’ll need 15 percent delegate support to nail down an August primary ballot position.
Ganim’s coming off a Wednesday night endorsement from the West Haven Young Democrats led by chapter president Joe Miller. The path Ganim appears to be making toward delegate roundup focuses on Bridgeport, New Haven, West Haven, Waterbury and Naugatuck Valley towns that could embrace his lunch pail Joe persona.
Just like the Republicans, the Democratic side is wide open with no clear-cut front runner for the nomination. First things first, in the short-term picture Ganim and Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa need a strong showing at the March 6th Democratic Town Committee district primaries to cement another Testa two-year term that will allow him to influence Bridgeport delegate selection and cut deals with other statewide candidates for delegate support.

“No obstacle we cannot overcome together”, the metaphor??? What is it? Who is it for? What about the rest of the people.
It is not the height of a wall on the plaza in front of Morton Center. And is that what a “thrill seeker” seeks to overcome? In Black History Month, overcoming might otherwise have some relation to American history where white supremacy at times has run roughshod and has not left contemporary history. For some of us the Ganim2 obstacle is a man who fails to hold to his word, who does not seek to govern, but rather use his power to rule, and who has no simple repetitive priority statement by which to be accountable to the people…..all of the people…..The man is the obstacle himself. Is it scary to consider that the City he once governed with a very adequate “city fund balance” of $55 Million and a Charter that provided to him and subsequent Mayors all the strength and power needed to do a good job of municipal government, is in such declining space today? The 2017 fiscal results, known in general last summer by the Mayor’s Office and very specifically in January, provide the Bridgeport taxpayer with a warning should Ganim2 become the Democratic front runner.
He took advantage of the people of Bridgeport in his first Mayoralty and paid for it with an extended Federal consequence. For reasons he has not stated, he never admitted his deeds to all of the public and asked forgiveness. He said he was sorry….but for what? He has been less interested in City governance in the past two years, seeing it as a launching pad for the office of State chief executive, and where are the children in our school population? We have school resource officers, but the City still has events and stories that provide trauma to kids who come to school with fewer counsellors and other support roles than experts indicate necessary. Doesn’t a Mayor need to meet with and listen to other equally elected community members on a Board of Education and hammer out a plan that works? Where is Ganim2’s action in that regard? Leader? Maybe he can still jump some low walls, but why not show the accomplishments of mind and spirit, rather than physical body at this momentous time for both City and State? Time will tell.
Will Mario be paying his employees to ork tonight’s soirée or do they have to tithe like the city employees that owe their jobs to his influence?
Put me down for one ticket for this fundraiser, NOT. It must be a slow day Lennie to post that video.
ANOTHER fundraiser???..I bet those who Joe & Mario gave patronage jobs to are looking forward to “donating”more tonight..I bet they have a checklist,those who don’t pony up?,their jobs will be eliminated..
YAWN…West Haven Young Democrats, gimme a break. Paging Joe Miller, party of one. I also heard he received the endorsement of the Black Mayors of Connecticut Association. Paging Toni Harp, party of one.
Bridgeport won’t be fooled again nor will Connecticut be fooled this time.