Compared to two weeks ago Monday night’s public speaking session was tame, police were not required to restore peace – but not without machinations.
Several City Council members turned their backs at the audience during public speaking with signs BPT Gen Never, a dig at arch-enemy leadership of the community group Bridgeport Generation Now. When it came time for City Council members to speak, the posse from Bridgeport Generation Now turned their backs and walked out of the chambers.
Gen Now leadership has called on several council members to resign following state charges alleging election fraud from the 2023 municipal cycle.
How to settle this?
How about a special tag team wrestling match at the arena? Gen Now’s Callie Heilmann and Gemeem Davis versus councilors Eneida Martinez and Maria Pereira. Mayor Joe Ganim will serve as the special guest referee. Best two out of three falls for hurling the most scorching insults across the ring. The winners receive a new set of vocal cords, the losers rags to stick in their mouths during the next council meeting.
Former councilman Joel “Speedy” Gonzalez would be the perfect referee but he’s one digit short to count to 10.
Councilman Jorge Cruz (AKA Cruz Control) will live stream it on Facebook.
The first person to spot Speedy, wins a wild ride with Councilmen Jorge Cruz(control) and Joel Speedy Gonzalez.
Speedy I see you’re being a bit hard on the Cruz control. 🙂
Though, perhaps WEEP, himself, is a bit disingenuous as Gen Now? I see him sporting a Crucifixion. WEEP, do you find it disingenuous to have been so vocal on the remove of Christopher Columbus statue, yet you “don” the religion symbol of the religion your Spanish speaking Ancestor/Columbus forced upon the indigenous people of the island that is now named PR?
Why are you not know calling upon yourself to remove such symbols of Christopher Columbus history ‘ as you did with Columbus statue? The same can be side for the Holy Books, The Bible and Quran. Do you find it disingenuous, to say the least? 🙂
To be fair to the Pagan. I mean Catholics. The did give its people some cool holidays, Some notables: Christmas, Valentin’s, St Patrick’s, Easter, All Saints. Three Kings, Perhaps, Harvest festival (Thanksgivings)
Sure going/allowing the Church to go Jeffrey Epstein on the children was F-ed, up but over all, it seems to have a more DEI vibe with the inclusion of women.
To Peace in the Mild East, Salute, Cheers.
Yes, folks, when Perra spoke, I got up, turned my back, and covered my ear.
To quote the late, great CT Post newsman Jim Clarke, “Bridgeport CT…Where the circus never left town.”
Brother Denis, now you went and did it. James G. Clark, though of Scottish heritage, enjoyed select Irish friends. Every now and then he even enjoyed some of my people, but only after he heard my father’s continental Sicilian accent. Clark schooled me, after many adult beverages, that the Clark surname is largely Scottish while Clarke is largely English and Irish. Clark had a unique way of making a teaching point. As a young scribe in 1978, I nailed an exclusive interview with the actress Linda Blair after she was charged with drug possession. She was a big deal, a few years removed from her role in The Exorcist. The editors were particular about this story because it would go national. Clark was arguably the tightest writer in the newsroom so they kicked my story over to him for a final review. I noted in the article that Blair was the “former Academy Award nominee for her role in The Exorcist.”
“Grimaldi!” Clark screamed across the newsroom, not a place for niceties. “Is she dead?”
“Linda Blair, is she dead?”
“Well, no.”
“Once an Academy Award nominee, always an Academy Award nominee.”
Clark deleted “former” in good fashion.
Great Jim Clark story!
I added the “E” because he overachieved and deserved Irish standing.
Miss Jim Clark at Council Meetings — he had a great sense of humor…
Don’t we already have a “CT “wrestling act”, in the person of Cabinet Education leader, Linda McMahon, available for all to witness, acting as an educated responsible adult? Or merely expressing her high-minded loyalty, but lower taxed status, perhaps, of her Boss?
With half of Federal Education Department employees “chainsawed” and no specific word from President Trump regarding “concept, plan, policy, process, principles, or values” from on high, “following orders” is not entertainment when applied to meals for youth locally and support of “individualized education plans” courtesy of Federal funds.
Let’s get serious, folks. Do you not see this literal wrestling as totally without service to average American citizens, taxpayers, and voters? Time will tell.
John, like most governments, particularly the Democratic governance. They tend to start off with good intention, but always find itself off the path.
I believe the Department of Education was created in my life time, in 1980 by President Carter. Can you be sure the Federal Department of Education is operating in a fiscally sound, financial manner?
I do hold some of your concerns regarding its funding that has been established into the educational institution/states that relay on it, particularly, secondary education, Community Colleges, were FAFSA plays a major role, I suspect.
But were do you levy that ” educated responsible adult” in an institution (Department Of Education) incurring close to 2 trillion in student loans, in a predatory manner on youth adults, saddling them with financial debt?
My personal take, the DOE shouldn’t be completed elimination but reorganize to do what capitalist governance, philosophy preaches, operating in a supportive, effective, efficient role in the nations educational body.
I think the state already have the lead financial role in it education. The DOE role, in my view is to ensure the states are complying to a sound standard of education and support, at a base minimums. Let the state internal politics battle it out for higher runs. The same for health care insure, a base coverage. Let the business battle it out to entice worker recruitment as will as secondary private companies. JS
As for the DOE predatory loans/leading practices on the American youth. While think the Fed should acted like “educated responsible adult” they should blindly forgive 2 trillion in loans, at the cost of the taxpayer. It don’t seem “responsible”
However, there should be no interest rate, and payment plans need to be according. I believe our state has stepped up to help alleviate the predatory lending barren perpetrated by the DOE.
Community college should be free for CT residents with lower financial income threshold and income financial matrices, that should be transferable to a four year state college.
Taht being said, your “chainsaw” code thing for Musk, the own of X (formerly Twitter) and Space X , who is currently in the news for bringing back American astronauts from the ISS got me thinking. Do you think Malcolm X may have identified with that coded side/thing as Musk, X, Space X
To me fair, Muslim could have been incorporated into this clip/writing, No? But I guess everything will have an angle/inclination. Just say people.
What say you Buddy Christ? You have an angle going on. 😂
Happy, rebirth, Darth Vader, Chocolate Bunnies/colored eggs, and starvation Day. 😇
Try to play nice people and not get the planet blown up people.
P.S while this was the Jammy, Jam back in the day.
This one, caught the beat too. 🤣
Technical difficulty.
Am I wrong in this assessment, people to call on those who called upon the removal of the Christopher Columbus’ Statue based on its history to call out and removal of symbol WEEP’s “donning” the religious symbol that was forced upon the indigenous people of the island of PR by Columbus’s history and his Spanish speaking ancestors who sail with him in the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
As well as the call on the Holy Books, the Bible and Quran for it own history toward/condoning, slavery and conquest.
Is calling out for the removal of Columbus statue based on its condoned history of slavery, and conquest without calling out for the removal and condemnation of the Bible and Quran condoned history of slavery and conquest. JS
It that fair, and just?
I agree with Christopher call for the statue being be put back and it shouldn’t have been removed. As I am not calling on people to practice there religion base on such historical facts. I choose not to cut the baby in half, or throw the baby out with the bath water on a nation where blacks want and seek to come to
this nation in search of a better quality of life for them and their families. Along with many others ethic, racial groups.
However, I disagree with Christopher’s as to why it should be returned on the analogy that you can’t compare 15 century explorer with 21 century standard to be fundamentally flawed. If slavery and conquest is wrong today and the rebirth of America’s Christian slavery and conquest in 18th and through Christendom’s history slavery and conquest, as equally wrong in the 15th century of the Spanish/Columbus, Catholic history of slavery and conquest.
As will as the Muslim, slavery and conquest in the 7th century through out its expansion.
into the history of the pagan world, Romains and the Greek philosophers, to Moses time and the pharaohs. JS
At any rate try to play nice and not blow up the planet, humans, says the blue humanoids. What say you Vulcan John? Get out its a trap. 🙂
Salute, Cheers.
Can’t depart without the Prophet. Play nice Port, that’s goes to you too, Disingenuous. 🤣
Peace out, Port
In the spirit of the Pagan holiday of Saturnalia, the winter solstice and the return of light, the Norse god Odin and the Yule celebrations. 🙂
Technical difficulty.
Am I wrong in this assessment, people to call on those who called upon the removal of the Christopher Columbus’ Statue based on its history to call out and removal of symbol WEEP’s “donning” the religious symbol that was forced upon the indigenous people of the island of PR by Columbus’s history and his Spanish speaking ancestors who sail with him in the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
As well as the call on the Holy Books, the Bible and Quran for it own history toward/condoning, slavery and conquest.
Is calling out for the removal of Columbus statue based on its condoned history of slavery, and conquest without calling out for the removal and condemnation of the Bible and Quran condoned history of slavery and conquest. JS
It that fair, and just?
I agree with Christopher call for the statue being be put back and it shouldn’t have been removed. As I am not calling on people to practice there religion base on such historical facts. I choose not to cut the baby in half, or throw the baby out with the bath water on a nation where blacks want and seek to come to
this nation in search of a better quality of life for them and their families. Along with many others ethic, racial groups.
However, I disagree with Christopher’s as to why it should be returned on the analogy that you can’t compare 15 century explorer with 21 century standard to be fundamentally flawed. If slavery and conquest is wrong today and the rebirth of America’s Christian slavery and conquest in 18th and through Christendom’s history slavery and conquest, as equally wrong in the 15th century of the Spanish/Columbus, Catholic history of slavery and conquest.
As will as the Muslim, slavery and conquest in the 7th century through out its expansion.
into the history of the pagan world, Romains and the Greek philosophers, to Moses time and the pharaohs. JS
At any rate try to play nice and not blow up the planet, humans, says the blue humanoids. What say you Vulcan John? Get out its a trap. 🙂
Salute, Cheers.
Can’t depart without the Prophet. Play nice Port, that’s goes to you too, Disingenuous. 🤣
Peace out, Port
In the spirit of the Pagan holiday of Saturnalia, the winter solstice and the return of light, the Norse god Odin and the Yule celebrations. 🙂
How bout Bpt taxpayers turn our backs on all of them?..All this back & forth finger pointing & accusations,arguing,etc,etc at EVERY meeting.The council is split and most of them have their own interests in mind first.This administration is dirty from the top down,how much longer can this go on??.. Does any City/taxpayer’s business go on at these meetings?..Just seems like it’s a “ I’ll show you” mentality all the time,meanwhile our schools are failing,members of the DTC & council are getting indicted,instead of corporations,or good sustainable jobs coming to Bpt,we gat press conferences announcing new gas stations & car washes setting up shop here..Disgusting..