The Valor Of Jazmarie Melendez Standing Up To The Bully

Anthony Paoletto

Samia Suliman

Nessah Smith

Karen Jackson

Michele Small

And now Jazmarie Melendez

Their commonality comprises quite a political club: all have represented the 138th City Council District once aligned and now disconnected from the vomit world of councilwoman Maria Pereira who was expelled from committee assignments Monday night for pernicious conduct: calling Police Chief Roderick Porter a pig, flipping a middle finger to the public, insulting the Muslim community, body shaming a mayoral staffer.

All of the above know all too well the venom that flows so darkly from the troublesome-stalking  Pereira, a vengeance junkie backing vengeful mayoral candidate John Gomes who was fired by Mayor Joe Ganim in 2022.

They received the control-freak Trumpian insults, nasty text messages, harassing emails, hateful letters dropped into their mailboxes, the social media projectile threats, bullying, name calling, body shaming.

Jazmarie Melendez at Monday night’s council meeting. Photo courtesy of Joel Gonzalez.

It’s never easy sitting next to a demagogue in action as was Pereira’s persona Monday night in a recalcitrant defense of the charges, dripping venomously into the record as Melendez waited resolutely for her moment to speak to her peers and a full council chambers, a first-hand retelling of abuse heaped on her and constituents.

“How many people along the journey of me getting elected told me how they are scared of her, how she harasses them, how they feel bullied by her. And that is the truth…I myself is also being bullied by Maria.”

Melendez’s determined delivery was followed by a large roar of approval and standing ovation from many spectators.

Melendez is not some seasoned pol who has built up years of scar tissue from this and that. She’s a 25 year-old who experienced the pain of loss, her 15-year-old brother Jayson Negron killed in a police encounter nearly seven years ago.

Politics is an intriguing avocation. Keeping score is a public duty. One of the many things that burns the bones of Pereira is the gnaw of eating the dust of a running mate.

In last September’s Democratic primary, Melendez ran well ahead of Pereira in the Hooker and JFK precincts. Pereira, for all of the Gomes’ campaign’s meowing about absentee ballots, survived because of the mail-in vote she harvested.

Melendez in the general election also ran ahead of Pereira.

Pereira throws around the word “karma” like nickels and dimes.

We are what we put in, right? Maybe, maybe not.

Melendez’s declaration Monday night was a much larger attribute. She stood up to the bully that transcended a one-on-one beef. She didn’t make it just about herself, she made it about a long line of people undeserving of malevolence as well as weary constituents sending Pereira a powerful message at the ballot box.






  1. Lennie, Jazmarie Melendez’s declaration was just one of those ever rare moments. It was the kind I call a “Bravo” moment. I spent just about a whole week observing Ms. Melendez during the week long Congress Street take-over years back. I was impressed by her cool, calm, and collective demeaner. She commanded respect and authority something that is still lacking in the very department they were protesting against.

    Pereira tried everything short of a fisical assault
    against Melendez. Pereira went as far as making a political threat against Melendez, stating the she guarantees that Melendez will not be getting re-elected if she runs for city council again.

    I had decided to step back from local politics after this crazy cycle. I’m not stopping until Pereira goes down. Not only will I insist Melendez returns, Maria Pereira’s replacement shall have the last name of Gonzalez and it won’t be me.

  2. Oh, look who is back! RT, Dude don’t you ever dissapear and leave me alone with JML EVER again. Give our elected officials some credit. They did try fixing the hole on Pereira’s head. You should have attended Monday’s meeting. Pereira looked like Wonder Woman all she needed was JML’s Red Boots. She ended up giving the Palestinians something to laugh about. Did you check out Jazmarie Melendez’s picture? I snapped it just for you, she’s not just pretty, she is smart and courageous. By the way, I’m sorry I had to cut your cable wires, I figured you’d use the time off OIB to get some sleep.


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