UPDATE: GOP statement. Carl Higbie, a Trump administration appointee, former Navy SEAL and media personality who was scheduled to speak at the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner in May, resigned his position Thursday “as chief of external affairs for the federal government’s volunteer service organization after a CNN KFile review of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT comments he made on the radio.” Bridgeport Republican Town Chair Mike Garrett told OIB on Friday that Higbie’s invitation to speak has been rescinded as a result of his “intolerant and reckless” comments.
Garrett says he listened to Higbie’s audio bites that led to his resignation. Higbie had been listed as the speaker on the local GOP Facebook page. Garrett removed that passage from the page on Friday. Garrett statement:
“The Bridgeport Republican Town Committee condemns and is disappointed in the rhetoric and comments made by Carl Higbie. His actions and implied beliefs clearly do not reflect those of our committee or our party; a party founded by Lincoln and built from the ideals of men such as Frederick Douglass and Booker T Washington. He will not be speaking at or attending our event. We are in the process of booking a new Keynote Speaker who fits the ideals and values of our party. An announcement will be made in the very near future.”
Higbie was featured in an August 2017 OIB post in which Three Whiskey Patriots, Connecticut Republican State Chair J.R. Romano, and “outrageous” Silent Partner Marketing founder Kyle Reyes wax about media double standards over whiskey. The You Tube video of Higbie has been removed from the site.
Higbie issued this statement on Twitter:
I’m sorry. I’m not sorry that my words were published, I am sorry that I said them in 2013. Those words do not reflect who I am or what I stand for, I regret saying them. Last night I informed the WH that I was resigning so as not to distract from POTUS’ many success. noexcuses
From CNN:
Speaking on ‘Sound of Freedom’ in December 2013, Higbie, while recounting a time he placed an advertisement to give away free firewood, said “the black race” had “lax” morals. He added that black women think “breeding is a form of government employment.”
“Only one person was actually cordial to me,” Higbie said. “Every other black person was rude. They wanted me to either load the wood, completely split it for them or some sort of you know assistance in labor. Now, mind you the ad was for free firewood, come take it all you want. And I believe that this translates directly into the culture that is breeding this welfare and the high percentage of people on welfare in the black race. It’s a lax of morality.”
… Speaking on “Sound of Freedom” in June 2013, Higbie said he didn’t like Muslims because he hated their religious ideology.
“Go back to your Muslim shithole and go crap in your hands and bang little boys on Thursday nights,” Higbie said. “I just don’t like Muslim people. People always rip me a new one for that. Carl, you’re racist, you can’t, you’re sexist. I’m like Jesus Christ. I just don’t like Muslim people because their ideology sucks.”
Full story here.
Very Nice! That will not necessarily stop him from being the headline act at the Republican dinner. I’ve heard that “shithole” comment before . It is so unbelievable that in 2018 people still talk like this. Everyday for the past year it seems somebody new is leaving the White house. Trumps approval rating is at 37 percent. I am extremely pleased that the market is doing very well as it makes our retirement plans look amazing. Like I have never seen before. Everything else happening with this administration is just a total disappointment. Money laundering could be more important that collusion. Trump can be tried as President for money laundering. Go MUeller Go!
I wonder if Bridgeport resident and Republican candidate for governor, David Walker, will be attending and will he speak out, I doubt it.
How a Repubublican candidate embraces or distances himor herself from the Trump rascist, sexist, anti environmental agenda is essential to me in the voting booth. I am a lifelong Democrat willing to vote Republican for the right candidate but the Trump base agenda is the largest problem facing our country.
I’m appalled that in Bridgeport, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the northeast, a political party would have a man of such opinions to address a formal dinner. Of course Ethan Book and Joe McLaine would have us believe they are endeavoring to reform the RTC.
NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll data released Thursday finds that Americans deemed Trump’s first year a failure, 53 percent to 40 percent. And by an almost 2-to-1 ratio (61 percent to 32 percent), Americans said they believe Trump has divided the country since his election.
How would you suggest that those of us who are public-minded Republicans in Bridgeport might serve the public interests?
It is one thing to talk about Michael Garrett and the rest if the honky mafia at the RTC, quite another to make substantial changes in the organization. As per your earlier statement that you don’t belive Trump is a racist, well… You must be living in a gingerbread house. Donald Trump’s low regard of blacks and Hispanics is a matter of public record. You cannot be blind to it. He wants to build a wall along the southern border to keep Spanish speaking immigrants out of the country. The appallingly slow pace of aid to Puerto Rico is the result of his administration’s antipathy toward the island’s inhabitants. His response to the widow of an African-American soldier killed in Afghanistan amounted to “Tough shit, he knew what he was getting into.” A soldier gave his life in service to the nation and that’s all he could say.
Face facts, Ethan. According to The West wing insiders quoted at length in Michael Wolff’s tome Trump didn’t even want the job, he campaigned ito raise his brand profile and get an ego fix. now we’re stuck with. Him. White nationalists, skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations have increased violent attacks against Jews, b,acts, immigrants and anyone else that doesn’t fit in to their “white Christian” world view.
The GOP at the local, state and national level is incapable or unwilling to meet these challenges head on, unable to stand up for what is right.
Are we talking about matters of the Bridgeport Republican Party or of national politics. If you want to talk about Trump, I will do so briefly. Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border isn’t specifically directed against Spanish speakers, rather it is a plan to address a problem of illegal immigration along the longest border where it occurs. Also, what you refer to as an appallingly low rate of assistance to Puerto Rico likely had something to do with a large number of national disasters occurring almost simultaneously, possibly in part for Trump’s desire to ensure that a lot of the federal aid would be lost to government corruption. Speaking of concern about people in such circumstances, I personally contributed financially to the Puerto Rican disaster relief. I have a heart for the internationals. I lived for eight years in Latin America including two years in Colombia in the Peace Corps. My first son was born in Guatemala and my next two sons were born in the Dominican Republic. Simply because Trump does not do things like you would like him to do doesn’t mean that he’s racist or bigotted. Also, do not generalize on all Republicsns because of a few. Further, I alone likely will not be able to remake and redirect the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee but with others perhaps including you, we can !!!
Below are links to articles where CT GOP Chairman JR Romano failed to adequately address racial issues in Connecticut, usually when it came from members of his own party. From CT GOP State Central members who fly the Confederate flag, referring to foreigners as “junk people”, to the State Party Chairman hanging out with Alt. Right Whiskey Patriots, I think the CT GOP and Bridgeport RTC need new leadership. FYI, the confederate flag and “junk people” are still members of the exclusive CT State Central Committee.
I as a current member of the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee have been concerned for several years about the direction that several of the leadership have been taking us. It has been apparent that several are more concerned about self-promotion and their political positions with the State Central Committee than they have been serving the people of Bridgeport and advancing good candidates and good policies. I am aware that in 2016 Joe McLaine raised the issue of racist policies by several. In my three active political campaigns since 2013, I have promoted good public policies. It became clear that my objectives differed from some of the party leadership. Last year, I filed two lawsuits: Ethan Book v. Michael Garrett Ethan et al. is for seeking party information which is a matter of right for a member; Ethan Book v. Linda Grace et al. Is to challenge the party endorsements of some Republican candidates for City-wide office who were not endorsed at a July meeting with a lawful quorum (i.e., there were too many present who were not lawfully-appointed members because Chairmann Garrett bent the rules at a January 2017 meeting in order to pad the group with his loyalists). For steps which Joe and I have taken, there was a behind-the-scenes agenda by several to keep Joe and I from being endorsed at the recent January 9th caucus to keep us from being reappointed to the town Committee. We both have presented complaints to the GOP State Central and to the State Elections Enforcement Commission. Also, we are in the process of developing an independent group, Responsible Republicans for Bridgeport. I cannot say that there are not some Republicans who are racist as there are some Democrats who are racist. I am a lifelong Republican because the stated policies overall are best. I continue to promote good public positions including government financial responsibility and accountability and judicial reform.
Ethan Book, thank you for informing us of these issues and the best to you in your fight. I’m sure that most Democrats in Bridgeport agree with your position, “I continue to promote good public positions including government financial responsibility and accountability and judicial reform.”
I’ve voted and supported Republicans in the past like Stewart McKinney, Christopher Shays until he became a war hawk, all were Connecticut’s 4th Congressional District members and Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. for U.S. Senator. I voted for Jodi Rell for governor. Where is the moral leadership of David Walker, he is a Bridgeport Republican resident who is also running for governor who does not have the courage to speak out against someone like Carl Higbie, a 45 administration appointee and against 45 and his racist comments. Why in the world would blacks be apart of a political party who doesn’t respect them?
Ethan, are you still on the Bridgeport RTC?
Jennifer, I am officially a member of the Republican Town Committee at least until March. Unfortunately, at the January 9th District caucus, I did not get the votes for party endorsement for the upcoming two-year term. I’ve been an RTC member since 2013, run three good campaigns in a difficult district (for the high Democrat to Republican dominance), qualified for state election funding twice (the only Republican in Bridgeport to have done so), in my 2016 campaign for state representative, knocked on every available door of 10,000 registered voters (something that very few candidates of any party can say), in the three campaigns I registered about 200 republicans, I speak Spanish, and out of all the candidates for the District caucus, I was the only candidate who could satisfy the 50% attendance requirement for eligibility. Yet, out of the eight candidates seeking one of seven seats, I was the only one who didn’t get enough votes for endorsement. This sure looks curious. I’ve presented a complaint to the SEEC for the defects of the caucus. I also consider a primary challenge. For that, I would need at least one other candidate to form a challenge slate and we would need signatures by January 31st (at least 15 signatures of registered Republicans, not an onerous task). The people of Bridgeport are receptive to a good Republican voice; in part for the known defects of the existing single-party system, many people in Bridgeport are hungry for a good Republican voice!
The Republican Party in Bridgeport is a lost cause. It is a fiefdom. Michael Garrett plays it more for sport and ego rather than ideology or what is in the best interests of the people of the city of Bridgeport. John Slater used the chairmanship as a stepping stone to a better job. (From what I heard he took the post because no one else was interested.)
You will not accomplish meaningful change unless and until you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. People and organizations ate making a huge effort to oust the entrenched old boys at the DTC. They are on the verge of succeeding, changing a political organization with an entrenched bureaucracy. They actively recruited candidates from the larger community.
Your efforts must include recruitment of fresh faces, people interested in changing the RTC for the better. If it is rocking for the Democrats…
John Slater was elected to state central Vice Chair in a very competitive and hard fought campaign, with some very interesting emails exchanged…. don’t know who you’re getting your information from Kid regarding Ct State Central elections, but they were blowing smoke up your pant leg. Slater earned that position.
John was doing a lot of hobnobbing at high level Republican levels, going to football games in Maryland and to wrestling matches when he should have been doing more supporting all Town Committee objectives in Bridgeport. Other than doing some things to support Rick Torres, he did next to nothing to help good candidates on other districts. That’S not a good strategy for long-term party development. Mind you, Rick deserved reasonable support. As you are aware, I actively supported Rick’s campaign efforts. But we are more than a single candidate group. Also, there are various questions about record-keeping and finances under John. For example, the available records suggest that there were various complimentary tickets given out for last year’s Lincoln Day Dinner. John was the organizer of that and he announced his candidacy to be Bice Chair of the GOP State Central just before that. When he gave his talk at the Diner, he reminded the group of his candidacy. So there is an unaddressed question of whether he used Town Committee funds in giving away complimentary tickets, perhaps some to State Central delegates to impress and to community residents to pack the house to suggest that the diner was a success!
Ethan, when I buy a table for 10 at the RTC Lincoln Day Dinner, I am the donor of record, my 9 guests are not complementary, because their seats were paid for. Are you saying the record shows the RTC wrote a check to the RTC to cover tickets to the RTC fundraiser?
So Ethan, what exactly are you saying, having knocked on 10,000 registered voters doors, registering over 200 hundred new Republicans, hearing how many people wanted to hear the Republican message, qualifying for public financing – the reason You didn’t win the three elections you ran for was because of Slater? It seems you were a full out engaged candidate, doing absolutely everything a successful candidate does to win an election. So again, why didn’t people vote for you?
And since you stayed for the meeting that Mr. McLaine was escorted out of, by a policeman, as opposed to thrown out, were you going to report that the slate replacing him consists of 2 whites, one Asian, 2 blacks, and 2 Hispanics. Now how do you suppose a racist chair convinced such a diverse slate to join the Bridgeport RTC?
Ethan, with all due respect, the fact that you are obsessed with what John Slater does in his personal life is out of bounds and quite frankly reeks of desperation. Would you like it if people questioned what you did in your personal life? Is John not allowed to have a personal life? How about a full time job? Do you have a problem with that too?
The fact is that I would put John’s accomplishments in fundraising, leading the opposition for things like the Finch tax increases, organizing and coordinating voter outreach campaigns, being a candidate, helping candidates in a variety of ways (including door knocking, organizing campaign materials, phone banking, treasurer roles, etc) and modernizing and growing the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee up against your contributions to the party any day of the week. I know this because I was involved in ALL of it as the Secretary, an RTC member and continuing now as a beyond borders contributor.
The Republican Party in Bridgeport is not a lost cause but it may be at the stage of requiring intensive care !!
Scott, when I mention some of John’s personal life when I have observed and experienced his glaring lack of support for my campaign pursuits, you now say that what I say is out of bounds and is of desperation. What you say has no foundation. I acknowledge that John does well in fundraising programs. On other matters, your primary experience with the RTC mainly predates my experience. Since I became a member of the Town Committee in 2013, I have not seen that John has lead opposition in things like Finch tax increases, he has not organized voter outreach programs (as I suggested and as he said the RTC was planning to do, he has not been an effective active candidate and, other than assisting Rick Torres, he has not significantly helped other candidates. When I campaigned for State Representative in 2014, he said several times that there would be an RTC fundraiser for me. That never happened. He said various times that he would contribute to my campaign. He failed in the times he said he would give. Then late in the campaign, he said he was ready to give $20. By that time, I had obtained the necessary funds. This is part of it. After the election, I told him his support was pathetic. He accepted that. I have not been aware of what you have been doing for the RTC whiLe living in Trumbull except for doing some website updates, hosting some fundraisers for Rick Torres and attending Lincoln Day Dinners. With all due respect, you are making bold statements without well knowing the full extent of the subjects you address!
They did you a favor. I showed up at the caucus to make a statement, I had no intention of participating. I will not even consider being a member of the town committee, running for any office as a republican, or supporting any party endorsed candidates until the racist old guard leadership is removed.
Joe McLaine, you need to become a Democrat and try to work in your district.
For now I am needed as a Republican so I can keep a watchful eye on those of the true “CORRUPT EMPIRE” with the mindset that only we are entitled to rule. The leadership of the BRTC.
Higbie obviously a whack job. Just checked out the Lincoln Dinner page on the Bridgeport Republicans website and see no information of any kind regarding a speaker.
Assume they grabbed him through some Speakers Bureau because he had some national presence (?) and then when they found out he’s over the top, they dumped him.
That is good news for the Republican party.
Denis, Higbie was listed as speaker on local GOP Facebook page. Bridgeport Republican Town Chair Mike Garrett deleted his name as speaker today.
BRTC Chairman Mike Garrett is expressing faux outrage as Higbie’s racist comments have been made public. Carl Higbie accurately reflects the values of Mike Garrett which is why he was booked as the keynote speaker. When booking a speaker, research is conducted concerning the person’s background, biography and prior public statements. In my opinion, Higbie’s previous statements where conveniently overlooked by Garrett for the Lincoln Dinner and JR Romano when he appeared on Whiskey Patriots.
When I was a BRTC member, I tried to bring Chairman’s Garrett’s racist actions to the attention of CT GOP Chairman JR Romano and was met with silence. I don’t believe the CT and Bridgeport Republican Party are racist political organizations, however I am convinced that Mike Garrett is a racist and JR Romano condones his actions based upon prior experience.
Romano doesn’t give a damn about the BRTC. The committee can’t deliver the goods. Here you are carrying out an internal feud in a public forum, like a bunch of teenage girls sniping in a chat room.
Sounds like a true Bridgeport Republican.
What! Dennis O’Malley is a Democrat?
Never mind…..
Please, Trump is not a racist. He is racially ignorant.
What the hell is racially ignorant? It’s a racist but a kind way of saying it.
Q: What’s the difference between Donald Trump and porn star Stormy Daniels?
A: Stormy screws publicly and Donald screws the public.
What a shithole human.
Recent polls indicate Trump’s approval rating at 39%, the worst of any first term POTUS. As the nominal head of his party the GOP is in serious trouble across the Board. The oarty lost statehouse races in New Jersey and Virginia, a Senate seat in Alabama (a Democrat beat the GOP candidate in the deepest red state in the southeast), legislative seats across the country.
The leadership of the Democratic Party serves the interest of a clique of well heeled apolitical business interests, not the greater good. Bob Keeley’s lawsuit exposed Mario Testa’s manipulation of absentee ballots, the standard operating procedure for too long.
According to Messrs. Book and McLaine the leadership of the GOP in Bridgeport plays the game out of self importance rather than advancing the party’s platform and ideals. As the GOP is outnumbered by the Democrats 10-1 in voter registration any effort at change is a lost cause.
The dominant voter ratio of Democrats versus Republicans does not mean that any effort of change is a lost cause, particularly where the single-party system has resulted in a vacuum, a type of default where the public has begun to recognize the defects of the single party system and is more receptive to differing opinions and players. To win, we must be smart and work hard. We can do it!
TBK says, “any effort at change is a lost cause” and while he seems so right in the short term, things have a way of changing even if the labels stay the same. TBK also references “advancing the party’s platform and ideals” which is laudable and something practiced in the 50’s and 60’s but who can tell what Bridgeport’s DEMOCRATIC Town Committee sees as its platform and ideals.
And if the DTC does not know, speak them regularly, and is someimes challenged then perhaps there are no such things today. Would it surprise you to find this out? Can it be that q
JML, what is your point?
(cont.) most of the ‘registered’ Democrats wouldn’t know a platform unless they tripped on one? Could it be that they are as passionless about politics as many others unless it comes down to cold hard cash that costs them for less value than they think should be delivered? The word challenge already contains the word change within it, if only the pursuit is followed steadfastly with your eye on the target. Time will tell.
JML, the Democratic Town Committee has nothing to do with any platform, nothing, there mandate is to have either 3 or 4 meetings a year, to select delegates to certain nominating conventions.
Where is this mandate stated, Ron? How is it communicated? I am using the term “platform” in a similar sense to “what it stands for” as you do when asking candidates to affirm or deny? Time will tell.
Undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, so-called “Dreamers,” should be allowed to remain in the U.S. and apply for citizenship, 79 percent of American voters say in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Another 7 percent say Dreamers should be allowed to stay but not apply for citizenship, and 11 percent say Dreamers should be required to leave the U.S.
Support for allowing dreamers to stay and apply for citizenship ranges from 64 percent among Republicans to 92 percent among Democrats, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University Poll finds.
American voters oppose 63 – 34 percent building a wall along the border with Mexico. Republicans support The Wall 78 – 19 percent and white voters with no college degree are divided with 47 percent supporting The Wall and 49 percent opposed. Every other party, gender, education, age and racial group opposes The Wall.
Looking at marijuana, voters say 58 – 36 percent, including 79 – 17 percent among voters 18 to 34 years old, that marijuana use should be made legal. Voters also support 91 – 6 percent the legalization of medical marijuana.
Every party, gender, education, age and racial group supports legalization of marijuana except Republicans, who are opposed 62 – 33 percent, and voters over 65 years old, who are opposed 50 – 41 percent. Hispanic voters are divided 48 – 48 percent.
Voters oppose 70 – 23 percent enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana. No listed group supports enforcing federal laws. “Looking at immigration, voters insist emphatically, ‘Don’t dash the dream.’ Voters say that immigrants who were brought here as kids should be allowed to live out their adult lives here as citizens,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
“The demographics say pot is here to stay, either for fun or to provide medical comfort,” Malloy added. “And the message to Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Hands off.”
American voters have a 47 – 14 percent unfavorable opinion of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, while 37 percent haven’t heard enough about him to form an opinion of him. The Tax Plan
Voters disapprove 52 – 32 percent of the recently enacted Republican tax plan. Support is 76 – 7 percent among Republicans. White voters with no college degree are divided, with 41 percent approving of the tax plan and 38 percent disapproving. White men are divided at 46 percent approve of the plan and 43 percent disapprove. Every other listed group disapproves.
The tax plan will increase their taxes, 33 percent of voters say, as 24 percent say the plan will reduce their taxes and 37 percent say it will not have much impact.
The wealthy will benefit most from this plan, 66 percent of American voters say, while 22 percent say the middle class will benefit most and 4 percent say low income people will benefit most.
TBK, some polls,which are largely affected by liberal media, do not necessarily reflect the good which President Trump has accomplished; an improving economy, reduced unemployment, a reduction in illegal immigration and a quality appointment to the Supreme Court!
Ah, there it is, the old “liberal media” red herring. The news media reports the facts. Do not lump basic journalism in with the post-game analyses on CNN, MSNBC, FNC and every other cable news outlet. The polls cited above were taken directly from Quinnepiac University’s website, not the “liberal media” spewing “fake news.”
Any job growth can be attributed to the last yrars of Barack Obama’s presidency. Sending ICE agents to raid warehouses and diner kitchens in search of illegal immigrants does not qualify as a “reduction” in illegal immigration.
Donald Trump has divided the nation. His xenophobia and bigotry is there for all to see. White nationalists, the KKK, skinheads, neo nazis and neo confederates fell emboldened by his presidency. David Duke showed up in Charlottesville to “fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.” You criticize Michael Garrett for racism but overlook the same quality in Donld Trump.
Jennifer, it is true that some paid for their seats at the Lincoln Day Dinner as I did. However, there appears to be a gap between the meals paid for and the total receipts. In other words, it appears that meals were paid for by the RTC which were not reimbursed by all attendees. Answers have not been forthcoming. Regarding my campaigns for state representative, the biggest hurdles were a Democrat to Republican ratio of 18 to one and an urban culture mentality of voting Democrat. I entered the races well knowing that winning would be a big challenge. I have also said that to win in such circumstances requires more than a Lone Ranger. It requires a team effort.
Regarding the slate of Town Committee candidates for the 135th district, it appears that Mike’s goal was to replace Joe McLaine as District Leader and several active voices such as Rosa Correa, Eddie Correa and Willie Smith. In doing that, he followed his usual practice of going around the district structure to do it on his own, thereby centralizing his power and failing to delegate in a way that would better encourage party growth.
For Scott and Jennifer, I yet fail to understand any proper cause for various of the Town Committee leadership including Mike Garrett, John Slater and District Leader Joseph Borges to actively and behind the scenes keep me (and several others) off the Town Cmittee simply because I have raised some issues including of transparency and accountability which they don’t like, matters which challenges their centralized control. It strikes me as being similar to retaliation for peaceable exercise of my constitutional rights. Considering also some of the hard productive work that I’ve done on several campaigns, I must ask what is the materiality, the harm to the RTC, of what I have done such that they would take such overt measures,
Also, Scott, during the last week of the state campaigns in 2014, when Tom Foley was running and there was a party push for all hands out for him, were you and John Slater in Florida?
Ethan, you are drunk on drinking 45’s and the Republican Kool Aid.
It’s usually on John Birch Society Kool Aid, this is a refreshing change for those of us who have known him for years.
Ron, Trump has accomplished much good in improving the economy, in reducing unemployment, in reducing illegal immigration and in getting a quality appointment to the Supreme Court.
You forgot to note the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel. That’s Trump’s greatest accomplishment.
I would say so. To hear Ethan Book tell it Donald Trump reinvented the wheel and can walk on water.
Trump instructed Ryan Zinke to open environmentally sensitive coastal areas to oil exploration. After the Deepwater Horizon exploded and burned leaking 210,000,000 gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico it was clear that large oil corporations tend toward unscrupulous behavior if the government allows them to operate without regulation. (Nearly a decade later tar balls are still washing up on the gulf shores of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.)
The Democrats on Capitol Hill took a risk in allowing a government shutdown and it worked: the majority of the American public blames the GOP.
Ethan, are you suggesting that the election was rigged? If so, that is a pretty serious allegation. Do you have proof that Garrett, Slater and Borges were “actively and behind the scenes keeping you (and several others) off the Town Cmittee”? It seems to me that you take issue with the Chairman’s efforts to grow the party by reaching out to residents of Bridgeport to get them involved as active members of the town committee. Is that not one of the primary responsibilities of the Chairman?
I was not present during the caucus, but it’s my understanding that they were all democratically elected. By the way, I hear that you brought a Democrat to the caucus with the intent to have that person vote for you in a Republican only caucus? It sounds like you, yourself were trying to rig an election.
As far as your assertion that John and I were in Florida? While it is correct we were there, and this has already been addressed the last time it was brought up by people wishing to find some kind of angle to attack John with, that trip was planned long in advance of Foley’s run as Governor and by the way, it was only for two days. So are you suggesting that John taking a pre-planned two day trip out of state is the reason Foley lost?
Yes, I’m saying that the caucus was rigged, rigged against Joe McLaine, Bob Filotie and me. It is clearly undisputed that there wasn’t lawful notice of the caucuses. Rather, there was selective notice to various who were expected to be Garrett loyalists. There was not the appointment of a permanent District chair as is required in the Bylaws. In addition, the issue of the non-eligibility of two candidates in the 131st was disregarded by both Cisco Borres and Joseph Borges. In addition, it is curious that Mike is known to have reached out to personally to various, again going around the district structure to stack the house in his favor. Joe Borges told me in advance that he intended to get me off the Town Committee, for reasons he nener explained. Further, there has been no direct denial of this from the RTC leadership. All this is sufficient for a public allegation. If it is denied, there are ways of reviewing it further.
Regarding the trip, what is reported appears to be a pattern for John. While one has a right to one’s personal life, when one accepts a high public position, one must expect some personal sacrifice. I certainly did it for my campaigns. Also, I asset that there is much more effort for a campaign as I did in 2016 than there is in organizing Lincoln Day Dinner.
BTW, Scott, someone apparently misled you. I never brought a registered Democrat to vote in the recent District caucus. That person stated to me several times before the meeting that she’S Republican. After the caucus I went to Cisco to double-check. What he reported is that the person to me means that she has not been a registered Democrat.
You were given notice a campaign was in place to remove you from the RTC. The point of elections is to elect candidates the majority believes Best represent the party. Your district votes for your representatives, seems you had both warnings and time to rally your supporters and have yourself re-elected. If you were an effective member of the RTC with a loyal and supportive district it would follow you would have been re-elected. You’re spending a lot of time blaming a lot of people, you’re defending your numerous lawsuits and complaint filings against the RTC. Starting a new Republican group seems to be your best and most substantial idea to date. Best of luck to you Ethan.
Ron, Ethan and I clearly don’t share the same opinion of 45. I must say he does his best to improve the community with his hands on approach. I am not always in agreement with him but he is one of the few local Republicans who do make a meaningful effort. As for his assessment of the leadership of the BRTC, sadly he is correct. Because of the issues brought forward by Mr. Book and myself, after years of neglect and pursuit of self interest by the old guard they have been pressured to follow the rules, become accountable, increase the membership beyond a white majority and hopefully abandon the practice of candidates in name only. Ethan and I have plowed the fields and planted the seeds now lets see if it grows.
What has that effort gotten you gotten you, the Republican Party and Bridgeport? Nothing, even with a poorly run DTC you have nothing to show.
Ron, That is a very appropriate question. Only time will tell if my efforts were successful. I didn’t plant magic seeds, we will need to wait and see. If I see no improvement in the BRTC in the next 12 months I will be the first to say that I have failed and will consider your suggestion that I become a Democrat.
You “planted the seeds”? Is there a man among you? You have the paraphernalia, the ideological rhetoric, the shined shoes, but it’s all bullshit. Unless you push away from the desk, get off your ass and engage in real-time politicking you’re wasting time.
The Bridgeport Party presently doesn’t have much to show. It can and should do better. That can be done with more proper delegation and less centralized control, better adherence to the Bylaws, recommitment to our full set of party objectives, recognition that Republican candidates can, in fact, win in Bridgeport, even in the more difficult districts, and possibly some changes in leadership! Our basic message is good! We can and should improve in the delivery!
Jennifer, I had prior specific notice that Joe Borges had expressed an agenda to keep me off the Town Committee. Nonetheless, I didn’t know the seriousness of that and I
attempted to work constructively with him. Apparently that had to do, in part, to me questioning Mike’s action of unilaterally appointing his live-in girlfriend to the District in January of 2017 and of me questioning Joe of reports that he had a drug problem during the time several years ago that he was the Republican Registrar of Voters. I did not have reasonable notice of the caucus. I only received notice six days prior thereby giving me one day to submit my written application by the deadline. I did not know what was going on behind the scenes until I got to the caucus. No one can scramble for every eventuality, and one should not have to do so where a democratic process is established. Not only was the process illegal, it was unreasonable, that to the detriment of the party. I have various options including presenting a formal complaint to the State Central, presenting a formal complaint to the State Elections Enforcement Commission, filing a lawsuit, waging a primary, starting a new Republican movement, bringing these matters to public attention, and do nothing. I have filed the mentioned complaints and I consider others of the earlier mentioned options. BYW, in Rick Torres’ recent mayoral campaign, did John Slater, as Rick’s campaign treasurer, give you a check for $2,500 for consulting?
Look up the campaign financial report for your answer. In the meantime I’ll be looking up assault arrest records, you know, men who hit women.
My my my,
This IS a lively discussion. Mr. Book is to be commended for working to improve community relations. The RTC is corrupted by personal agendas and a collective inability to play by the rules (parallel to the DTC under Mario Testa’s leadership).
Several individuals and organized groups are working diligently to replace the old boy network of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. After years of corruption the oeople of the city of Bridgeport are taking notice of the possibility to become engaged in the political process outside the voting booth. If it is working for the Democratic Party (and there are many indications it is) concerned Republicans ought to effect positive change in their party using similar grassroots methods. It might be difficult given that many Republicsn sympathizers support the party with money, not canvassing and other ‘retail’ political action.
Jennifer, your response confirms that you received a check for $2,500 from John Slater for consulting on Rick Torres’ recent mayoral campaign. Legally, your response is a negative pregnant. This raises several other questions. Does this not suggest that you have a conflict of interest regarding these various issues discussed above? Does this not suggest that you are one of the Bridgeport Republican Party insiders? Also, it compels us to ask what was the result of that money?
Regarding your comment of looking into arrest records about men who assault women, unless I’m mistaken, that apprears that you heard someplace that I have been arrested for assaulting a woman. If that’s what you are implying, you not only are fully mistaken, your manner of raising this is wholly improper. If you think you might find something different by digging into the records, please do so promptly and thoroughly and let us all know what you find out!
While the above is important, these matters should not distract us from other important issues raised in this thread. I refer to the question of why Mike Garrett, John Slater and Joseph Borges had hidden agendas to keep me off the RTC, of the significance of Joe Borges, as the temporary District caucus chair not conducting an election for a permanent chair and of Joe and Cisco failing to disqualify two candidates for not having satisfied the requirement of minimum 50% attendance during the current term. Are you suggesting that the RTC and the public simply ignore these issues? If so, are you not complicit in neglegence and fraud in an election matter (re: Conn. Gen. Statutes, Sec. 9-355)?
Additionally, an additional option for me to add to those mentioned above is to declare myself as a candidate to be the RTC Chair; election in March !!
You are hilarious. Absolutely clueless, but hilarious nonetheless.
You are without a doubt the epitome of the uptight honky, Ethan.
Jennifer, if what you are referring to is my last message to you, to what do refer as to being hilarious? Might it be to the implications of you having received the check for $2,500 from John Slater, or that your inference that I have been arrested for assaulting a woman is totally without foundation, also is unprofessional for you to attempt that, or our more pressing issues are addressing the very glaring defects of the recent 131st District caucus or that another option for me in addressing these matters is to declare my candidacy to be the RTC chair. If these are hilarious and I am clueless, then put up in explaining yourself in detail for each of these.. I totally reject your attemp at a conclusory brush off !!!
This is better than Mario and the DTC.
You have no idea Ron. I’m actually being both kind and restrained.
I received a check from the Torres campaign because Rick Torres hired me. Slater was the treasurer, and has been for more Bridgeport campaigns than I can count. It’s a matter of public record that I’ve been paid by more than one campaign for my work. I couldn’t recall how much I was paid. Hilarious and clueless to try to spin my employment into “Slater wrote me a check” and I am thus a RTC insider. I haven’t been on the RTC in over 16 years, and haven’t lived or voted in CT in 2 years. I said nothing about you with regards to arrest records. However you certainly assumed and quickly defended yourself. You’re clueless to see your hypocrisy in your statements I was wrong to (whatever) but the rumor you spread specifically that you heard Joe Borges had a possible drug problem is OK. You’ve sited the lack of outreach by RTC leaders, yet when they do outreach and bring in new members, you’re outraged because you’re voted out by the newest members. You keep asking why your district and 3 RTC members wanted you out. How many years have you been on the RTC and you don’t know when the annual meeting is held, you don’t bather to read the notices in the paper? Clueless. You constantly attack anyone who doesn’t agree with your interpretations of rules and the law, you file complaints and lawsuits, have you won any rulings in your favor? And you are still clueless as to why the voting members of your district, and possibly leaders want you off the RTC. You imply the reason you lost 3 elections (did you even get the votes of the 200 new republicans you registered) and Foley lost the election was because Slater didn’t do enough. Most hilarious, clueless and quite frankly Sad, you’re considering running for chair of an organization that has voted you off the island.
And, Ethan you are a smart, articulate hard working man. If you would refocus your efforts and goals from looking for what’s wrong with everyone else and finding what’s right and positive and working to promote that, you would become a very effective and respected leader. You might even win an election.
I hear violins…
Jennifer, one does not have to be on the RTC to be a party insider. You talk like an insider because you don’t care to look at the clear leadership errors that I’ve raised. You’ve benefitted from them. What you said about an arrest record implied more than what was said for which it was reasonable that I took the affirmative to clear the air. That said, let’s go a step further in clearing the air. I haven’t yet received any explanation about why Garrett, Slater and Borges wanted me off the RTC. I pose here several reasons. To them, I’ve been an annoyance. I haven’t been an annoyance for doing anything wrong. Rather I’ve been an annoyance for doing things that are right but which are uncomfortable truths for them. Regarding the lawsuits, despite obstructionist legal tactics by Jonathan Klein, there has been valuable issue development of where and how the courts could intervene in party matters. Also, there has been no dispute that there was not a lawful quorum for the RTC actions of certain endorsements derived from the July meeting. In addition,e Mike Garrett has wanted to marginalize me for fear that I would raise some uncomfortable information about him and his long-term live-in girlfriend. During about 2006, Zulma Matos pled guilty to a federal felony drug trafficking charge. Mike pledged $250,000 of his residential real estate for her bail. This raises several questions including when the romantic relationship began between them and when he learned or should have known about the drug problem. Then, after September of 2016 when Mike was trying to block Joe McLaine’s recommendations for filling long-term vacant seats on the RTC, Mike ignored the recommendations saying that they had not been properly vetted and then he proceeded to appoint Zulma Matos to the 131st District without any disclosure of the background to the District or to the RTC. Apparently, Mike has different standards for vetting for his own recommendations than he does for others. With respect to notice of the recent caucus, the starting point is to determine if the notice given was legal and reasonable. It was not legal or reasonable. Only if you can say that it was reasonable can you begin to critique my response! And then, he supported that, without her attending even two meetings during 2017, she could be a candidate for reappointment. Yet another foul. Again with respect to reasonable notice, Joe Borges, my District Leader, didn’t even answer my question as to who had presented statements of interest. Another foul. There comes a point that the entire process is corrupted and for the glaring unaddressed legal issues, you accept caucus results as a reality when they are legally void. You say that I am clueless. I say that you act with deliberate indifference, an epidemic among the RTC insiders.
My last address to you. You haven’t won a legal decision in your favor, and it’s not because your charges lack merit, it’s someone else’s fault. In America, One can sue the Pope for Paternity, chances are you’ll lose that suit. You don’t just bring up procedural issues, the Chairman’s nominee hasn’t attended the required meetings, you have to present a resume and background of negative information that you spent time researching that has absolutely no bearing on the actual issue at hand. Throw in your judgment assessment, The Chairman should have known she had a drug problem. Here’s the deal, you look for and think the absolute worst of everyone else who doesn’t agree with you then you share a linty of their perceived shortcomings, jumping to wrong and illigocial conclusions via public speaking at RTC meetings, emails and now here. You never stop, you never are wrong, you never present a solution or compromise, it’s always I’m right and everyone who refuses to acknowledge and support me, I’m going to smear and cast suspicion on. You could be the most correct and absolutely right person in the room, but your desire to destroy the total reputation of an individual, who disagrees with you and refuses to engage with your never ending pontificating is what keeps you from being effective. Cast not your pearls before swine, engage with someone once, share the good news and if they don’t want to hear it, move on and don’t look back. I still believe you’re a smart, hard working man who wants to make a difference. Tearing others down and apart to make yourself successful hasn’t gotten you very far, has it? I’m completely done with engagement with you. Good luck Ethan.
P.S. According to the Bylaws, one doesn’t have to be a member of the RTC to be nominated to be Chairman. Me clueless? Not hardly!!
The GOP has a serious image problem, at the local, state and national levels. Long before Donald Trump began selling “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” hats for $35.00 apiece the GOP was viewed as the of angry white men fighting a “cultural war,” intolerant of gays, minorities, women’s lib, equal rights and environmental regulations. From what you’ve said about Michael Garrett and John Slater that mentality pervades the BRTC.
I walked East Main Street with Rick Torres campaigning for votes in 2015. Soon as people heard he was the Republican candidate the reaction was negative. That wasn’t because of the DTC and the “one party system” you piss and moan about.
Derek, you’ve sum it up good about Republicans, as for Rick Torres, I’m no fan but he made the wrong move in running for mayor, he should have ran to keep his city council seat and be apart of the process instead of on the outside looking in.
I call it as I see it, Ron.
There was a story in this morning’s CT Post about Trump rolling back all manner of environmental regulations. It’s unlikely the oil companies will begin drilling exploratory wells off the New England coast. Most of the nation’s proven oil reserves are in Alaska, Ohio, California, Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico.
I do not challenge the RTC’s action of rescinding their invitation for Carl Higbie to speak at the upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner. Rather I challenge the process and context which led to him being invited to speak. The decision to invite Mr. Higbie was unilaterally made by the Lincoln Day Dinner Committee which has been perpetually chaired by John Slater (who knows by what authority) and with unannounced insider Committee members appointed by the Slater/Garrett shadow steering committee. During 2016, Slater was the chairman of the RTC audit committee, again an unannounced committee of insiders, who did a very cursory review of RTC financial matters over a period of time a portion of which was when Slater was the RTC chairman. In other words, he was the chairman of the audit committee which was supposed to review the period for which he was chairman. Go figure! He then failed to make available the brief audit report that he read to the RTC from his cellphone. My point is that there is a practice within the RTC leadership of picking insiders to give the opinions and take the actions that the leadership wants. That”s not a good decision-making process. It makes the entire RTC more susceptible to errors.
In addition, if the racially-charged statements of Mr. Higbie are sufficient for Mr. Higbie to resign from his position with the Trump administration and for the RTC to rescind their invitation for him to speak, then Mike Garrett should resign from his position as the RTC Chairman for his abject failure to conduct legal and fair caucuses (Our constitutional system is as a republic where there is the rule of law, not a pure democracy where the elites tend to get control of the voting processes.) and for his illegal action of appointing Zulma Matos, his long-term live-in girlfriend, a convicted criminal for federal felony drug dealing, to the RTC without reasonable vetting and disclosure. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!
It’s time for an extreme makeover of the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee!!
Sounds like a quixotic battle. Good luck battling the windmills…
I doubt you will be leading the charge, Ethan.
Jennifer, you may not want to continue our discussion. Am I getting too close to the truth. Your choice doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t reply to your comments. In court, I’ve had victories and issue developments. Are you trying to say that Jonathan Klein didn’t use obstructionist litigation practices in the recent cases? I’ll be happy to give detail on that. Are you trying to say that there aren’t systematic biases in our courts? Are you saying that there isn’t a need for judicial reform? Perhaps you are saying that my very public position now since 2010 that there is a need for judicial reform is negative campaigning. You acknowledge that you have worked on various campaigns. How many have you won? What actually did you do for the Torres campaign. You say that me bringing up the matter of the undisclosed criminal history of Mike’s girlfriend is inappropriate. Hasn’t Mike raised the issue of the drug history of some Democrats? Isn’t it better to raise negatives in an up-front public forum that presenting distorted information behind the scenes or by innuendo? Isn’t it curious that the only ones who have spoken in favor of Mike and John in this thread (you and Scott) are ones who have been paid by the local Republican establishment? If the legal issues that I’ve raised regarding the recent caucuses render them legally void (and the defects reflect improper insider control) are you suggesting that I not raise these matters as part of a challenge to the process and the results, also for public exposure? Are you not attempting to constrain me to few options that would make it more difficult to challenge the insider status quo? I remind you that I am not a second-class citizen and I’m not a second-class Republican. Finally for now, can you say that there was proper legal notice according to Party rules of the recent caucuses? Can you say that it was proper for the RTC leadership to entertain candidates in the recent caucuses who were, according to the party rules, ineligible for the minimum 50% attendance requirement? Conn. Gen. Statutes, Sec. 9-390 establishes that candidates for Town committees must be selected in accord with the party rules. Conn. Gen. Statutes, Sec. 9-355 deal with negligence and fraud in an election matter (a statute which can involve criminal penalties). By ignoring the information at hand, you could be considered as an accomplice to negligence and fraud in the recent Republican caucuses. Finally, do you challenge my position that the decisions made by the RTC leadership are more likely susceptible to error where the leadership invites only opinion from selected insiders and loyalists? Jennifer, you set the stage for our discussion. Do you simply retreat when your predisposed positions don’t get the acceptance that you are accustomed to getting?
Ethan, I saw you in church today, I’m not a member there but I do attend a number of black churches every Sunday. As for this topic you are wasting your time with the Republican Party.
Ron, so you were also at Cathedral of Praise this morning. It was a very good service. I wish you had approached me to introduce yourself. It is my view that issues of the local Republican Party are best addressed through public exposure, grass roots challenge and/or the courts!
Better start saving those bottles and cans, Ethan. You’ll need the money to hire an attorney on retainer.
From what I’ve seen here your are merely bitching about the way things are. Changes are afoot in the Bridgport Democratic Party. Bob Keeeley’s lawsuit uncovered a bunch of illegal and unethical shit that we all suspected. If you, Ethan, ate unhappy with they way things are in the RTC put your money where your big mouth is. Hire an attorney and sue. The U.S. Cconstitution allows the people to petition for redress of grievances. Get to stepping, and make it snappy.
TBK, certainly filing a legal action is a viable option. Unfortunately, I don’t have the available funds as does Bob Keeley, whom I’ve known for years. He has retirement for long-term service on the legislature and he has a good job as director of the Orcott Boys & Girks Club. My financial situation is depressed mainly because of my role several years ago as a specialized bank officer of having observed issues of the activities in resource recovery. That disrupted my banking career and changed my life. The role of a whistleblower can be honest, honorable and productive, but it can be uncomfortable until it is fully resolved. In addition, whistleblower matters are not normally short term for resolve. But they’re normally not long term like thirty years for resolve unless there are high-level public figures involved. I’ve been operating successfully a small Limousine Service business, but for the demands of continuing to work through the layers of whistleblower matters as well as such collateral matters as come along like the RTC matters, my income levels have been depressed. I don’t have flush funds to be able to hire an attorney by myself.
Nonetheless, I’m rather knowledgeable about legal matters. An attorney who has reviewed my work says I would have a chance to pass the state bar exam without having to get a law degree. State rules allow for exception to a law degree for taking the exam but the state exam committee hasn’t yet allowed me to take the exam. There clearly is Court bias against self-represented litigants, but like most trends of undue preferences, there are always ends to the preferences. I like what Martin Luther King said, “The ARC of history bends toward justice.”
A option for me to challenge the RTC status quo through court action is one that I seriously consider.
Jennifer, on my point of obstructionist litigation tactics by Jonathan Klein in the two cases I presented last year, I give here explanation on one of those, Ethan Book v. Linda Grace, Republican Registrar of Voters and Charles Clemons, Town Clerk. In that, I seek to have the names of Republican candidates for City-wide office removed from the ballot because they were selected at the July RTC meeting where there was not a lawful quorum, largely for Chairman Mike’s propensity to illegally appoint members. The lawsuit was filed on September 9th and amended on September 21st. Attorney Jonathan Klein knew at least by October 4th that he was retained by the city to represent Linda Grace. However, he did not file a motion to Dismiss until late afternoon of October 18th, at least two weeks later and the day prior to the scheduling of the injunction hearing. By the filing of that motion, he knew that the court would not proceed with the hearing before reviewing and hearing arguments on the motion to dismiss. Also, most of the Motion to Dismiss was merely a copy and paste of material that he had presented in the earlier case, Ethan Book v. Michael Garrett, that where I seek RTC records which are a matter of right for a member. In addition, the motion to dismiss was frivolous. None of the issues raised by Atty. Klein were accepted by the court in the manner raised. Thus, Atty. Klein’s delay in presenting his frivolous motion to dismiss was obstructionist, intended to delay and to block review of the merits of the case. Atty. Klein has failed in the Rules of Professional Conduct which, in the Preamble, provide that “A lawyer is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice.”
In addition, it is relevant here that the decision to dismiss the lawsuit issued by Judge Kamp on November 6th gave primary focus that I had not included the RTC as a defendant. My position is that I did not need to include the RTC as a defendant as I was seeking no relief against the RTC. Also, the issue raised by Judge Kamp, that being an issue if an indispensable defendant, is not a jurisdictional issue, is not an issue of lack of subject matter jurisdiction and is not the kind of issue that a judge can raise sua sponge and without notice, pleadings and a hearing. This then raises the issue of systematic court biases and the need for judicial reform. Nonetheless, Judge Kamp laid out a road map of how to get court relief in the future.
With respect to me having raised the subject of the criminal record of Mike’s live-in girlfriend, it was neither inappropriate nor irrelevant for me to raise that. What I presented regarding Mike’s conduct of unilaterally bringing on insiders to the RTC, and that without proper vetting and disclosure, is something that should have been foreseen and expected by both Mike and Ms. Matos for bringing her into a public office. It is relevant to the topic of ingrowth on the RTC.
Regarding Rick’s most recent mayoral campaign, it is reported that, prior to the election, Mike, as RTC Chairman, approached a Ganim campaign operative to say that he merely trying to keep Rick in the race in order to draw votes from Mary Jane Foster so that Ganim would win. Then after the election, Mike spoke with Ganim to ask that he be hired as a legislative liaison (to which Ganim offered Mike a position as a member of a commission, which Zimmerman declined because that would not have a salary).
Finally for now, you complain that I’m always right. Is that your typical drop-back position when your other far reaching arguments fail? I repeat, it is indisputable that there are substantive legal defects to the recent caucuses which render them legally void, void ab initio!
This pertains to matters much of which I have already brought to the public, also which I brought to the attention of the RTC leadership before I was candidate for state representative, which involves an unaddressed issue of constitutional protection for a single piece of litigation-related correspondence, and further underscores the need for judicial reform. Again, what is your point?
What’s your point, Jennifer?
Ethan, ok so you win all of your points, what you gain? You gain NOTHING because the Republican Party in Bridgeport never, again, NEVER have any power in your life time, you need to move on.
Ron, the Republican Party has good power. As a major party, it has the best message (i.e., more fiscal/budgetary conservativeness, more conservatism in social issues and better adherence to the constitution). The local Republican Party needs an extreme makeover but has ingredients for change. The insider hold on the RTC isn’t as strong as it might appear. There are cracks in the monopoly hold. We are closer to the tipping point than it might appear. There are several means for accomplishing this, including through a lawsuit!
The RTC has absolutely no juice in Bridgeport. This is a Democratic stronghold by virtue of demographics.
I for I eould like o know the GOP’s stand on environmental issues. Bridgeport is cluttered with abandoned factory buildings. Most of these buildings contain barrels rusting and leaking industrial chemicals into the ground, a problem for all of Connecticut’s foresaken industrial cities. (Right now there is an oil spill in Waterbury, oil leaking from a manufacturing facility.)
After the Macondo well blew out in 2010 dumping 5,000,000 barrels (210,000 U.S. gallons) of Louisians sweet crude into the Gulf of Mexico one would think the federal government would have learned about the dangers of deepwater oil exploration. The Macondo was drilled from a platform a mile above the sea floor. The well bore went 2.5 miles below that. Oil and gas deposits at that depth are under enormous pressure, more than 5000 PSI. it is a given that oil corporations like BP and Exxon Mobile will put profits above the environment. That philosophy will lead to another disaster equal to or surpassing the Deepwater Horizon explosion.
But it doesn’t matter. Making money is more important than life itself. That’s the GOP’s platform.
TBK, I can’t give you the answer to the specific local environmental issues which you raise as I don’t have enough specifics as to the problems and the existing regulations. However, I can say that you can’t blame Republicans as Republicans haven’t been in power in CT. It sounds like there may be some federal issues for which I suggest that you contact Congressman Himes or our US Senators.
The Gulf oil spill was a great tragedy in many respects. I don’t know if blame is properly assessed against Republicans or Democrats but I’m sure that whether the primary issues were lack of suitable regulations or failure to enforce existing regulations, adjustment have been made to reduce a recurrence.
I cannot accept your position that all Republicans care about is making money. Republicans support capitalism which means reasonable regulation of free enterprise. There have been times of inadequate regulation of free enterprise under presidents of each major party. There seems to be a misperception that Republicans, in supporting capitalism don’t care about the disadvantaged. Generally, this is not true. We can see the principles of capitalism in the Biblical parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). There is an expression that necessity is the mother of invention. A difference which I see between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans defer to limited need whereas Democrats pander to wants. Thus, invention, labor, sacrifice and investment are stifled.
Republican Party was able to get more Hispanics to join during the 12 year time that Bush 41 and Bush 43 but that’s dead now because 45 doesn’t want Hispanics even living in America. Cities with large population of people of color will never support the Republican Party. Ethan, Bridgeport has a very large population of people of color and there NOTHING that you or any other Republican can do to change that. If you don’t see and understand that then there’s no hope for you. You will gain nothing if you get everything that you are fighting for, nothing, you won’t help to change anything in Bridgeport. You must want to be a big fish in a very small pond with no power to make changes in Bridgeport.
Ron, At a past BRTC meeting I described the committee as a smoking pile of crap under Mike Garrett’s leadership for multiple reasons. And you do make many valid points.
My question is where do you see Bpt. WFP in a few years. It is my opinion that they will take the #2 spot as a political party in Bridgeport.
It’s not that President Trump doesn’t like Hispanics. Rather, he wants better enforcement of our immigration laws. Perhaps, urban blacks tend to vote Democrat for thinking that they do better with Democrat leaders. However, for over 60 years of voting Democrat, what has it gotten them? In Bridgeport, people are becoming more aware of the deficiencies of the single-party system and they are more receptive to a good Republican voice. I’m well aware that there are many people of color in Bridgeport. I live in the Hollow and I’m dating one. I believe that the basic Republican message in Bridgeport has not been communicating well as there have been too few Republicans to get out to be part of the community and the process, to well understand the needs of the people and to formulate good policies. I believe that good acceptable policies can be developed within the Republican ideology but it take effort, a listening ear and creativity!
You can spin Trump’s bigotry any way you like but it still smells the same, an ugly attitude that has no place in the United States of America in 2018. Two years ago Trump went on record with the opinion all Mexican immigrants are rapists, murderers, drug dealers,
etc. (I live next door to Mi Rancho, the most popular Mexican deli in Bridgeport. Every weekday morning I see Mexican immigrants entering the business to purchase breakfast. Some are painters, some landscapers, some caper tears and plumbers and electricians. Not a one of them is a criminal.) And what about Trump’s designation of Haiti and the 54 nations on the African continent as “shithole countries”? Slurring native Americans? What about the nonexistent aid to Puerto Rico? Cutting a check for a nonprofit charity for the tax write off does not count as altruism.
Donald Trump, the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a racist, a sexist, a pig that cheated on every one of his wives, is the face of the GOP. His disapproval rating is hovering around 37%, the worst of any POTUS after a year in office. Spin that any way you want, Ethan. Tell us the polls are influenced by the liberal media, that polling data from Price Waterhouse and Quinnepiac University is “fake news.” Trump is a many of ugly attitudes and uglier opinions. He declined a state visit to the UK because massive protests would have “made me look bad.”
As far as the industrial pollution in Bridgeport I asked what the local GOP’s position is. You dodged the question.
Joe, I also think that the WFP will replace the Republican Party in about 5 years. Again, blacks aren’t going to join the Republican Party and 45 has pushed Hispanics totally out of the Republican Party at the local, state and national level, the Republican Party is now a white male with a high school diploma in the South. The Jack Kemps, Jacob Javits, Nelson Rockerfeller are long gone.
I don’t know much about the WFP except that it has a policy of supporting working families (a laudable idea as long as there is balance with inventors, investors, etc.) and that some of their financial support come from socialist sources. If the Bridgeport does not soon change its modus operandi, the WFP may well take the #2 spot in Bridgeport. That would be less likely if it makes some prompt changes!
The question is Ethan, why are you staying in the Bridgeport Republican Party?
Absolutely! The Republican Party has the best basic policies! I’d be happy to meet with you to chat more!
Ethan Book, okay, the Republican Party has the best basic policies, now what? Basic policies with no power, no supporters means nothing. I have nothing to chat about it fact I’ve chat too much on OIB about this subject, it looks like you are on a power trip that will do nothing to improve Bridgeport.
The Republican Party has the best policies. In Bridgeport, we have some power and some supporters. Having the best policies is the right foundation for parleying our position to improve our power and our number of supporters. That can also be accomplished through changes in the attitudes and practices of the RTC leadership and/or changes in the leadership. My purpose is for long-term development of good public policy. While my primary goal is not power, power could be a result of the process.
I expect that our paths will cross at some point. I look forward to that. God bless you !!!
Ethan, may God bless you. You refuse to look at the facts. Ethan, what city in America that has with the majority of the voters are people of color that is govern by Republicans?
But Ron, I look at the facts! Consider the conditions of those cities where the majority of voters are of color and the mayors are Democrat. The conditions of those cities are normally not good, unemployment is high, crime rates are high and education results are below standard. I look also at the reception that I’ve gotten from the great majority to whom I’ve campaigned. The reception of me and my message has been high. Some vote for me. Many who like me don’t vote for me, not so much for ideology but rather for culture. In my view, I should just keep on doing what I’m doing, plowing the turf and allow for the return in God’s manner and in His time!
Ethan, you are caught up in the word “I” and not “we,” there’s no “I” in the word team. It’s all about you and you are going to be the savior all by yourself as a Republican. You are not using your head, instead you are using your heart you’ll never get anywhere like that. You can’t even give one city in America that has a Republican mayor where the majority of the voters are people of color. In elective politics the name of the game is to get 50% plus 1 to win. In order to get that you have to get your voters to the polls. It’s like you’re promising to put a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. You will NEVER get blacks to vote for Republicans in Bridgeport, not even for you Ethan, black church goers are very respectfully to those who attend their church but that doesn’t transfer into a large number of voters coming out to elect you and even if you got elected you would have no power because everybody else will be Democrats.
Ethan, the member of Cathedral Of Praise were very respectful to Democrat, Guy Smith, who is a candidate for governor as they were towards you last Sunday but that doesn’t mean that they will vote for him although he gave a good short statement.
Your zeal is notable but you avoid answering questions directly.