Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, who lost a close August primary for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, responds to reader comments in a follow-up to an OIB story about putting his Black Rock home up for sale. He writes, if Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley does not win he will leave Connecticut. From Walker:
It is sad to see people make assertions about me and others when they do not really know the person they are talking about. It is even worse when they make statements that are contrary to known facts and prior public statements by the applicable person. Let me be very clear, Mary and I love our home, our neighborhood, our neighbors and this state. At the same time, based on my extensive research, it is clear that Connecticut and Bridgeport need major reforms that, in my opinion, will not happen under the current leadership. The first test is this November 4. If Foley does not win, Mary, I and many other people will be leaving the state. If he does win, we could be in CT for some time. Even if Foley wins, Mary and I are empty nesters and we do not have family in the state. We simply do not need a home as large as we have. Let’s see what happens on November 4th. After this election, our local attention should be focused on next year’s city elections.
The Walkers have embraced our Bridgeport Community. They have supported our local offerings and have volunteered their time at many Black Rock events.
Only in Bridgeport would people be so snarky to this couple. If I could afford to get out, I would. I can’t!
Your City Council persons had 110 pages of backup material presented to them with all of the items to send to committee and/or vote upon.
As David Walker indicates, one month from today we shall need to turn around and look at the municipal election one year off.
The Mayor is getting ready for better communications, evidently. One of the proposals is for an out-of-state firm to re-design the City website (again?) at a fee no greater than $150,000. “Consultant will design, build, and develop a website for the purpose of supporting the communication goals of the City of Bridgeport.” Was this in the spring budget presented to the Council? Is it an OPED expense? Where does it fit in? What are the communications goals of the City of Bridgeport?
One item that is not in communication goals of the City is to allow any vendor to talk to someone who is paying their taxes and therefore for the services being purchased. For instance there is a ‘Covenant not to disclose’ aimed at protecting Confidential Information, but what would be confidential about “communication-type purposes?”
The same question popped up several years ago when I asked to discuss the external audit with the professional firm. No go. Vendor agreement keeps a tight leash on what we get to know, and when we get to know it.
One last thing is another out-of-state provider and contract, this time engaged in providing consulting services to the City regarding radio and TV advertising relative to “Rediscover Bridgeport” to demonstrate the City’s revitalization efforts. This is contemplated to spend up to $105,000.
Are these items in the budget for this year? Or are they subjects that should be paid from the mayor’s campaign chest? Will this effort on communications and media have any effect on the taxpayers of the City or those with low incomes who can go nowhere else? Time will tell.
Mr. Walker, you are deluded to think Foley has the answer and will institute reforms that will help our city. I expect Malloy will win, hopefully. Hopefully many more Republicans will follow your lead. Where will you go? What state serves your purpose? Now pick up your marbles and I am sure after Malloy wins you will quietly go and fade away. Perhaps you can try to become a Democrat again and try to be relevant with Hillary. Best wishes to you and Mary. I am certain there will be many in Bridgeport who will miss you. Your comments regarding Foley winning and you staying is just absolute BULLSHIT.
Steve–when you are a recognized expert on government fiscal policy and reform I will listen to your opinions on what will help our city. As to your last statement, have you considered Foley will ask Dave to head a department and use his expertise? Downsizing is something most baby boomers are doing these days. Why you feel the need to call anyone a liar is beyond me.
Jennifer, I used the term BULLSHIT. I did not call David Walker a liar. I did call him deluded.
Mr. Walker, Steven Auerbach has a point:
“Mr. Walker, you are deluded to think Foley has the answer and will institute reforms that will help our city.”
The problem is Malloy has all the wrong answers.
Steve: Why would you even say this? Why would you act like this? This is a good man who has done nothing to you. DUMFOUNDED on the attack.
Bond Girl–I did not attack David Walker. He is leaving Bridgeport if Foley doesn’t get elected. Doesn’t that strike you as ridiculous as the hundreds of thousands who said they’d leave the country if Obama were elected? Why why why can’t people stand behind their words?
Steven, your comments are way off base. For example, few Americans really want to leave the United States no matter who the President is. The U.S. is a net inbound country and is a place where people want to come to and very few want to leave. Such is not the case with Connecticut. People will change states based on a variety of factors. One of the greatest factors is where family resides. The fact is, Connecticut is a net outbound state. This will accelerate if we do not change course soon. In addition, you need to “look under the hood” and analyze the nature of who comes in and who leaves. When you do you will see that more people of means are leaving and more people who are dependent on government or who want to take advantage of “safe haven” status are coming. That is not a prescription for future prosperity. Please be more fact-based and solutions-oriented and less partisan and personal in your posts.
David Walker, I really do wish you well and continued success. Your post referring to people with means fleeing is spoken like a true Republican, just as when Obama ran for President it was Republicans asking to secede or stated they would leave the country. I used to be a Republican. I left the party for a number of reasons and gay issues were never one of them. It was during the Clinton-Bush election cycle and I have never looked back. I am sorry you are leaving after such a short stay. I was hoping you would remain and be part of the city’s future. I have been in this city since 1967 and it is finally moving forward or appears to be. I am sorry Mayor Moran was not able to move forward with the bankruptcy bid. Our city would be thriving today. The only Republican platform I support is dismantling a number of unnecessary unions that will continue to suffocate the taxpayers of this city. That being said, good luck to you. Sorry you couldn’t downsize to a place in Bridgeport like Anchorage or the Innwood in the North End.
Dave Walker, you said, “When you do you will see that more people of means are leaving and more people who are dependent on government or who want to take advantage of “safe haven” status are coming. That is not a prescription for future prosperity.” So Mr. Walker, what are your solutions?
It seems you want to just turn your back on those who are down. Remember this?
Statue of Liberty Inscription:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Mr. Walker, this is what America is about, not turning your back on them.
Steve, maybe those hundreds of thousands could leave now because we are saddled with this president for two more years. Steve, I suppose you will tell me he is doing a great job. Not!!!
Look, David Walker came to Connecticut hoping to get either a senate nomination of a congressional nomination. Neither developed and now it’s time to go. Every mayor we have had except Fabrizi has moved out of town.
I think President Obama is doing an exceptional job. The most progressive President in a generation. Do not be blindsided by Fox News propaganda. People may give him low points on polls but his accomplishments speak for themselves. The jobs numbers, the stock market, social issues and level-headed. I often wonder how many thousands of lives we would have lost if a Republican were in office. I especially love the appreciation Republicans have for Vladimir Putin. Well, the U.S. has all but crushed their economy and I give the youth about two years to dethrone Putin.
Really Steve, while people are working they are still not getting ahead. Let’s talk about his foot-dragging on Syria and dealing with ISIS. They are taking over large areas of Syria and Iraq and what are we doing? We are putting on a show by sending five to seven planes a day to bomb pickup trucks. You don’t have to watch FOX news, go to MSNBC and you will hear the same stuff. Obama is on track to being the worst president this country ever had. Just read the comments of historians.
The 1% is eterna$$y grateful to Pre$ident Obama.
Steve–Here are some lists of places to go:
Funny thing, CT, and certainly not BPT, are on any of the lists. BPT is on many lists but not for good things. I am glad you endorse Malloy. Who have you endorsed in the last couple years excluding Finch who is currently in office? Just asking.
If nothing else, Foley will be more pro-business than Malloy and that is what CT needs. Foley certainly seems to know how to make money. If BPT jumps in on that, good for BPT. There is something to be said about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps but if BPT waits around for someone to hand them economic recovery, that may work out too.
Everyone except Musto.
Folks: It’s time to ask the Ronald Reagan question–Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Think about that on Nov. 4.
MY APOLOGIES TO ALL. I DIDN’T REALIZE HOW MEAN I CAME ACROSS. TO ME, ANYONE WHO MAKES THE COMMENT THEY WILL LEAVE IF SOMEONE DOESN’T GET ELECTED IS AN ASS. SORRY! TOO BAD MANY “MR. WALKERS” ARE STUCK HERE. WHAT A MISERABLE EXISTENCE. MAYBE MR. WALKER WILL THINK TWICE WHEN HE IS OFFERED $300,000 less for his home because let’s face it, anyone looking to spend. That kind of money must have a brain and feel it is a real awful investment. Bond Girl, sorry if I sound awful to you but Walker’s centralizing he will leave Bridgeport if Foley is not elected sounds sad to me. Maybe John Marshall Lee and Jennifer Buchanan feel the same way. Maybe Foley will offer Walker a job. Well as you can imagine, these are the dreams I have daily. Not!
There are a great many of us who want to move, the day after the primary I reduced the sale price of my house to $40k below market value to get out of here while it is still possible. I am fortunate to be able to absorb a loss like this. Most are not.
Good luck, Jennifer. Unlike you, I love living in the City of Bridgeport and it has been a real struggle for me. I have no desire to leave Bridgeport and I love it here. Warts and all! I find it humorous all these political wannabes have their homes for sale.
Please don’t be sad. Why not use your optimism to answer the question why there are several business proposals among the contracts the Council Committee will look at and three of them find businesses in Oregon, Maine and Larchmont NY. Isn’t it great to know the City has not attracted, and therefore cannot find, the talent it seeks? And the talent is not in the State either, I guess, not that I was a part of any of these searches or vettings, assuming this is how it is done.
And by the way, so as not to start or maintain any rumors, Steve; Jennifer Buchanan and I have never contemplated “feeling the same way,” whether you dream about such things or not.
Mayor Finch asked Walker to think about serving early on, but never followed through. I would guess Foley would be happy to have Walker’s experience, ability and contacts at his disposal if he wins. But as the article says, without kids close by, or a local job to orient by, at this time of life downsizing and getting near family are the big draws. And lack of hospitality enough times and a City’s fiscal house in disorder are at least troubling, you agree? Time will tell.
Mr. Walker, Jennifer does dream of Walker getting a job with Foley. You JML, I know dream of Common Council meetings and sharing your wisdom.
You seem to have entered the Twilight Zone, Steve. You have no idea what I dream of. I am feeling kinda creeped out by your statements.
🙂 There is your incentive for another price reduction.
JML, I am not sad anymore. I just turned my frown upside down and am happy. 🙂
Type a 1 if you think Steve is a BIG ASSHAT!
I like the comment from Follow the Money. Walker and his wife have volunteered their time at many Black Rock events. That’s great, does he know any other area of the city except the great Black Rock, which by the way on any map doesn’t exist? Have they volunteered at any events in Washington Park? Were they at the Lunar festival a few weeks ago? I think not!!! So as it goes for leaving if Foley doesn’t win, I say don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
They were at the Lunar Eclipse this morning!
If Mr. Walker plans to move if Foley loses, he’d better start packing. I predict a win for Malloy.
Typical Republican bully, pick up your ball and run away. You lost and now you run. Try Texas, and secede from the USA altogether.
Walker has always posted in his own name. And you?
He was responsible for locating a small-business office for three years in a downtown Bridgeport location. And you?
He sat with Bridgeport and State of CT elected and appointed officials on multiple occasions to share his financial knowledge and vocational experience FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL. And you?
And he is termed a bully for what action or behavior exactly? Isn’t it you who is bullying the man and ignoring his character and actions?
If the “ball” in question is the value of his home, when he finally decides to sell then it is likely at this moment to be a less better use of his funds than other decisions in his life but he isn’t running away, but rather running towards a place where hospitality is generally warmer and economic values grow. And how is your “ball?” Well inflated or sagging and hard to toss?
Time will tell.
September 30, 2014
Kevin K. Washburn
Assistant Secretary–Indian Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
Re: Comments on the “Part 83 process”–“1076-AF18”
Dear Secretary Washburn:
I applaud you and Bureau of Indian Affairs in its efforts to reform the regulations pertaining to tribal acknowledgment which I have observed first hand and agree are long overdue.
Unlike many Connecticut Leaders, the City of Bridgeport and I are long-standing supporters of social justice and have wholeheartedly supported the recognition process of all our Connecticut Tribes. We recognize the history, cultural and spiritual values Native Americans have contributed and of their presence that long predates European settlement. In fact, many areas and features of our state derive from Native American names including our Housatonic River as well as our State’s name–Connecticut.
I have reviewed the proposed regulations and for the most part agree. I find one area troubling however; the provision to allow third party veto for reconsideration of a Tribal Petition for acknowledgment. 25 CFR Part 83.4 (b) as currently proposed abrogates, in my opinion, the Federal–Sovereign Nation provisions of our U.S. Constitution.
If, as you say in your announcement release on May 22nd, that “Reform of the process is long-overdue” and that a number of tribes were denied recognition under the current regulations, those tribes should be afforded due process under the revised provisions.
A third party should not receive veto powers concerning reconsideration. That is not a state’s rights issue or the province of an individual or corporation. Rather, the third party should be offered the opportunity to submit documentation in the acknowledgment process that documents why a petitioner has not fulfilled the criteria for acknowledgment. All parties should receive appropriate notice but the
regulations must address the Federal relationship with the Native American Tribe without the outright
denial by a third party without necessarily evaluating the facts of the petitioner.
Very truly yours,
Mr. Walker, there is hope. The mayor realizes the city and state is heading to financial disaster.
For the life of me, I can’t understand the petty criticism of Dave Walker. I had the opportunity to meet him for a meeting unrelated to politics, his or mine. I left admiring his decency, willingness to share his knowledge and experience, and mostly a real gentleman. He stepped forward and offered real input and was accused of having an agenda, as well as focusing only on Black Rock. What a waste and missed opportunity. If he and his wife made a decision to possibly sell their home, so what? I’ve been involved in Bridgeport politics for 40 years. I’m the only one from that time until now still here trying to help and serve, with no agenda, I might add. To Dave, don’t take any negative comments personally, it’s just part of Bridgeport’s political culture. I wish you luck in whatever you eventually decide to do.
Lisa Parziale, I am guilty of what you said. I truly did what you said when you wrote, “was accused of having an agenda, as well as focusing only on Black Rock.” He came in and right away start attacking unions. I questioned him on OIB about why he has not been in the East End and why he has not brought residents from PT Barnum Apartment into his group and how many blacks were involved with his group, CW4BB. I’ve said before he is a honest man but like John Marshall Lee, Walker wants everybody to think he is the smartest person in the room and if you don’t agree with him well you don’t know him. Lisa, I have nothing but respect for you and I do wish Mr. Walker and his wife the best.
There you go again, raising your old and tired objections. Just think, had you taken one of many opportunities to sit down around the table with Walker or me (the door is always open), you might have come to think differently. For instance, you might say you never learned more about Federal finances or reshaping structural imbalances at State or municipal levels from an hour with Walker, but he also might have listened (he does that well) and learned about the facts and opinions you would express about PT residents and racial issues existent in the City. Everybody wins.
You can re-read what you would rather do, and you keep repeating it. But I guess you have a slightly different spin for Lisa. By the way, she was at the first Movement meeting. There may be nothing new in politics, but there may be something that is done so infrequently it seems like new, and may possibly work, to create better governance and opportunities in the City we do not enjoy today. Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, one would think someone with the background of David Walker would know Bridgeport has a very large Hispanic and black population. One would think Walker would have made contact with both grounds to hear about their social issues. No, not Mr. Walker, he formed his organization CW4BB to give him a voice and platform, but to deal with issues concerning Black Rock. Sitting down with me does nothing in correcting problems.
You need to adopt a new shtick. It’s old, predictable and inaccurate. Would you have expected CW4BB to adopt an affirmative action plan to encourage black residents to get involved? Perhaps pay them to attend meetings? Did you ever meet with JML? Talk is cheap.
Tom White, CW4BB thinks the same way you do, the City has more blacks and Hispanics than whites but you don’t care about those residents. If someone wants people’s votes you would think they would go where those voters are but not you Tom White and that’s okay because that’s the Republican way. Tom White, have you ever wondered why one of the most popular Republicans in America, Colin Powell, has nothing positive to say about his Party if people like you can turn your back on this American hero then who the hell is Ron Mackey in this picture?
“Bridgeport has a very large Hispanic and black population.” Ron, so far so good. Then you step out of the real, I think.
Which group in this City should Walker or anyone contact in order to understand the social issues of blacks and Hispanics? And if you are not operating the Welcome Wagon to new minority whites in the City on behalf of blacks, who will do so? And if there are multiple spokespersons for all people, not just the two major “minorities,” then you have to listen one at a time, don’t you?
By the way, I wanted you to know at least four active residents of PT showed up at the Movement forum at Black Rock Library to listen and be welcomed. Breaking ground for new understandings? Time will tell.
Who can blame Mr. Walker for leaving? Our city is in decline, crime is up, businesses closing weekly, Finch and this administration have let all of us down. Heck, if I could afford to leave, I’d be out of here too. Good luck in the future, Mr. Walker.
My entire campaign was positive and focused on solutions. You must not have checked out my extensive campaign web site. In addition, I gave the Mayor and the Council plenty of proposed solutions they did nothing with. Will you be at the Movement meeting tonight? I will!
Ron, I feel the same about you. In fact you’re one of the very few who stayed in Bridgeport and contributed by sharing your knowledge and experience. I’ve never disagreed with any of your opinions, you’re spot on as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure you tried to expand Mr. Walker’s views regarding Bridgeport; but you know how long it takes to get to know the issues and players in this city. Heck, it’s decades for me and I’m still trying to figure out the dynamics. Let’s hang in!!!
We had a very diverse group turn out for tonight’s “Movement” meeting at the Black Rock Library. I stayed there for the entire 2-1/2 hours to hear all five of the potential Mayoral candidates.
Just out of curiosity … who were the five individuals?
Who appeared last night identifying as “potential” Mayoral candidates.
Just curious. Anybody can tell me.
The five men who were present last night to lay out visions, history and City problems after giving audience members an opportunity to be heard on their “heavy issues” are:
Charles Coviello, David Daniels, Howard Gardner, John Gomes and Bob Kealey. Happy to share their identities, just as they have been pleased to present themselves to the public on two occasions this past month.
Their next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at Hall Neighborhood House at 6:00 PM where they will again address challenges and vision for the City.
Whatever your current impression of one or all, come to understand if this gathering isn’t something very necessary and good for the City in creating ‘unity in the community.’ Listening on the part of all? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, I’m just a retired Bridgeport firefighter, I have no influence or power, I run no organization, I hold no position, I was the President of the Firebird Society of Bridgeport five years ago, I’m no spokesman for anybody, I’m just a veteran from the US Air Force. One would think with the background of David Walker, if he were going to run for public office he would have known he MUST reach out to the largest voting group in Bridgeport, blacks and Hispanics put together. There are black churches, oh wait a minute, Tom White doesn’t believe Republicans should go to black churches, so there are elected officials who are black, there are black businessmen, teachers, attorneys, doctors and others who Mr. Walker could have reached out to. Ron Mackey is not the contact person for the black community. I have a big trust issue with people before I open up about things and if I don’t trust I will ask questions to get a better understanding, so I don’t need to sit in front of someone to get that understanding.
You keep mentioning PT residents. I mentioned four of them who are part of a new initiative called PT Partners were present, welcomed and they listened to the speakers. How does that speak to you? They were invited. Their presence was acknowledged and the forum attendance, even at Black Rock Library mirrored the entire Bridgeport population more than most meetings. Did you miss something new while recounting all your reasons for why you were not there and why Dave Walker was? Is there something new happening your personal history and current participation might assist? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, so tell me how did it go and how did you do with those four people from PT Barnum, did they have concerns that needed to be addressed, did they add anything to the meeting?
Ron, Walker and any other Republican could go into every low-income area and they would not be able to overcome the lies and devious statements made by the black ministers. You and I both know the black ministers here in Bridgeport are bought and paid for by the Democrats.
Has it ever occurred to the black ministers with all the promises of a better life for all minorities coming from the mayors, governors and the presidents, their lot in life has not improved to where their children are getting educated and moving upward? As long as the black leaders keep selling out their own, the low-income people have no chance of moving up.
Andrew C Fardy, Chris Shays had no problem going to black churches and talking to the goers after church outside the church, Shays held his own with black and Hispanic voters. Almost every year Shays would come to Mt. Aery Baptist Church alone and would stay for the whole service then talk to people after church. Andy you are not giving blacks enough credit to get the word from the bible from their pastor and make their own decision about someone who comes to talk and listen to their concerns at their church which is the largest meeting place for blacks. Republicans can get votes there but if they don’t come and don’t talk then they wouldn’t get their vote.