Watch: East End On The Move, Coming Back – City Fresh Nutrition Program

Step by step the East End is achieving enrichment that so many take for granted as a nucleus of a community. The banking and food desert is coming alive: the latest major announcement M&T Bank’s decision to host a branch in the Honey Locust Square development under construction along the Stratford Avenue corridor that will also include a grocery store, pharmacy, healthcare facility and restaurant slated for an early 2024 opening.

On Thursday, East End leaders including Deb Sims and City Councilman Ernie Newton joined Mayor Joe Ganim and Connecticut Commissioner of Agriculture Bryan Hurlburt to launch “City Fresh” a program of the East End NRZ Market & Cafe bringing nutritious, locally grown produce to the neighborhood, backed by a $500,000 state grant.

Mayor Joe Ganim, kneeling, joins East End advocates Ernie Newton and Eneida Martinez with a contingent of  stakeholders supporting neighborhood initiatives.


  1. It’s a shame that after decades of Ganim (only interrupted by his prison sentence) that the East End still has to rely on pop up shops for fresh food.

    Taking over 30 years to grocery store for the East End nothing to be proud of. It’s an abject failure of leadership.

    Vote Row B on September 12, 2023

      1. Its not a crisis of leadership, it’s the decisive action of a benevolent banker. Considering the chaos of a multi-billion dollar transfer, it was almost instantaneous.


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