The CT Post’s Journalistic Scarlett Letter – Sucker Shots Ganim Close To Primary

Hugh Bailey, CT Post Editorial Page Editor, sucker shot number one.

Sucker shots, depending which side you’re on, are dangerous close to elections. Voters rely on certain institutions for fairness when navigating choices, without lies and innuendo. Remember knucklehead FBI Director James Comey barbecuing Hillary Clinton close to the 2016 election? It aided Donald Trump’s election. There was no justice in Comey’s decision which he later lamented.

Same goes for news outlets that posture fairness but ignore it when it really counts.

The Connecticut Post news department, from reporter Brian Lockhart to Editorial Page Editor Hugh Bailey, and various unindicted co-conspirators, tattoo a Scarlett Letter for journalistic adultery.

None own the courage to say in retrospect we got it wrong. That’s because in their “we’re-smart-you’re stupid” minds nothing else matters.

Brian Lockhart has lied to readers. He has lied to me.

Brian Lockhart, sucker shot number two.

Hugh Bailey has lied to readers repeatedly on his platform, just makes it up without doing his homework.

Why? Because they’re flaccid to admit the truth of their hatred, a preconceived notion of someone’s past without examining the alternatives.

“My god, we cannot do that, what would our readers think.”

Don’t ever think a news organization is anything different than the politicians they claim to check. Just a different animal.

Wendy Metcalfe, chief editor, unindicted co-conspirator.

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The Connecticut Post wants to end Joe Ganim’s mayoralty and they don’t care how they do it because in their myopic heads: it’s what we are supposed to do.


Every day, during election season, I receive all kinds of emails and calls from this, that and the other thing, rumors galore. I process them.

Joe Ganim faces a September 12 primary challenge from John Gomes.

I’ve fielded all kinds of info on both.

I don’t jump on it in the cause of extra clicks. Okay, what’s the point if the info you process is wrong? Won’t it bite you later?

In the old days when I wrote for the Post we had a code: no sucker shots close to the election.

See, no one inside the CT Post monitors sucker shots, starting with Bailey, Lockhart and unindicted co-conspirators who are too lazy to understand the difference.

I sent this editorial to the CT Post: Let’s see if myopic Hugh Bailey has the courage to publish it:

Re: September 3 editorial:

Once again, the sanctimonious ministers of morality on the Connecticut Post editorial board, led by Hugh Bailey, confuse readers with another sucker-shot, false-information diatribe, one week before a Democratic primary for mayor.

Fact: the State Elections Enforcement Commission voted in June (yes, June) to refer to investigators potential violations of absentee ballot law involving the 2019 mayoral primary. How did the story show up two weeks prior to the primary? What was the rush to run it when the allegations occurred in 2019 and have not materialized any charges?

Fact: the Post dropped this irresponsible piece of prattle under an apocalyptic headline, dwarfing M&T Bank’s huge announcement to place a branch in a much-needed East End financial desert. Fabulous news was drowned by comparison.

Fact: the candidate the Post endorsed in 2019 Marilyn Moore was the only mayoral candidate fined by the state for election law violation.

Fact: the court trial that settled the 2019 primary won by Joe Ganim uncovered irregularities by Moore’s campaign team as well

Fact: Moore hired in 2019 to supervise her absentee ballot operation a person found guilty of multiple absentee ballot felonies in connection with a Stratford election one year prior.

We don’t hear that narrative from the Post. It’s more important to lazily pat themselves on the back for a premature victory lap.

Trumpian, poor reporting corrodes readership confidence. Knee-capping a mayor so close to a primary shows its biased BS. Fairness is a word alien to the Post.

(Lennie Grimaldi is editor and publisher of Only In Bridgeport.)



    1. Antonio- I was going to make some comments as soon as I saw this piece but decided, nah, maybe I’ll get banned again 😂 😂 🤣 🤣
      And then I saw your comment….. and…………..yeah, we’re on the same thought pattern.
      (That’s why some of us are not here much any more). Enough said. 🖕

  1. Lenni,
    Could not agree more strongly with your CT Post opinion piece. It will never appear in the Ct. Post.
    While I still am a paid subscriber, I continue to bitch about the sanctimonious posturing of Hugh Bailey on all issues; affordable housing, education, climate, race, policing, etc. That, coupled with not a lot of non-wire service content makes it difficult to pay the $16 a month.
    As I’ve said before, Bring Back the Bridgeport Light!

  2. Good for you Lennie!
    Now if you could only get the Post to publish some conservative columnists on an ongoing basis, it would make the print subs fee a little more palatable.


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