While five political operatives were in court today for perfunctory arraignment appearances, accused of election fraud during the 2023 mayoral race, including three City Council members, the tit-for-tat saga on social media continues between the elected officials and leaders of the community group Bridgeport Generation Now, helmed by Callie Heilmann and Gemeem Davis.
Heilmann addressed the full City Council Monday night charging they were all engaged in a cover up. See video here
The whole thing from a variety of speakers bottomed out into a messy name-calling affair.
Heilmann was ruled out of order for not sticking to the public hearing subject matter. Police were called in to calm things down.
We haven’t heard the last of this.
One of the council members charged, Maria Pereira, had a few things to say in a Facebook post.
Lennie, what the fuck are you doing here? Maria Perra is banned from posting on OIB and you circumvent your own decision by posting Perra’s account. Go take your meds this very minute.
You noticed, how Maria Perra left out the fact that she and other Councilmenbers took over a 12 minute public speaker period, just to hear themselves talk the same shit they post on Facebook?
There are and has been many cover-ups and plenty of turning of the blind eyes in Bridgeport for decades. Here’s an interesting observation on Gen Now: Gen Now endorsed and supported City Council President Aidee Nieves. To her, Gen Now wasn’t so much of a problem. To Gen Now, the Council President was worthy of their support and re-election. What happened Lennie. Buyers remorse or just a political miscalculation?
Now Lennie, have you been following the Facebook postings of City Councilmember/Narcissist/FBI (Fucking Bridgeport Idiot), Jorge Cruz?
It’s been about three years since Cruz had been Cruzing for a bruising. He has pretty much done one he’ll of a Job at bruising his lack of reputation.
Here one “cover-up” for the OIB record. CRUZ was fired from his former position of Case Manager at a Substance Abuse Facility.
Lol 😂, you sorry egg head monster. You know in your heart that you are a punk bitch ass because you never have the balls to speak to me in person you bitch ass double headed fingerless PENDEJO.. This I will say I’m totally against violence but I will never back down from a bitch ass like you who talks to a blog. You got my number PENDEJO so whenever you have the heart to speak with me in person let me know. I’m not talking about physical contact. I want your punk ass to look 👀 into my eyes and tell me why you’re such a PENDEJO. Lol 😂 you’re nothing special but a joke
Look at me PENDEJO, I’m living life
Lol 😂😂😂, you’re just super jealous of my accomplishments in my district, something you never was able to do when you was on the council 😂😂. You envy my abilities to make it happen for my constituents. You are a disgrace and depressed man who needs serious mental health treatment. Oh by the way Joel, I was told that when you was in your insane state of mind and decided to chop off your poor little finger the tip of your finger landed deep inside your ass hole that the doctor told you to leave it in there though it will cause a great deal of constipation. 😂😂😂😂
Go have sex with your mother instead of a vulnerable client, you piece of shit.
I’m gonna ask Lennie Grimaldi to send me my password for the OIB so can copy and paste everything on this text message to you the most ugly monster in Bridgeport CT. And you dumb piece of shit you or whoever told you that I got fired for having a relationship with a former client didn’t tell you that I beat them in court PENDEJO and I represented myself and beat their two attorneys and they settled with back payments and agreed to shred my termination and change it that I resigned. You’re a sucker who needs to get a life because it seems you are a lost PENDEJO. Since you’re texting me why don’t you ask me to meet up like a man. Don’t hide behind the scenes and talk shit on OIB. What kind of a man are you anyway? Did you accidentally cut your little balls too? No finger and no balls, boy you got serious issues
Oh yeah PENDEJO, once a former client is no longer receiving services for six months an employee can establish a relationship and guess what… we’ve been together now 11 years and going strong. She’s an adult just like me PENDEJO I don’t have nothing to hide from you or anyone else. Get your facts straight before you start making false accusations PENDEJO
Oh yeah you’re good talking on OIB, but generally speaking you are the biggest loser and PENDEJO and you know it too
Wow. That all true????!? The people that are involved in this political toilet of a city are the reason why this city can’t get rid of the SHIT CITY MO
Hey Coach, you trained me to hit hard, fair, and clean. No yellow flag here!
Hey Coach, you noticed OIB censored, “The Juice Stuff ?” Lennie, looking out for a Predator who not long ago stated the he will NOT comment on OIB, because, “there’s nothing but a bunch of fucking assholes on the blog.”, speaks loudly about OIB being, “Never biased, always fair.”
Speedy, always biased, always fair!
Good catch! Don’t try that with a hand grenade.
Coach T, sorry for the peculiar combination of laughter and gastric distree you are simultaneously suffering. However, the CC has divided Public Speaking sessions of 30 minute duration into 10 slices, where previously there were 6 slices of the pie to divide. Three minutes to make a point where before there were five minutes.
It was meant to provide opportunities for more PUBLIC SPEAKING. What has happened, were you to look at the record, as is the right of each of us, is that there are more sessions over the past year where City Council persons sign in to speak than in previous years. Are there more public speakers? From my perspective except for budget or Gaza folks have remained silent in the recent past.
But last Monday evening five (5) City Council persons rose to speak before the CC and five (5) other speakers from the public also used minutes. The session maxed out as the President limited ongoing comments with a hard close. Perhaps this session, with its public safety fallback will become a topic of study or change. But from my perspective, more than one of the Council members, were directing comments to the public seated in the audience, some with signs critical of City officials, and others without signs.
How does this meet the standards of Council rules? Time will tell.
Mr Cruz seems to be a perfect fit on our council….lol.. God help us..