Hey, with all this drama playing out with Ricky DeJesus, there’s a special election for State Senate February 24. Former State Senator Ed Gomes has been endorsed by two teachers associations. News release:
Connecticut teachers have endorsed Edwin Gomes for the special election in the 23rd Senate District, which includes portions of Bridgeport and Stratford.
Gomes, a former state Senator, received the endorsement from both of the state’s teachers’ organizations, the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) and American Federation of Teachers Connecticut (AFT Connecticut).
Gomes is running in the Feb. 24 special election to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Andres Ayala, who was appointed Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles by Governor Malloy.
“Ed is a proven leader and outspoken advocate for public education,” said CEA President Sheila Cohen. “During his 11 years in the state Senate, educators could always count on him to stand up for students, teachers, and public education. We know that as a state senator, he will continue to make tough choices, and do what is right for Connecticut’s children and public education.”
AFT Connecticut President Melodie Peters said Gomes is a civil rights champion and has been a force in Connecticut’s labor movement for more than 50 years.
“Ed has earned our support,” said Peters, whose union members also include public schools’ support staff, nurses and healthcare workers, higher education faculty, and state and municipal employees. “We know he can hit the ground running and work with educators, healthcare professionals, and state employees to fight for great schools, affordable, quality healthcare and strong public services.”
The CEA Board of Directors unanimously voted to endorse Gomes at its January meeting. Members of AFT Connecticut’s legislative and political action committee earlier this month recommended support for Gomes’ candidacy to the federation’s executive committee which unanimously endorsed his bid to return to the state Senate.
“Ed is kind and thoughtful, but also fearless and passionate in his belief that the so-called corporate reform movement is a negative force in public education,” said Cohen. “He will fight efforts to treat our children as commodities to be profited from and focus on public education’s mission of excellence and equity for all students.”
No doubt a very impressive endorsement. Mr. Gomes should be proud. I do know in the past they also endorsed Mary-Jane Foster and Chris Caruso. I am not so sure these associations translate into votes. Good luck if they do.
Hi Steve,
Thought I’d stop by and comment. These associations can and will translate into votes, if these teachers, although many do not live in Bridgeport, start making phone calls, and even knock on a few doors … and Gomes will win.
Well, I actually hope he does pull it off. I admittedly am not a staunch GOMES supporter; many of my friends and political acquaintances are. I may have believed it would serve the City well if Mayor Finch had his choice in Hartford, but I do not know DeJesus, I have never met him. There is no personal investment there. I do know Ed Gomes, I have voted for him in the past and I do know at least 50 people who know, respect and will vote for him so good luck. Marilyn Moore is my senator. Finch needs to surround himself with better, aboveboard characters. This deal can sink a career.
Steven Auerbach, you have said in the past you have heard him speak but you have never spoken to him. I strongly urge you or anyone else having any concerns about Ed to just talk to him directly. Ed Gomes is the real deal.
Ron, I have spoken to Ed. I had voted for him. My friend and neighbor George Bryant asked me to support him. My only concern was his lack of support for Steelepointe.
Gomes isn’t a deadbeat dad or a tax cheat … that makes him a more of a “better, aboveboard character” than his opponent.